Paul Ryan

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Paul Ryan: 'Easy to Get Disheartened' About Politics Today

He decries 'you know who' without saying his name

(Newser) - Paul Ryan gave a speech to almost 200 congressional interns Wednesday in which he admitted "it's easy to get disheartened" when you look "at what's taking place in politics today." However, he urged his audience not to accept or "enable" a loss of faith...

Boehner Just Endorsed a Non-Candidate

Paul Ryan for the win?

(Newser) - Should the GOP fail to choose a nominee on the first ballot at a convention in Cleveland in July, John Boehner has his pick ready—and it isn't any of the current contenders. "I'm for none of the above. I'm for Paul Ryan to be our...

Paul Ryan to 'Draft Ryan' PAC: Cut It Out

Group getting a cease-and-desist, courtesy of his political operation

(Newser) - Paul Ryan ultimately gave in to the calls that he run for speaker of the House, but it doesn't look like he's going to change his mind about running for president. A group called the Committee to Draft Speaker Ryan recently registered with the US Federal Election Commission...

Paul Ryan 'Wanted to Be Wallpaper' During SOTU

He thought Trump attacks 'degraded' the presidency

(Newser) - President Obama's final State of the Union address was Paul Ryan's first in the House speaker's seat—and he did not enjoy the experience. He tells USA Today that while sitting behind the president, he "disagreed with much of what he had to say," but...

Congress Reaches Deal to Avoid 2016 Shutdown

Package includes sweeteners for both sides

(Newser) - Congressional leaders have reached a deal that will let them go home for the holidays and avoid spending most of 2016 squabbling about government shutdowns. House Speaker Paul Ryan told GOP lawmakers on Tuesday night that a $1.1 trillion omnibus funding bill that will keep the government running until...

Speaker Ryan: Let's 'Pause' a Bit on Syrian Refugees

'We cannot let terrorists take advantage of our compassion': Paul Ryan

(Newser) - House Speaker Paul Ryan called Tuesday for a "pause" in Syrian refugees coming to the US in the wake of the Paris attacks . "Our nation has always been welcoming, but we cannot let terrorists take advantage of our compassion," Ryan, R-Wis., told reporters after a closed-door House...

Paul Ryan Gets Rid of Predecessor's Portrait

He 'believed it was appropriate' to shift Hastert painting

(Newser) - After a night sleeping in his office , Paul Ryan isn't going to have to look at a portrait of a disgraced predecessor on his way to work in the morning. The Hill reports that one of the first things Ryan did after being elected House speaker was to get...

Paul Ryan Talks Sleeping in Office, Boehner's Smoke

And new speaker will not be acting on immigration reform

(Newser) - Our new speaker of the House is a little short in the "house" department—he's among the nation's representatives who opt to sleep in their offices instead of paying DC rent—and Paul Ryan says that won't change with his new gig, reports Roll Call . "...

2 Good, Young Leaders May Save the GOP
2 Good, Young Leaders
May Save the GOP

2 Good, Young Leaders May Save the GOP

This is the 'Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio moment,' says David Brooks

(Newser) - The last few years haven't been kind to the Republican party, writes David Brooks in the New York Times , but he thinks the rise of two 40-something leaders is poised to change that. In a column headlined the "Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio Moment," Brooks labels Rubio...

Paul Ryan's Election as Speaker Unique in 2 Ways

Boehner gives a tearful goodbye

(Newser) - He gets the gavel: Paul Ryan captured enough House votes Thursday to become the chamber's next speaker. In a slow-moving roll call that mixed politics with pageantry, 236 lawmakers called out the Wisconsin Republican's name as their pick for the job. That assured that Ryan will become speaker,...

Boehner: Budget Deal 'Had to Be Done'

He has a few regrets, but he's not sad to be going

(Newser) - Speaker John Boehner, reflecting Wednesday on a nearly quarter-century run on Capitol Hill, defended his decision to push a bipartisan budget deal through the House as his final act before leaving Congress. "It's a solid agreement and I'm proud of it," Boehner told reporters shortly before...

Paul Ryan Has New Title, 'New' Name

That's Paul D. Ryan to you, sir

(Newser) - House Republicans officially nominated Paul Ryan as speaker Wednesday, CNN reports. Er, excuse us, Paul D. Ryan. Also Wednesday, the congressman asked the Clerk of the House to formally change his name on all official documents and offices to Paul D. Ryan, Politico reports. His full name is Paul Davis...

Paul Ryan on Budget Deal: Process 'Stinks'

He blasts Boehner, system, ahead of becoming speaker

(Newser) - The late budget deal struck by leaders of both parties and the White House means that Paul Ryan will have one less major hassle to deal with when he becomes House speaker later this week. In fact, the Washington Post says John Boehner gave him a "parting gift" in...

House GOP Leaders Reach 2-Year Budget Deal

Boehner's last deal will make it a lot easier for Ryan

(Newser) - House GOP leaders struck a budget deal made with the White House just before midnight Monday aimed at averting a government shutdown and forestalling a debt crisis. Speaker John Boehner is making one final appeal to restive Republicans: Pass the hard-won agreement with President Obama before Rep. Paul Ryan assumes...

Paul Ryan Is Finally Ready to Be Speaker

He announced he's running late Thursday

(Newser) - Despite all his protests to the contrary, it appears Paul Ryan is poised to become the next House speaker, NBC News reports. "I never thought I'd be speaker," Ryan wrote in a letter to fellow Republicans late Thursday. "But I pledged to you that if I...

Paul Ryan's Demand for Dad Time Gets Cheers, Jeers

Would-be speaker applauded for taking a stand, knocked for hypocrisy

(Newser) - Paul Ryan put out a list of demands he'd need met before agreeing to become House speaker, and one is getting its fair share of attention. Ryan—who the New York Times notes is a regular at his kids' basketball and volleyball events, as well as the family's...

Freedom Caucus Won't Formally Endorse Ryan

But caucus leaders say they have 'super-majority'

(Newser) - Paul Ryan hasn't been able to secure one of his key demands for running for House speaker, but he has decided he has come close enough. Ryan failed to gain the formal endorsement of the powerful House Freedom Caucus, though the group told him it had a "super-majority"...

One of Paul Ryan's Key Demands Will Be Tough Sell

Can he win the support of most conservatives in House Freedom Caucus?

(Newser) - Paul Ryan has laid out a series of demands before he'll agree to be House speaker, and one in particular looks a little iffy. Ryan wants the unanimous support of all the major House caucuses, but Politico is skeptical that the 40 or so conservatives who make up the...

Paul Ryan: I'll Be Speaker, but I've Got Demands

For starters, he wants all GOP caucuses to unite behind him

(Newser) - One political will-he-or-won't-he is settled: Paul Ryan says he's willing to run as House speaker. However, there's a catch, reports Politico . Ryan told House Republicans Tuesday that he'll serve only if he has near-unanimous support. It remains unclear whether the hard-line conservatives who forced John Boehner...

It&#39;s Got to Be Paul Ryan
 It's Got 
 to Be 
 Paul Ryan 

It's Got to Be Paul Ryan

Columnists explain why

(Newser) - With the sudden withdrawal of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the presumed next speaker of the House, on Thursday, Republicans are going back to the drawing board to find a replacement for the outgoing John Boehner. One familiar name is being bandied about by politicians and the media: Paul Ryan. Though Ryan...

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