
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Judge: Tweeting Joke About Blowing Up Airport Not OK

Paul Chambers' joke was 'definitely menacing'

(Newser) - A British man who joked on Twitter about blowing up an airport after his flight was canceled has lost his appeal challenging his conviction in the case. Paul Chambers—who lost his job after being arrested earlier this year—will now have to pay a $1,600 fine and double...

Politician Tweets Request to Have Muslim Journo Stoned

Tory Gareth Compton sorry for 'ill conceived attempt at humor'

(Newser) - A conservative British politician has been arrested after jokingly asking on Twitter for someone to "stone" a pesky Muslim reporter. Can "someone please stone Yasmin Alibhai-Brown to death?" asked Birmingham Councillor Gareth Compton. " I shan't tell Amnesty. It would be a blessing, really." The reporter considers...

Actor Quits Twitter After Sex Comments Spark Outrage

Stephen Fry claims he was misquoted in interview

(Newser) - Britain's most popular tweeter has apparently quit Twitter after being lambasted for comments about women's sexuality. Actor Stephen Fry tweeted "Bye Bye" to his 1.9 million followers after he claimed he was misquoted in a magazine interview that women don't enjoy sex. According to the interview, the homosexual...

China Snatches Woman in Middle of Night Over Tweet

She tweeted that she planned to march in support of Nobel winner Liu Xiabo

(Newser) - A young Chinese woman who tweeted that she planned to march with a banner honoring imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiabo has been busted by police. Mou Yanxi was snatched from her house in the middle of the night as authorities stepped up a crackdown on Liu's friends and...

Twitter Nabs Subway Flasher
 Twitter Nabs Subway Flasher 

Twitter Nabs Subway Flasher

Tweeted photo leads cops to perv

(Newser) - When a flasher started openly fondling himself on a Boston subway last week, fellow passenger Nay Khun took the issue to Twitter. Khun snapped and immediately tweeted a photo of the flasher, writing: "pervert on the 2nd car of the red line ... help me report him." Thanks in...

Bill Cosby: I'm Not Dead

 Bill Cosby: 
 I'm Not Dead 

Bill Cosby: I'm Not Dead

Twitter tries and fails to take down another celebrity

(Newser) - Bill Cosby is not dead, despite what you might have read on the Internet this afternoon. In fact, the 73-year-old comedy legend is alive, well, and making up words on Twitter, reports WPIX . Using a term he created after a similar false alarm in February, he tweeted today, "Again,...

'I've Unretired': Amanda Bynes

Actress breaks career news on Twitter again

(Newser) - A month after stunning Hollywood and sparking questions about her mental stability with the news of her retirement , Amanda Bynes wants a do-over. "I've unretired," the 24-year-old on-again-off-again actress tweeted . She's a co-star of the buzzed-about high school comedy Easy A, notes People —and within minutes of...

Palin: Obama's Backasswards
 Palin: Obama's Backasswards 

Palin: Obama's Backasswards

Meanwhile, she doles out $87K in campaign contributions

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has slam-Tweeted President Obama's economic strategy as "the most disconnected, backasswards plan ever imposed on the country we love." She made the broadside after Obama ripped her girl Sharron Angle in her race against Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, reports the New York Daily News . Palin...

How to Write About Tweets Without Saying 'Tweet'

Observer pokes fun at Times ' Twitter story

(Newser) - The New York Times forbids the word "tweet" (in the Twitter sense) from its pages, as the Awl noted a while back. So when the paper wrote a story about LeBron James' doings on Twitter, the New York Observer wondered how in the world it would manage. Here are...

Joe Barton's Office Deletes Triumphant Tweet

An aide takes blame; senator keeps committee post

(Newser) - Joe Barton found himself having to backtrack again today, but this time it seems an aide is to blame. The chain of events goes like this: Barton apologized to fellow Republicans for his BP apology mess, then learned he'd get to keep his spot as ranking Republican on a plum...

