
Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

India, DC, Hollywood Mix at Obama Shindig
 India, DC, 
 Hollywood Mix 
 at Obama Shindig 

India, DC, Hollywood Mix at Obama Shindig

GOP, Dems rub elbows with movie stars, media types

(Newser) - Swaths of green and purple surrounded guests tonight as the White House paid tribute to Indian PM Manmohan Singh at the first state dinner given by President Obama. The company was top-notch, with Washington’s elite (from both parties) rubbing elbows with Hollywood stars and media elites. For the guest...

Pundits Lie, Numbers Don't: Women Despise Palin

Frum: So stop telling us how popular she is with 'the people'

(Newser) - Former Bush speechwriter David Frum is sick and tired of hearing the punditocracy gush over how much everyone loves Sarah Palin, and, armed with fistfuls of polls, reminds us: Her fan club is conservative men, and women of all stripes despise her. “If you like Palin,” he writes...

Paterson Rips Obama for Putting 9/11 Trials in NYC

NY governor among few Dems to criticize move

(Newser) - New York Gov. David Paterson, already unpopular with the White House, tonight ripped the Obama administration for deciding to try five men implicated in the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City. "This is not a decision that I would have made,” Paterson said. “New York was...

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
 Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
survey says

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll

Voters think Hillary Clinton would be swell, though

(Newser) - With a blockbuster memoir and national tour, Sarah Palin is again grabbing headlines. But does she have what it takes for a 2012 presidential bid? The answer is a resounding “no,” according a CNN and Opinion Research poll. Only 28% believe she’s qualified for the nation’s...

GOP's Civil War Opens Front in Utah

Sen. Robert Bennett considered soft for voting for bailout

(Newser) - Veteran Utah Sen. Robert Bennett is the latest target of the insurrection within the GOP against incumbents seen as insufficiently conservative. The choice is surprising, the Los Angeles Times notes, because there's "nary a whiff of personal or political scandal" about the three-termer. Bennett's crimes: his longevity, his professorial...

Hutchison Won't Resign Senate Seat

Will stay put to fight health care reform, cap and trade

(Newser) - Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison, who is challenging Texas Gov. Rick Perry for his job, is planning to keep her US Senate seat until after the state's March gubernatorial primary. Hutchison, a Republican, plans to tell Republican women in a speech in Galveston today that she is stepping down in 2010...

Call Lieberman's Bluff&mdash;Make Him Filibuster
Call Lieberman's Bluff—Make Him Filibuster

Call Lieberman's Bluff—Make Him Filibuster

Senate rules make delay tactic too easy for fence-sitters

(Newser) - The filibuster is supposed to be a last resort. It allows the Senate minority, when it's willing to engage in endless debate—at the cost of holding up the chamber’s other business—to challenge legislation. But today, senators need only signal their intention to filibuster to stall a bill,...

Republicans Decry Decision to Try 9/11 Planner in NYC

GOP slams AG's 'dangerous mentality'

(Newser) - Republican leaders are sharply criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court. John Boehner called the plan to try the confessed planner of the 9/11 attacks in New York "irresponsible” and accused AG Eric Holder of "reverting to a dangerous pre-9/11 mentality....

Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'
Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'
nate silver

Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'

Party's in 'fairly bad shape,' but there's time to rebound

(Newser) - A new Gallup poll shows Republicans ahead of Democrats in a generic House ballot, a reversal of political fortune from October. Is it time for the party to panic? "Maybe a little," writes Nate Silver . "My 30,000-foot view is that between the pressures of the jobs...

Steele Orders End to RNC Abortion Coverage

'Money from our loyal donors should not be used for this purpose'

(Newser) - An embarrassed Michael Steele has ordered elective abortion to be stripped from services covered by medical insurance offered to RNC employees. The ban, prompted by a Politico report yesterday that abortion coverage has been included in RNC policies since 1991, brings the RNC in line with what the Republican Party...

RNC Insurance Plan Covers Employees' Abortions

A Steele spokesman says it's going to be changed

(Newser) - With abortion emerging as a sticking point in the health care debate, Politico has dug up a zinger on the Republican National Committee: Its own employee insurance policy covers elective abortions. "We are taking steps to address the issue," says an RNC spokeswoman, adding that the policy goes...

