
Stories 101 - 114 | << Prev 

House Progressives Call Out Obama on Public Option

Democrats may be headed for intra-party battle

(Newser) - House progressives have told President Obama that they “cannot vote for anything less” than health-care legislation with a “robust public option”—all but threatening a showdown if, as seems likely, the White House doesn’t push for a public plan, Talking Points Memo reports. The California lawmakers...

Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me
 Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me 

Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me

Senator wrote letter delivered by Obama

(Newser) - In the months before he died, Ted Kennedy penned a letter to Pope Benedict beseeching the pontiff's prayers—and enlisted no less a messenger than the leader of the free world to deliver it, reports CNN. “I am writing with deep humility to ask that you pray for me...

Emailers Search for the Right Sign-Off
Emailers Search for the Right Sign-Off 

Emailers Search for the Right Sign-Off

Regards? Best? XOXO? That's me, yo?

(Newser) - Saying goodbye at the end of an email, especially a business one, is a puzzling minefield of etiquette with no clear rules, Ruth McCann writes at the Washington Post. "Best" is becoming more popular, McCann observes, but many swear by the slightly stiff "Sincerely," while others still...

Obama Brings Pope Letter From Ailing Kennedy

President asks Benedict to pray for ill senator

(Newser) - President Obama delivered a letter from Ted Kennedy to Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican today, CNN reports. Obama met with the pontiff for about a half hour before leaving Rome for Ghana. The contents of Kennedy’s letter were personal, an Obama aide said, and “not known to...

Madoff Lawyer: 12 Years Is Enough

Sorkin says court must resist 'mob vengeance'

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff’s lawyer says his client shouldn’t be jailed for life for his $65 billion Ponzi scheme, Reuters reports, urging the sentencing judge in a letter not to heed calls from victims for “mob vengeance.” A 12-year sentence would be enough, though 15-20 years wouldn’t...

Lost-and-Found Letter Shows Lincoln's Terse Side

Embattled prez had more to deal with than Civil War

(Newser) - A handwritten note dated just a few days before Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has finally made its way back to the National Archives, the Washington Post reports. The terse communication from the president to Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase addressed corruption charges against a Lincoln appointee. "Even though this...

LAX Security Removes Obama Letter Writer

(Newser) - A woman who insisted on trying to hand a letter to President Obama today got a special delivery courtesy of LAX airport security instead. Brenda Lee, 58, was carried away from the press area of the airport just before Air Force One touched down, reports the Orange County Register. Lee,...

Will Your Letter Reach Obama? This Guy Decides

White House correspondence head chooses 10 per day

(Newser) - The White House Correspondence Office sorts through tens of thousands of messages daily, and it’s up to its director to select which 10 find President Obama’s desk. But how to choose? “We pick messages that are compelling, things people say that, when you read it, you get...

Lugar to Obama: Reach Out and Touch Cuba

Senator slams embargo, calls for policy shift, new envoy

(Newser) - As members of Congress move to rethink US-Cuban relations, Sen. Richard Lugar is urging President Obama to take firm action, including initiating direct talks, the Washington Post reports. The Indiana Republican says the US embargo on the country “undermines our broader security and political interests in the Western Hemisphere,...

No, Bloggers: Obama Doesn't Think Chirac Is French Prez

(Newser) - The tone of a letter from President Obama to Jacques Chirac has some in the blogosphere wondering if Obama knows that Chirac is no longer the president of France, writes Jimmy Orr in the Christian Science Monitor reports. “Doesn’t Obama ever consult his staff before acting?” one concerned...

Ohio Killer of 5 Vowed He Would Change

'I WILL NOT let you down,' he wrote to judge in 2005

(Newser) - An Ohio man who killed himself yesterday—a day after police said he killed his wife, sister-in-law, and three children—told a judge in 2005 that he was ready to be a law-abiding citizen if he was released from prison. "I swear to you from the bottom of my...

Supreme Court Needs Term Limits: Legal Eagles

Urge end to lifelong terms, judges' case selection

(Newser) - The US judicial system is in need of a serious overhaul, law experts write in a letter to congressional leaders. They argue that Supreme Court justices shouldn’t keep their posts for life, instead taking 18-year terms before a shift in status, the Washington Post reports. Further, they say, the...

Daschle Faces Grilling on Charity Gifts, Apologizes on Taxes

Releases letter of apology to lawmakers for tax mistakes

(Newser) - Already beset with questions about his failure to pay taxes, Tom Daschle will likely also face questions today over whether he received improper gifts from charities, the Wall Street Journal reports. President Obama's nominee for health secretary is reported to have flown with an education charity to a Bahamas retreat...

Obama Pens Hopeful Letter to Daughters

President-elect cites Sasha, Malia as inspiration, encourages them to aim high

(Newser) - Barack Obama sets out his hopes and dreams for his daughters, and everyone in America, in an open letter in Parade. “I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to take our family on this journey,” the president-elect writes of the jarring effects of...

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