Corporate Twitter Accounts' Days Are Numbered
Corporate Twitter Accounts' Days Are Numbered

Corporate Twitter Accounts' Days Are Numbered

Smart people won't be doing this forever

(Newser) - Ever sent a tweet to tech support? It beats the heck out of calling, Simon Dumenco discovered recently, when a whining appeal to @sprintcare yielded a prompt, personal, pitch-perfect response. Sounds great, right? Well, don’t expect it to last long, Dumenco writes for Advertising Age , because the current corporate...

Utah AG Tweets Execution News

Critics find social media approach disrespectful

(Newser) - Today's execution of Ronnie Lee Gardner —the first by firing squad in 14 years—was also likely the first execution announced on Twitter, Mashable reports. Utah AG Mark Shurtleff tweeted about the event: “I just gave the go ahead to Corrections Director to proceed with Gardner’s execution....

2-Way Tweeting Helps Louisiana Monitor Spill
2-Way Tweeting Helps Louisiana Monitor Spill 

2-Way Tweeting Helps Louisiana Monitor Spill

Emergency agency makes good use of give-and-take with followers

(Newser) - Like a lot of other government agencies, Louisiana's emergency-preparedness office uses its Twitter feed to keep citizens updated on issues like the Gulf oil spill. In a neat twist, the office is following thousands of its own followers, "something that a lot of government agencies in the emergency area...

New York Times Banishes the Word 'Tweet'

Standards editor calls it 'jargon'

(Newser) - The cool kids may call their Twitter posts “tweets,” but no one ever accused the New York Times of being a cool kid. Phil Corbett, the Times’ new standards editor, has sent out a proclamation banning the use of the word “outside of ornithological contexts,” reports...

10 Most Creative Tweeters
 10 Most Creative Tweeters 
meet @neilhimself

10 Most Creative Tweeters

These folks know how to make 140 characters count

(Newser) - Fast Company surveys the world of Twitter and suggests 10 people worth following based on their creative tweeting. Full list here, along with samples . A peek:
  1. Dawn Danby, @altissima : She a "sustainable design strategist" who covers her own field, often in haiku-like form.
  2. Padmasree Warrior, @Padmasree : Cisco's chief technology

Brothers Meet for First Time—on Twitter

Onetime strangers discover they're relatives

(Newser) - You use social networking sites. You even type back and forth to this one guy—and you might not like him too much at first. Then, out of the blue, you receive a message from this "friend" giving personal information that only you would know about. Kind of freaky,...

Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter
 Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter 

Bieber Fans Outsmart Twitter

Tweens fool trending algorithm to keep Justin on top

(Newser) - Hoping to keep things fresh—and, perhaps, curb Bieber-mania—Twitter changed the algorithm that decides which topics to publicize as "trending," Gawker reports . The new rules favor topics that suddenly become more popular over those, like teen singing sensation Justin Bieber , that are constant topics of discussion. But...

'Very Sorry' Ebert Attacker: I Was Lost in Twitter Hate

We fight, hate-loving public eats it up: blogger

(Newser) - The Tea Party tweeter who gloried in Roger Ebert's cancer gloats that his attacks went perfectly as planned as his vitriol was gobbled up by a media and public that relish American hate. But now he's "suddenly very sorry" for his " increasingly awful tweets " about Ebert's cancer...

'Follow' Hack Causes Twitter Pandemonium

Privacy gap closed, but not before some opportunistic hijinks

(Newser) - If your Twitter account lists no followers or follow-ees, thank the happy-go-lucky iPhone acquirers at Gizmodo , who tipped the tech world to a vulnerability this morning. It's no longer working, but the web interface allowed the attention-starved to type "accept" and the Twitter name of any account, thereby gaining...

First Lady Tries Twitter
 First Lady Tries Twitter 

First Lady Tries Twitter

With assist from Jay Leno, CNN reporter helps Michelle Obama tweet

(Newser) - It took five people, but Michelle Obama now knows how to use Twitter. The tale emerges in the wake of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, aka the "nerd prom," where Jay Leno busted Ed Henry of CNN for tweeting at the head table. That got Obama's attention,...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>