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IPO Fever Shows Kenya is Recovering
IPO Fever Shows Kenya is Recovering

IPO Fever Shows Kenya is Recovering

Thousands line up to buy into delayed Safaricom offering

(Newser) - When Safaricom, Kenyan’s partially state-owned cellular giant, went public, Kenyans lined up by the thousands to buy in—a generally good sign for a country recently wracked by paralyzing ethnic violence, the Wall Street Journal reports. Safaricom’s IPO itself had been delayed by post-election clashes, but now the...

Silicon Valley Feels Economic Chill

Venture capital has dried up, stocks have sagged in tech hot spot

(Newser) - Venture capital in Silicon Valley is drying up as angel investors, wary of the fickle stock market and tightening credit markets, become more cautious with their cash, the New York Times reports. Their hesitance has slowed the pace of job growth and expansion at tech start-ups, and has dramatically cut...

Silicon Valley's Prodigal Son Comes Home

Frank Quattrone seeks to repair his rep with new investment bank

(Newser) - Silicon Valley prodigal son Frank Quattrone is staging a comeback, poised to debut his new tech-centered investment bank Qatalyst—after years recovering from federal obstruction-of-justice charges. But now that he's back, the question is whether the industry will welcome home an errant child with open arms. Probably, BusinessWeek writes—if...

Interest Soars Sky-High in Visa's $18B IPO

Record-breaking debut could mark turning point for markets

(Newser) - Visa pulled in almost $18 billion in its initial public offering yesterday, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The credit card company's IPO was the biggest by far in US history and the second biggest ever. The $44-per-share price investors paid was $2 higher than the company's highest estimate, and the...

Web 2.0 Firms Taking Slower Route to IPOs

The new business model calls for a 'slow and easy' approach to going public

(Newser) - Growing Web 2.0 companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Slide are biding their time before going public, making sure to run up their value as much as possible to fetch top dollar with an IPO, reports Business Week. It’s a far different approach than companies took before the dot-com...

Gore to Net a Convenient Profit in IPO
Gore to Net a Convenient Profit in IPO

Gore to Net a Convenient Profit in IPO

Veep would net $48M on money-losing CurrentTV channel

(Newser) - CurrentTV is going public, and that means big money for founder Al Gore. But something about the deal rubs Rob Grover of BusinessWeek the wrong way. Gore is drawing a big salary, even though the little-watched channel is losing money, and the share distribution is decidedly undemocratic—Gore and CEO...

Visa Plans $17B IPO in Risky Market
Visa Plans
$17B IPO in Risky Market

Visa Plans $17B IPO in Risky Market

Public offering would be the biggest in Wall Street history

(Newser) - Visa is hoping to surpass rival MasterCard’s 2006 stock market debut with a $17 billion IPO that would be the largest in Wall Street history. The company today said it hopes to sell some 406 million shares for $37 to $42 each, reports the Wall Street Journal. The biggest...

Google Trio Made 20-Year Partner Pact

Investors worried about FCC bid, but honchos are thinking long-term

(Newser) - Google’s top three honchos made a pact just before their 2004 IPO to stay together at the search behemoth for at least 20 years. News of the informal agreement—which one analyst called “really very, very positive”—comes as investors fret about the company's bids in the...

Gore's Media Co. Is Going Public
Gore's Media Co. Is Going Public

Gore's Media Co. Is Going Public

Viewer-generated video channel registers to sell $100M of stock

(Newser) - Current Media will soon become even more public: The viewer-created cable TV network, co-founded by Al Gore in 2005, filed an IPO today. The young adult-oriented company registered to sell up to $100 million in class A common stock, but the price range and number of shares weren’t disclosed—...

IPOs Are Dropping Like Flies
IPOs Are Dropping
Like Flies

IPOs Are Dropping Like Flies

Market slump leads to 10-year high in canceled issues

(Newser) - The subprime flu that’s laid low Wall Street has infected another victim: IPOs. Because of market volatility, 24 IPOs have been shelved this month—the most in a decade, Bloomberg reports. Tommy Hilfiger Corp. highlights a roster of firms that postponed or canceled going public. The largest was Imperium...

