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Trump Dismissive of Manafort Indictment

Tweets that alleged misdeeds have nothing to do with his campaign, president tweets

(Newser) - President Trump doesn't sound impressed with Robert Mueller's big indictment . After news broke that former campaign manager Paul Manafort had been charged with multiple felony counts of tax fraud and money laundering, Trump weighed in. "Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of...

Roger Goodell's Wife Admits to 'Silly' Thing She Did Online

NFL commish's spouse confesses she was behind mystery account defending him on Twitter

(Newser) - For better for worse, for richer or poorer, through the good tweets and the bad. It's not clear if that last part was included in Roger Goodell's wedding vows, but the NFL commissioner's wife, Jane Skinner Goodell, admitted Thursday to what Deadspin calls a "ride-or-die" move...

Trump on N. Korea: Tillerson's Negotiations Are a Waste

'We'll do what has to be done!' president tweets at secretary of state

(Newser) - After lamenting the "almost impossible situation in Puerto Rico" and blasting "politically motivated ingrates" there Sunday morning , President Trump moved onto a new topic on Twitter: North Korea and its nuclear weapons program. The Guardian reports that barely 24 hours had passed since Secretary of State Rex Tillerson...

Trump to Dreamers: 'Nothing to Worry About'

President says immigrants are safe during the 6-month window

(Newser) - The goodwill between President Trump and Nancy Pelosi appears to be carrying over into Thursday: The House minority leader asked the president to tweet an assurance to Dreamers that they don't face immediate deportation, and Trump did just that, reports the Hill . "For all of those (DACA) that...

Melania Trump Tweets Message to Chelsea Clinton

A note of thanks after former first daughter came to Barron Trump's defense

(Newser) - While the tension between certain Clintons and Trumps continues to get press , other members of the two families are supporting and praising each other. Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter Monday to defend 11-year-old Barron Trump from harsh criticism of his clothing choices by a conservative website, which was soon followed...

Trump Praises &#39;Incredible&#39; Charlottesville Victim
Trump Praises 'Incredible'
Charlottesville Victim
the rundown

Trump Praises 'Incredible' Charlottesville Victim

He says Heather Heyer 'will be long remembered by all' as city holds memorial

(Newser) - A day after setting off a firestorm for remarks giving the "alt-left" its share of the blame for the violence in Charlottesville, President Trump has tweeted kind words about its female victim. "Memorial service today for beautiful and incredible Heather Heyer, a truly special young woman," the...

Trump Praises Kim Jong Un's 'Wise' Decision

'The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!'

(Newser) - President Trump had nicer words than "fire and fury" for North Korea Wednesday morning, Politico reports. "Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision. The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!" Trump tweeted , referring to the country's decision...

A Mother's 'Nanosecond of Nipple,' Then a Tweetstorm

Mom breastfeeding in London museum takes to Twitter after being asked to cover up

(Newser) - Surrounded by stone breasts, one mom was pressured to cover up her own. NPR reports on a breastfeeding mother who was asked by a staffer at London's Victoria and Albert Museum to cover up while trying to feed her 1-year-old in a museum courtyard over the weekend. But instead...

Rowling Sorry for Inaccurate Trump Tweets

Author apologizes to parents of boy she tweeted about

(Newser) - JK Rowling started an uproar when she claimed, via Twitter, that President Trump had refused to shake the hand of a young boy in a wheelchair. That claim turned out not to be true, leading Rowling to delete her original tweets and apologize, Time and the Telegraph report. Rowling's...

China's State Media to Trump: Stop 'Emotional Venting' on Twitter

Xinhua agency says US president is 'pouring oil on the flames' regarding North Korea

(Newser) - President Trump's tweets have raised an eyebrow or several, but one country is officially rolling its eyes. The New York Times notes that China has long bitten its tongue whenever Trump has blasted its policies and actions . But a pair of Trump tweets over the weekend, in which he...

