Mother Jones

15 Stories

City Goes After Rape Victim for Harassment
City Goes After
Rape Victim for Harassment

City Goes After Rape Victim for Harassment

Sharilyn Lux says Washington state's Snoqualmie mishandled her case; city says she's been harassing them

(Newser) - It's not unusual for victims of sexual assault to see their cases vanish into the ether, with unsolved cases caught in an often apathetic legal system. Sharilyn Lux's battle with the Seattle suburb of Snoqualmie, however, takes this kind of case further, as described by Kelsey Turner in...

Parents Who Can't Stop Using, Kids Sent to Foster Care

The US foster system is overwhelmed because of the opioid epidemic

(Newser) - "I felt like I lost my mom to this pit that I couldn't pull her out of." That's how 20-year-old Brianna McLaughlin describes her mom, Kelly, after the former Head Start caseworker became addicted to OxyContin, then heroin, after neck surgery. As Julia Lurie details for...

Bill O'Reilly Defends His War Reporting, Slams 'Liar'

Mother Jones critic responds with annotated rebuttal

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly aggressively defended his own war reporting last night, dismissing accusations that he embellished his work about the Falklands and El Salvador in the 1980s as a "political hit job" from a "far left zealot" and "liar." The Fox News host is referring to...

New in Factory Farming: Exploding Poop Foam
New in Factory Farming:
Exploding Poop Foam

New in Factory Farming: Exploding Poop Foam

One blast killed 1.5K hogs, but can be treated with an antibiotic

(Newser) - The latest thing out of industrial agriculture isn't too appetizing: Burbling up from the manure pits beneath factory hog farms is an oozing substance that's charmingly being dubbed "poop foam"—and it's un-charmingly explosive, reports Mother Jones . The ooze is wreaking havoc on large hog...

Limbaugh 'Problematic,' Says GOP Consultant in Tape

Mother Jones gets another recording, this one of Frank Luntz

(Newser) - David Corn of Mother Jones is out with another anti-Republican secret recording, this one of prominent GOP consultant Frank Luntz dissing Rush Limbaugh and others on right-wing talk radio. In a talk at Penn, Luntz took a question on political polarization. After taking pains to try to make sure his...

Liberal Super PAC Behind Mitchell Recording

 Super PAC 
report says

Super PAC Behind McConnell Recording

A top state Democrat says members of Project Kentucky are responsible

(Newser) - So just who recorded a Mitch McConnell strategy session in which he and his aides came up with all kinds of imaginative ways to go after Ashley Judd ? Two members of a liberal Super PAC called Project Kentucky, reports public radio station WFPL . And this was no James Bond-style...

McConnell Aides Mock 'Unbalanced' Ashley Judd

 Aides Mock 
 Ashley Judd 

McConnell Aides Mock 'Unbalanced' Ashley Judd

Senator's team 'working with FBI' to probe recording

(Newser) - After making waves with Mitt Romney's "47%" speech , Mother Jones has released a new batch of secret tapes. The recordings reveal Mitch McConnell's team ridiculing former potential opponent Ashley Judd and suggesting her mental health could be a target. The McConnell team is not amused: It says...

Obama Offered Big Thanks for 47% Tape: Carter

Video 'a major factor' in Obama victory, says ex-president

(Newser) - When President Obama met Jimmy Carter's grandson last week—the guy reportedly behind the infamous Mitt Romney "47%" tape —the president "ran across the room, embraced him and thanked him profusely for his time," the elder Carter told CNN's Piers Morgan, per Politico . "...

Paul Ryan: Let's Make America 'a Tax Shelter'

... and consider Americans either 'makers' or 'takers'

(Newser) - Mother Jones has dug up two more politically charged videos—these of Paul Ryan describing a rather Ayn Randian economic vision for America. In one , he told American Business Magazine last year that the US should make its tax rates competitively low: "Let's make this country a...

Romney in '85: Bain Will 'Harvest' Companies

'Mother Jones' airs another video

(Newser) - Mother Jones is out with another Mitt Romney video, this one from all the way back in 1985, when he was explaining what the new Bain Capital was all about. The choice quote:
  • "Bain Capital is an investment partnership which was formed to invest in startup companies and

More Romney Video: Peace in Middle East Impossible

We'd 'kick the ball down the field': candidate

(Newser) - Mother Jones has more from the Mitt Romney fundraiser that yielded yesterday's off-the-cuff footage . This time, Romney is discussing foreign policy, particularly his feeling that "there's just no way" to establish peace between Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians, he says in the tape, have "no...

Girls : 'Unstoppably Irritating' or 'True to Life'?
 Girls: 'Unstoppably Irritating' 
 or 'True to Life'? 
reviewers battle

Girls: 'Unstoppably Irritating' or 'True to Life'?

New HBO show sparks reviewer battle at 'Mother Jones'

(Newser) - Two reviewers at Mother Jones have locked horns over HBO's new hipster all-female series, Girls. "Hipsters are really going to like this show," sneered Asawin Suebsaeng a few days ago. "Which is to say that it is as profoundly bland as it is unstoppably irritating."...

Perry Has N-Word Problem, but GOP Bloggers Slam ... Cain?

Conservatives engage in 'anti-anti-racism': analysis

(Newser) - Herman Cain has just run "head first into the brick wall of conservative anti-anti-racism," writes Adam Serwer at Mother Jones . To recap: Rick Perry spent yesterday dodging bullets over his family's ill-named hunting camp, "n-----head"; Herman Cain rebuked Perry on TV for "a lack of...

Let Dead Folk Means Test Medicare

 Let the Dead Pay for Medicare 

Let the Dead Pay for Medicare

Don't means test the elderly, do it once they're gone: Kevin Drum

(Newser) - There's one demographic lawmakers are assured won't complain about paying for the rising cost of Medicare: dead people. "They don't need their money any more, after all," writes Kevin Drum of Mother Jones . The idea is simple: Instead of paying your medical bills, just file...

Mother Jones Provides Model for Nonprofit News

Floundering for-profits take note of magazine's success

(Newser) - Mother Jones has thrived for 33 years as a nonprofit publication, and its business model is becoming of increasing interest to struggling newspapers, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Though the magazine was founded as a nonprofit because of Nixon-era fears of undue influence in journalism, Mother Jones hit its financial...

15 Stories
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