NetSuite IPO Brings Market Early Christmas Gift

Ellison-backed software provider sees its price soar 36.5%

(Newser) - Online software provider NetSuite reminded Wall Street of the good old days yesterday as the year’s final IPO scored a 36.5% increase over its opening price, reaching $35.50 by the NYSE closing bell, reports the Wall Street Journal. The company, backed by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, in...

NetSuite Doubles IPO Price
NetSuite Doubles IPO Price

NetSuite Doubles IPO Price

Surge of interest sees the price for the on-demand software vendor soar to $26

(Newser) - On-demand software vendor NetSuite has doubled the price on its IPO after a Dutch-auction-style bidding war over the past two days saw investor interest surge. After originally pricing the offering at $13-$16, NetSuite bumped it to $16-$19 Tuesday and then $19-$22 yesterday. Late last night the company set a target...

Ellison-Backed IPO Wraps '07
Ellison-Backed IPO Wraps '07

Ellison-Backed IPO Wraps '07

NetSuite's auction format puts off some investors

(Newser) - On-demand software company NetSuite goes public this week with an offering likely to draw the bulk of attention in an otherwise quiet finale for IPOs. Only three firms will go to market, compared to eight in last year’s final week. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s NetSuite hopes to raise...

Discovery Will Go Public
Discovery Will
Go Public

Discovery Will Go Public

Educational channel's IPO will bring freer financial hand—and Wall Street scrutiny

(Newser) - Discovery Communications will go public, upping the media company’s ability to make deals while opening it to shareholder and Wall Street opinion. The “MythBusters” and “LA Ink” broadcaster will be able to spend more on new programming and acquire other businesses more readily. Analysts expect shares to...

Classmates.com Fails to Score IPO
Classmates.com Fails to
Score IPO

Classmates.com Fails to Score IPO

Company losing popularity contest to Facebook, analysts say

(Newser) - Classmates.com received an early dismissal today after its owners withdrew a planned IPO for the social networking site. United Online cited turbulent market conditions, but analysts say the real reason is waning popularity of the site and its overpriced offering. The interest in IPOs is there, one analyst explained,...

Netsuite Hopes for $99M in IPO
Netsuite Hopes for $99M in IPO

Netsuite Hopes for $99M in IPO

Ellison has moved decisively to silence conflict-of-interest criticisms

(Newser) - The IPO for Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s ‘software-as-a-service’ company, Netsuite, is gearing up as the company set an initial price range yesterday of $13 to $16 a share for 6.2 million shares planned for release, News.com reports, a 10% stake. Netsuite hopes to raise $99.2...

Tech IPOs Back, But With a Difference

Lessons of dot-com bust learned, startups wait until near-profitable

(Newser) - Tech IPOs are back--but this time around, things are more subdued than in the heady days of the dot-com boom. These days, tech startups wait until they are profitable, or at least cash-flow positive, before making a public debut, MarketWatch reports. The strong performance of VMWare's August IPO has boosted...

Visa Heads for Biggest IPO in US in Years

Offering expected early next year could surpass $10B

(Newser) - Visa is moving ahead on a massive initial public stock offering expected early next year. Papers filed yesterday show that shares could be valued at $10 billion, which would make it the second-largest public offering in US history, the Wall Street Journal reports. The biggest is the $10.62 billion...

Clean-Tech Show Draws Eager Investors

Companies of all sizes hope to cash in on growing market

(Newser) - A clean technology conference hosted scores of venture capitalists and private-equity firms looking to cash in on 100 cutting-edge companies. Drawing particular interest was First Solar, which makes solar-energy cells that could soon compete with residential utility prices, MarketWatch reports. The company also signals the sector’s dangers: Its $200...

Alibaba Nearly Triples Price After IPO

Chinese B2B site is largest e-commerce offering since Google

(Newser) - Chinese business-to-business platform Alibaba held its IPO on the Hong Kong stock market today, nearly tripling in share price in first-day trading. The company raised $1.5 billion (US) by selling just 17% of its shares. "I think Alibaba's share price is way ahead of its fundamentals; I think...

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