
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev 

Twitter Makes Dad a Star, Son Fields Book Deals

(Newser) - The delightfully profane dad who's the unwitting star of the August Twitter sensation "shitmydadsays," where his recently-moved-back-home son posts his cranky rants about making messes and dodging chores, may not be quite as clueless as he's been made out to be. Sam Halperin is actually a 73-year-old with...

Tweet a Commercial, Make a Quick Buck

Twitterverse split on ethics of Sponsored Tweets

(Newser) - A new company is brokering deals between businesses and Twitterers who want to make a few extra bucks plugging products, Time reports. The founder of the website Sponsored Tweets says 7,000 enterprising Twitterers have signed up for the service in its first month. Twitterers get paid based on a...

Grumpy Dad Captivates Twitter
 Grumpy Dad Captivates Twitter 

Grumpy Dad Captivates Twitter

(Newser) - An acid-tongued septuagenarian is all the rage on Twitter, the Telegraph reports. The feed, @shitmydadsays, comes courtesy of his son—“I’m 28. I live with my 73-year-old dad. He is awesome. I just write down shit that he says"—and has almost 70,000 followers despite being...

Twitter Shot Down on 'Tweet' Trademark

(Newser) - When Twitter founder Biz Stone said last month the company was trying to trademark the word “tweet,” the internet flew into a tizzy, worried that the word would be closed off to independent developers. But they needn’t have worried, writes blogger Sam Johnston. Stone neglected to mention...

Tweets Largely 'Pointless Babble,' Study Discovers

(Newser) - Critics who say Twitter just consists of one pointless Tweet after another are only 40% right, a new study finds. Marketing firm Pear Analytics sampled 2,000 Tweets over a 10-day period for their analysis, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Here's how the numbers break down:
  • 40.55% of Tweets

Tweeting Beethoven a Noteworthy Development
Tweeting Beethoven a Noteworthy Development

Tweeting Beethoven a Noteworthy Development

Tech assist enhances classical experience

(Newser) - In a bid to win over multitaskers and technophobes, the National Symphony Orchestra will tweet along with tonight's performance of Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, the Washington Post reports. Audience members with appropriate gadgets can sit in a special section on the lawn at Wolf Trap, in suburban Virginia, and follow...

Twitter Plans Homepage Facelift

Co-founder wants to 'better show who we are'

(Newser) - Twitter will introduce a new homepage next week “to better show who we are,” its co-founder tells Kara Swisher at All Things Digital. As it stands, the homepage is confusing to visitors intrigued by media reports, Biz Stone says. “We need to do a better job of...

Movie-Biz Insiders Worth Following on Twitter

(Newser) - Though movie stars are the most publicized of Hollywood's Twitterati, fans can get some real insider dirt from directors and producers using the site, too. Mashable runs down 20 who Tweet often, and honestly:
  • @Jon_Favreau is ... Jon Favreau: The Iron Man director's "Tweets don’t reek of continual self-promotion,

Palin's Twitter Gems Take Forever, Still Incoherent

Thank goodness for Twitter time stamps

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s original thoughts take a while to produce. Five of yesterday's Twitter posts—caught in a screen grab and posted by Gawker—“are all conjoined, all part of the same dipshit-y thought, which was another one of her maniacal rants about the endless stream of ethics complaints...

Palin Plans 'Less PC' Tweets

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plans to unburden herself on Twitter more freely after she leaves office next week, the AP reports. “Elected is replaceable; Ak WILL progress! + side benefits10 dys til less politically correct twitters fly frm my fingertps outside State site,” she Tweeted today. And, she promises, “...

On Twitter, Palin Sings Praises of Grizzly Moms

'Mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin Tweeted her immense respect for—or perhaps envy of—the adult female grizzly bear yesterday after meeting Alaskan biologists, Politico reports. The soon-to-be ex-governor praised “mama bears’ gutteral raw instinct to protect & provide for her young” and described the animal in action. “She sees danger?...

Iran Protesters Launch Twitter Revolution

(Newser) - Erupting protests over Iranian elections may be the first political upheaval tweeted from beginning to end, as demonstrators keep up a running account of what's happening, reports CNN. "My friend saying more than 100 students arrested. Bastards just attacked us for no reason. I lost count of how much...

Twitter Scores With Jocks, Fans

Site has drawbacks but allows fans to spy and athletes to vent

(Newser) - Sports fans may not have their favorite athletes on speed dial, but they do have the next best thing: Twitter, Sports Illustrated reports. Fans are obsessed with the microblogging site, which allows them to keep up on the errands, eating habits, and allergy medication needs of players. Laid-back Atlanta golfer...

Twitter: 'Verified Accounts' Will Stop Imposters

But co-founder slams La Russa suit, vows to battle in court

(Newser) - Twitter came out swinging today against St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa, calling his lawsuit against the company "an unnecessary waste of judicial resources bordering on frivolous," CNET reports. Co-founder Biz Stone also denied reports that Twitter had settled the suit, in which La Russa claimed...

The Not-So-Bookish Savor Twit Lit
The Not-So-Bookish
Savor Twit Lit

The Not-So-Bookish Savor Twit Lit

(Newser) - Consumers short on time and even shorter on attention spans are turning to 140-character summaries of Great Books on Twitter, reports the Telegraph. Classics have been "distilled" into prose Twitterers can read in the time it takes to sneeze. Waiting for Godot? No problem: "Vladimir and Estragon stand...

Oprah Tweets, 103K Follow
 Oprah Tweets, 103K Follow 

Oprah Tweets, 103K Follow

(Newser) - Still learning the ropes of microblogging, Oprah Winfrey posted her first tweet this morning, the Chicago Tribune reports. In her first tweet—“HI TWITTERS . THANK YOU FOR A WARM WELCOME. FEELING REALLY 21st CENTURY”—she committed the Twitter faux pas of writing in all caps and using the...

Love's Furious Tweets Not Lost in Lawsuit

Star's angry rants sparks microblogging site's first libel suit

(Newser) - Twitter, the microblogging site that even counts President Obama as a member, has reached yet another milestone: it’s first libel suit, the Independent reports. Courtney Love’s former fashion designer claims the wild rocker left angry “tweets” about her, calling her a “nasty, lying, hosebag thief” with...

Watson 'Twitter-Jacked' With Yale Hoax

'I'm not going to Yale,' says Brit actor

(Newser) - Harry Potter muse Emma Watson has turned positively witchy, trashing statements that she's headed to Yale, reports the Boston Globe. Turns out a Twitter note gushing "I got into Yale!" wasn't posted by Watson. In fact, she doesn't have a Twitter account, according to her website. Now fans...

'Twitter Rescue' Fails Snowboarding Music Man

Twitter leads to two men missing in Alps whiteout, one dead

(Newser) - The first-ever "Twitter rescue" saved the life of a snowboarder in the Swiss Alps, but failed a 29-year-old British music entrepreneur whose body was found at the foot of a 66-foot cliff, reports the Daily Telegraph. Cheery "tweets" from a female companion noting "am having the best...

Stop Asking About Money: Twitter's Aim Is Higher

Site seeks to change world, not make cash

(Newser) - At Twitter headquarters, the focus isn’t on how to turn the phenomenon into a moneymaking enterprise: it’s on changing the world, Will Leitch writes in New York magazine. “It’s another step toward the democratization of information,” said CEO Evan Williams. “I’ve come to...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev