gay marriage

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>

Mexico City Offers Free Honeymoon to Gay Couple

First Argentines to wed get the trip

(Newser) - Mexico City—the first city in Latin America to legalize gay marriage—is reaching out to Argentina—the first country in the region to do so . The first Argentine couple to wed under the new law will get a free honeymoon to the Mexican capital. The tourism minister says the...

250M People Now Live Where Gay Marriage Is OK
 250M People Now Live 
 Where Gay Marriage Is OK 
nate silver

250M People Now Live Where Gay Marriage Is OK

Same-sex unions continue slow and steady progress

(Newser) - When predicting the future of gay marriage around the world, it's tough to argue with the numbers: Nate Silver points out that Argentina's decision to sanction it means that 250 million people now live in places where it's legal. Click through to see his chart at , which shows...

Argentina Legalizes Gay Marriage

Bill giving gay couples equal rights is a Latin American first

(Newser) - Argentina has become the first Latin American country to give same-sex couples all the rights of straight ones. A bill legalizing gay marriage has passed the country's Senate and President Cristina Kirchner has promised to sign it into law, CNN reports. Supporters and opponents of the law jostled outside during...

Gay Couples Get Crack at Today Show Wedding

NBC agrees to open application under activist pressure

(Newser) - The Today show will open its annual “Modern Day Wedding” contest to gay couples, NBC has announced, bowing to activist pressure. The gay rights group GLAAD launched a campaign to change the contest last week, the New York Times explains, after discovering the application had options only for “...

Judge: US Gay Marriage Ban Is Unconstitutional

Declares federal rule interferes with states

(Newser) - A US judge in Boston has ruled that a federal gay marriage ban is unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state to define marriage. US District Judge Joseph Tauro today ruled in favor of gay couples' rights in two separate challenges to the 1996 Defense of Marriage...

Girls Gone Wild's Joe Francis Engaged

 Girls Gone Wild's 
Joe Francis 
what a catch

Girls Gone Wild's Joe Francis Engaged

Joe Francis proposes domestic partnership

(Newser) - Shockingly, there’s a woman out there who’s agreed to spend the rest of her life with Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild fame. Francis proposed—kinda—to his CBS reporter girlfriend of 4 years in St. Tropez, but he and Christina McLarty won’t actually be getting married....

Mike Huckabee Disses Nancy Pelosi, Helen Thomas

Ex-Arkansas governor make gay marriage 'joke' about pol, journo

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee has likened gay marriage to incest , but he's not ruling it out—though he may want to leave comedy to the professionals. In researching a forthcoming New Yorker profile, Ariel Levy joked with the former Arkansas governor about his "[fictitious] affair with Nancy Pelosi." reports the...

Iceland Legalizes Gay Marriage
 Iceland Legalizes Gay Marriage 

Iceland Legalizes Gay Marriage

Parliament unanimously approves redefinition of marriage

(Newser) - With little fanfare, Iceland's parliament unanimously passed a resolution legalizing gay marriage today, Reuters reports . The Althingi voted 49-0 to add mention of unions between "man and man" and "woman and woman" to the legal definition of marriage. Iceland's tolerance for homosexuality is well known—PM Johanna Sigurdardottir...

Out of Jail, Gay Malawi Couple Breaks Up

One dates a woman, says he wants 'to live a normal life'

(Newser) - Despite the eventual pardon , Malawi’s anti-gay laws “worked” on one half of the gay couple who was recently jailed : Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga separated, and Monjeza is now seeing a woman. “I have had enough,” he says. “I was forced into the whole drama...

Elton John Sings at Limbaugh's 4th Wedding

Talking head, 59, takes 33-year-old bride

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh was married last night in Palm Beach—to his fourth wife—and gay marriage advocate Elton John pulled down a cool $1 million for performing at the reception. The conservative talking head, 59, and 33-year-old Kathryn Rogers wed at The Breakers with 400 of their nearest and dearest...

Ted Haggard Starts New Church Open to Gays

But don't expect any gay marriages

(Newser) - Disgraced pastor Ted Haggard is starting a new church based on a philosophy of acceptance—though his views on gays are still a bit complicated. The former chief of the National Association of Evangelicals, who was brought down by a scandal involving a gay prostitute and crystal meth while campaigning...

Gay Couple Jailed for Malawi 'Wedding'

Under old sodomy laws, they could face 14 years in prison

(Newser) - A gay couple in Malawi faces up to 14 years in prison for proclaiming their love for each other in a traditional engagement ceremony. Steven Monjenza 26, and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 20, were rounded up by police and charged under colonial-era sodomy laws after word of their engagement hit the press....

Pope: Gay Marriage 'Insidious, Dangerous'

Benedict puts abuse scandals on back burner

(Newser) - Pope Benedict seized an opportunity following a massive Mass in Portugal yesterday to slam abortion and gay marriage as among the "most insidious and dangerous challenges that today confront the common good." Some 500,000 people turned out to participate in the Mass at one of Catholicism's holiest...

Laura Bush: I'm Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay Marriage

But she never fights with George about either issue

(Newser) - Laura Bush may be married to one George W., but that doesn’t mean she agrees with him on everything—including thorny issues like abortion and gay marriage. “When couples are committed to each other and love each other, they ought to have the same sort of rights that...

Hawaii Passes Civil Unions Bill

Governor hasn't decided whether or not to sign

(Newser) - Hawaii's House voted to approve a bill granting unmarried gay and straight couples the same rights as married ones under state law yesterday by a vote of 31-20, the Honolulu Advertiser reports, sending the bill to Gov. Linda Lingle for final approval. The bill would make Hawaii the fourth state...

Texas Tries to Put Brakes on Gay Divorce

Attorney General is appealing two cases

(Newser) - Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott isn't just fighting gay marriage—he's fighting gay divorce, too. He's appealing a court decision to grant a divorce to a couple of lesbians in Austin, and another splitting up a pair of gay men in Dallas. His logic: defending the “traditional definition of...

Huckabee Feuds With Jersey College Paper

Ex-governor says views on gay marriage were 'grossly distorted'

(Newser) - It's no Jersey Shore, but Mike Huckabee is facing down a bunch of New Jersey college kids whose student newspaper he says "sensationalized" his thoughts on gay marriage. The former governor, in an interview with the College of New Jersey's Perspective , said that not every group's needs should be...

Census to Gay Couples: Call Yourselves Married

Bureau doesn't need to see a marriage license: 'We don't do that for straight people'

(Newser) - Gay-rights activists are urging maximum participation by their community in the first US census that will tally same-sex couples who say they're married—even those without a marriage license. For the first time, the bureau has deployed a team of professional field workers to reach out to gays and lesbians,...

College Play's Gay Christ Irks Texas Town

Jesus also performs marriage of two male apostles

(Newser) - A college production of a play in which Jesus Christ is portrayed as gay and performs a marriage ceremony between two of his male apostles has fueled protests in a central Texas town. Tarleton State University moved Saturday’s performance of Terrence McNally’s Corpus Christi to 8am and limited...

DC Celebrates First Gay Marriages

Crush at marriage bureau as same-sex couples wed

(Newser) - Wedded bliss descended on Washington, DC, today, as the District’s first same-sex couples were married. About 15 couples visited the marriage bureau in the first hour it was open to pick up their certificates, the Post reports, with one couple running upstairs to the office of a judge to...

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>