Voters Now a Rampaging Herd

 Voters Now a Rampaging Herd  
Daniel Henninger

Voters Now a Rampaging Herd

Get ready for a permanent tea party as voters seek leaders

(Newser) - In the GOP upsets in Virginia and New Jersey, Daniel Henninger doesn't just see Obama backlash, he sees a voter rebellion from both parties, with independent Americans behaving like stampeding cattle. That independents would within one year swing from Obama enthusiasts to backing decent-to-weak Republicans in Virginia and New Jersey...

GOP Boycotts Climate Bill, Dems Get Bored
GOP Boycotts Climate Bill, Dems Get Bored
Dana Milbank

GOP Boycotts Climate Bill, Dems Get Bored

Climate hearing boycott ends with whimper

(Newser) - For a while yesterday, Democrats got to live the dream: a world without Republicans. The GOP made good on its promise to boycott the Senate environment committee’s hearing on its climate change bill, and Democrats had a good time lambasting them in absentia, calling them the party of “...

Sorry, Dems, 2008 Is So Last Year
 Sorry, Dems, 
 2008 Is So Last Year 

Sorry, Dems, 2008 Is So Last Year

Winning coalition doesn't reemerge in gubernatorial races

(Newser) - Last night’s gubernatorial defeats proved to Democrats that whatever magic they harnessed last November has left the building. Off-year elections aren’t usually great predictors, but with the Democrats’ winning 2008 coalition essentially absent, the warning signs are clear, writes Dan Balz in the Washington Post. Most notably, Democrats...

Christie Takes NJ for GOP
 Christie Takes NJ for GOP 

Christie Takes NJ for GOP

First Republican to win a statewide race in a decade

(Newser) - Chris Christie scored the second big victory for the Republicans today, taking the governorship of New Jersey from incumbent Jon Corzine. Christie, 47, had 50% of the vote to Corzine’s 44% with nearly three-quarters of precincts reporting. He’s the first Republican to win a statewide race in more...

Dems Use Nukes to Lure GOP to Climate Bill

Plants, drilling offered as sweetener for cap-and-trade

(Newser) - The climate change bill up for Senate committee debate tomorrow doesn't stand a chance unless its Democratic backers can sweet talk some of their GOP colleagues, the Washington Post reports. The legislation focuses on a cap-and-trade system where companies could buy and sell emissions permits as needed. But Republican support...

Iowans Recoil at Prospect of Paying for Palin

Conservative group is trying to raise $100K to lure her

(Newser) - An Iowa conservative group’s plan to lure Sarah Palin with a $100,000 speaking fee has annoyed fellow right-wingers. This is Iowa, after all, and most political contenders are happy to come for free. One GOP consultant in the state sees the move by the Iowa Family Policy Center...

GOP Ramps Up Attacks on AARP Over Health Care

Republicans see 'backroom deals' over reform

(Newser) - The "right-wing commentariat" has a new villain to replace ACORN, and it has a far more familiar acronym: AARP. The basic line of attack is that the AARP has struck "backroom deals" with Democrats on health care reform to steer insurance business its way, writes Evan McMorris. The...

Why Post Poll Matters &mdash;and Why It Doesn't
 Why Post Poll Matters 
 —and Why It Doesn't 
pundit roundup

Why Post Poll Matters —and Why It Doesn't

New survey shows more support for public option

(Newser) - A new Washington Post/ABC poll showing an uptick in support for the public option—it stands at 57%—has pundits weighing in on the impact:
  • George Stephanopoulos, ABC: It's likely "those numbers aren't strong enough—at least not yet—to shake enough swing senators off their opposition to the

Is Palin Seeking Job on LinkedIn?
 Is Palin Seeking 
 Job on LinkedIn? 


Is Palin Seeking Job on LinkedIn?

Poster's also open to 'business deals'

(Newser) - Guess who's joined LinkedIn and is eager for gainful employment? A poster identified as always-surprising GOP rogue Sarah Palin is actively seeking "job inquiries" on the Internet network for professionals. Anyone interested can peruse the posted resume, which touts "Governor, State of Alaska" as the most recent gig....

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>