Chrissy Teigen Finally Pushed Trump Too Far on Twitter

The model got blocked after 6 years or so of trolling

(Newser) - What does it take to get blocked on Twitter by the president of the United States of America? If you're Chrissy Teigen, half a dozen years or so of dedicated trolling and one five-word phrase. Time reports the model has been hassling Donald Trump on Twitter since at least...

GOP Senator Stands Up to Rants Against Muslim Rival

Jeff Flake offered words of support to Deedra Abboud after storm of anti-Islam sentiment

(Newser) - Attorney Deedra Abboud is one of the contenders in Arizona's Democratic primary who hopes to unseat GOP Sen. Jeff Flake in 2018, reports the Hill , but the fact that she's also a Muslim has spurred a flood of Islamophobic comments on her social media posts and videos. The...

Coulter's Tweets About Airline Seat Went On All Weekend

About 2 dozen tweets and retweets because she was moved to a different seat

(Newser) - Another airline is in the news, this time in the spotlight thanks to Ann Coulter's barrage of tweets over the weekend. Per MarketWatch , the conservative pundit was incensed when Delta staff moved her Saturday from what she says was her prebooked "extra room" seat on a flight out...

Jessica Simpson Reacts Awesomely to Whole Foods' Chicken Salad Issue

'It happens to the best of us'

(Newser) - As soon as the Whole Foods chicken-salad-that's-actually-tuna debacle made headlines, people started making Jessica Simpson jokes. (One example: "Please don't tell @JessicaSimpson that Whole Foods sold chicken that was actually tuna," Jezebel tweeted when the news first came out.) The jokes were, of course, recalling...

Seth Rogen's Mom Makes Things Awkward for Him on Twitter

By tweeting about sex. Embarrassing!

(Newser) - Parents are so embarrassing. Seth Rogen's mom, Sandy, tweeted Wednesday that "Falling asleep after sex is like shavasana after yoga.!" and, of course, a bunch of other Twitter users felt the need to make sure Rogen himself was aware of that fact, Mashable reports. That led to...

Lindsay Lohan Has a Message for Trump's Haters

'Stop #bullying him & start trusting him'

(Newser) - Donald Trump apparently has a friend in Lindsay Lohan, whom he once said is "probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed." Lohan took to Twitter early Tuesday to defend the president, responding to a Breitbart article that quoted Trump as saying he would be "delighted" to...

GOP Lawmaker Deletes Instagram Pic After Outcry

Sign in photo read: 'Hillary for US Ambassador to Libya'

(Newser) - A Republican congressman from Virginia has deleted an Instagram photo that many felt wished harm on Hillary Clinton, CNN reports. The photo showed Rep. Dave Brat with a constituent who was holding a sign reading "Hillary for US Ambassador to Libya." The photo was captioned: "Sign says...

Trump&#39;s Twitter Habit Is Back in the Spotlight
Trump Remains Defiant
About Unfiltered Tweets
the rundown

Trump Remains Defiant About Unfiltered Tweets

But critics and supporters alike think he should rein them in

(Newser) - President Trump's social media habits are in the news again, this time not so much for a particular tweet but for his tweeting habit in general. Trump himself weighed in on the subject Tuesday, by tweet , of course. "The FAKE MSM is working so hard trying to get...

Conway Blames Media for Trump's London Tweet Controversy

The senior adviser criticized media's 'obsession' with Twitter

(Newser) - President Trump had choice words on Twitter for London Mayor Sadiq Khan following Saturday’s London Bridge terror attack , but senior adviser Kellyanne Conway doesn’t think an apology is needed … from Trump, at least. Instead, Conway blasted the media for its "obsession" over Trump’s tweets, reports...

Trump Goes After Mayor of London Again in Tweet

'Pathetic excuse'

(Newser) - President Trump isn't letting up on his controversial criticism of London's mayor in the wake of that city's terror attacks. "Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his 'no reason to be alarmed' statement," tweeted Trump on Monday....

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