gay marriage

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Next for Miss California: $1.5M Marriage Ad Campaign

She's heading to DC on behalf of conservative group

(Newser) - Carrie Prejean is going to push “opposite marriage” in a new $1.5 million ad campaign bankrolled by same-sex opponent National Organization for Marriage, CNN reports. The group says the ad will call “gay-marriage advocates to account for their unwillingness to debate the real issue: gay marriage has...

NH Moves Closer to Legal Gay Marriage

Bill passed by both houses effective Jan. 1 unless governor vetoes

(Newser) - New Hampshire took another step toward legalizing gay marriage today, when the state Senate passed a measure already approved by the House, the Dartmouth reports. The bill will become law automatically Jan. 1 unless Gov. John Lynch vetoes it—and though he has said he’s against same-sex nuptials, it’...

Miss California 'Made Me Laugh': Rosie

Comedian found gay marriage comment funny

(Newser) - It was only a matter of time before Rosie O’Donnell commented on Miss California’s gay marriage drama, but the comic wasn’t too harsh. Carrie Prejean’s comment “made me laugh,” O’Donnell told the New York Daily News. “She said, ‘In America, you...

Miss Cali Really, Really Not Sorry on Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Carrie Prejean, the controversial Miss California, defied state sponsors who asked her to apologize for her remarks about gay marriage, the AP reports. On the contrary, Prejean—coached by her San Diego megachurch’s founder, a former NFL player—has become more resolute in her beliefs. “I learned that...

Iowa Marries Gays but Licenses Won't Cross Border

Federal courts may get involved

(Newser) - As of today, gay couples will be welcome to wed in Iowa, regardless of whether they live there. If judges waive the three-day waiting period, some could be married by sundown. But for out-of-staters who are already chartering buses, the legally recognized bliss will be short-lived, the Des Moines Register...

Gay-Rights Group Reaches Out to Miss California

Group hopes to change her mind in light of anti-gay harassment

(Newser) - Carrie Prejean, the Miss USA contestant who stirred up controversy with her opposition to gay marriage, may soon be having dinner with gays and lesbians from her home state, the San Francisco Bay Times reports. Geoff Kors, executive director of Equality California, said he invited Prejean because “Miss California...

Little Backlash as Gay Marriage Spreads
 Little Backlash as 
 Gay Marriage Spreads 

Little Backlash as Gay Marriage Spreads

(Newser) - Gay marriage rights are spreading faster than ever, and it’s happening awfully quietly, reports Rick Klein of ABC News. Conservatives barely made a peep when gay marriage was legalized in Iowa or Vermont, and aren’t mounting much resistance to motions to do the same in New York, Connecticut,...

Perez, I Pray For You, Miss Cali Retorts

Pageant judge Hilton admits answer may have cost her crown

(Newser) - Miss California's gay-marriage stance has stirred a media frenzy among pundits and beauties alike, but none more heated than the crossfire between her and Miss USA judge Perez Hilton. "Perez, I feel sorry for you," Prejean told Fox News after he called her a "dumb bitch....

Miss Cali's Sis Is Gay Rights Activist

Prejean has no regrets over controversial answer

(Newser) - In just one day, Miss California became one of the most well-known opponents of gay marriage—but her sister is a gay rights activist, she revealed to Access Hollywood. “She has her own views,” said Carrie Prejean of her sister. “She debates with my dad all the...

Colbert Fights 'Gay Storm'
 Colbert Fights 'Gay Storm' 

Colbert Fights 'Gay Storm'

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert has taken up the cause against gay marriage, the Huffington Post reports. A recent web ad from the National Organization for Marriage—which apparently was serious—featured a “rainbow coalition” of actors solemnly declaring, “A storm is coming.” That, and New York's move toward legalizing...

Top McCain Aide Comes Out for Gay Marriage

Support consistent with conservative values, Schmidt argues

(Newser) - Backing what he calls "a sound conservative argument," a top McCain campaign operative is explaining his newly public personal support for gay marriage, CNN reports. Steve Schmidt will address the Log Cabin Republicans today and urge them to reverse their position. “No other exercise of one's liberty...

Paterson Introduces Gay-Marriage Bill

It's a civil rights issue: NY gov

(Newser) - Inspired by Vermont’s legalization of gay marriage, New York Gov. David Paterson has introduced legislation to bring “equality to everyone” in his state, too. It’s the second time he has touted the same-sex marriage bill, the Post reports. Paterson today urged the legislature to move it forward—...

There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness
There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness

There's Method to Andrew Sullivan's Madness

... But conservatives, gays can't figure it out

(Newser) - At age 8, Andrew Sullivan asked his mother if God really was omniscient. Her affirmative reply terrified him: “Then there’s no hope for me, Mum.” Despite his success, conservatives, Catholics, and gay activists might agree—even though he belongs to each of their constituencies, Johann Hari writes...

Washington State Boosts Rights for Same-Sex Partners

Domestic partners given all the rights of married couples

(Newser) - Lawmakers in Washington state have voted to give same-sex domestic partners all the same rights as married couples, reports the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Republicans, fearing the move would lead to legalized same-sex marriage in the state, unsuccessfully tried to add amendments to the bill to keep a clear distinction between domestic...

Paterson to Push for Gay Marriage

But bill's passage through the NY legislature is not certain

(Newser) - Gov. David Paterson plans to introduce a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, the New York Times reports, doing so without the customary cultivation of legislative support in the wake of laws legalizing gay unions in Iowa and Vermont. Sources close to the governor say he feels New York should plow...

Stymied, Calif. Gay Activists Rally Grass-Roots Effort

(Newser) - Gay-marriage proponents in California are taking a page—and some staff—from the Obama campaign in an attempt to swing conservative votes, the Wall Street Journal reports. Many believe Proposition 8 passed because there was little outreach to districts that voted for the ban. “They would fly over from...

Meghan McCain: GOP Needs to Rock Out Its Inner Gayness

Opposing gay marriage is 'un-Republican'

(Newser) - It’s time for a gayer GOP, Meghan McCain writes in the Daily Beast. Opposing gay marriage is anathema to the GOP's founding beliefs of personal freedom and liberty, charges the mini maverick, and it’s a political misstep, too. Ditching the anti-gay rhetoric is critical to restoring the party’...

Warren Cancels ABC Interview at Last Minute

Pastor had been slated to clarify position on gay marriage

(Newser) - Rick Warren, who had been expected to explain contradicting statements about gay marriage today on ABC's This Week, backed out at the last minute because he was “sick with exhaustion,” Politico reports. The prominent evangelical pastor was to clarify the difference between his claims last week that he...

Gay-Marriage Ruling Belies Iowa's 'Bumpkin' Image
Gay-Marriage Ruling Belies Iowa's 'Bumpkin' Image

Gay-Marriage Ruling Belies Iowa's 'Bumpkin' Image

(Newser) - No doubt you snobby big-city, coastal types did a double-take last week when Iowa legalized same-sex marriage, but the state has a long tradition of avant-garde social positions, Rex Huppke writes in the Chicago Tribune. Its university was the first to admit women, it allowed mixed-race marriages 100 years before...

Momentum Builds Behind Gay Marriage

Vermont, Iowa wins energize supporters of same-sex unions

(Newser) - Decisions in Iowa and Vermont have doubled the number of states allowing gay marriage in less than a week and campaigners feel they are on a roll, the New York Times reports. At least nine other state legislatures will consider measures to legalize gay marriage this year. Newly energized supporters—...

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