
Stories 101 - 105 | << Prev 

Wal-Mart Mexico Pays Teen Baggers Nada

Retail giant calls young, uncompensated workers 'volunteers'

(Newser) - Wal-Mart has 4,300 teenagers bagging merchandise for free in its Mexican stores, Newsweek reports. The retail giant isn't doing anything illegal, since the kids aren't technically workers but "volunteers" who donate their time in exchange for gratuities from customers. But labor activists say the notoriously bottom-line-minded company is...

Tech Companies Cool on Indian Outsourcing

Rising labor costs make hiring at home more attractive

(Newser) - India, the destination of choice for American tech companies looking for sophisticated but cheap labor, is beginning to lose its appeal, the Wall Street Journal reports. Rising pay scales are making it  too expensive to justify the complications of globalizing. Now some are outsourcing their outsourcing to slower climes like...

Top Executive Salaries Soar
Top Executive Salaries Soar

Top Executive Salaries Soar

Gap between the CEO and the cubicle is wider than ever

(Newser) - The top bananas of the corporate world are taking in more income in relation to their immediate subordinates than ever before, the Times reports. Wealth is concentrating among the business elite but staying somewhat stagnant among more middling execs—the average gap between #1 and #3 has more than tripled...

Men No Longer Doing Better Than Their Fathers

Study shows American men in their 30s earning 12% less than dads did study,

(Newser) - American men in their 30s are doing worse than their fathers did financially, a change from just 10 years ago and a reversal of the expectation that each generation will exceed the success of their parents. In 2004, the median income for a man in his 30s, adjusted for inflation,...

Congress Hikes Minimum Wage
Congress Hikes Minimum Wage

Congress Hikes Minimum Wage

National minimum goes to $7.25 by 2009, small business gets tax breaks

(Newser) - Congress has raised the national minimum wage for the first time in 10 years, from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour. The hike, part of a compromise between the White House and Congress over Iraq funding, will take effect in three stages over the next two years. It will...

Stories 101 - 105 | << Prev