
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

My Baby's Too Boring to Blog About
 My Baby's 
 Too Boring 
 to Blog About 

My Baby's Too Boring to Blog About

Really, what do they do all day? Not much.

(Newser) - When John R. Barry’s sister started a blog for her baby, friends and family looked at him accusingly. “My son has been alive for about 9 months, and I never started a blog in his honor. It never occurred to me,” he writes on Salon . It made...

Diaper Jeans? Really?
 Diaper Jeans? Really? 
in case you missed it

Diaper Jeans? Really?

Oh, our poor babies

(Newser) - Huggies is apparently trying to start a fashion trend by hawking denim diapers at Target, notes BuzzFeed . "What a wonderful idea!" writes Heather Havrilesky at Salon , who, just in case the sarcasm quotient gets scrunched in this summary, most emphatically does not think this is a wonderful idea....

Newborns Learn in Their Sleep

Dozing babes better 'data sponges' than adults

(Newser) - Babies start absorbing information about the world around them as soon as they're out of the womb and they do so even in their sleep, according to new research. Scientists played a tune to 26 sleeping newborns and followed it up with a puff of air to the eyelids. Most...

Postpartum Depression Affects Dads, Too

About 1 in 10 show symptoms, says new study

(Newser) - Postpartum depression doesn't just hit new moms. A new study suggests that 1 in 10 fathers—about half the rate for women—are afflicted, reports Live Science . Generally, it's most common when the baby is 3 to 6 months old, and the symptoms manifest themselves differently in guys, who become...

Hey, Mom: You May as Well Listen to Led Zeppelin

(Newser) - It seems listening to Mozart just doesn't do what many hopeful mothers thought it would: Make their babies more intelligent. University of Vienna researchers now present quite definite results on the so-called "Mozart effect" in the US journal Intelligence. Their findings suggest no evidence for specific cognitive enhancements from...

Babies Born With Sense of Right, Wrong

6-month-olds prefer 'good' to 'evil' characters

(Newser) - Knowing right from wrong isn't just a product of social conditioning as Freud claimed—babies are born with a sense of morality, writes Paul Bloom in the New York Times magazine . Bloom, one of just a handful of baby morality researchers, recounts one of his experiments, in which babies as...

New Idea for Healthy Babies: Three Parents

It could be possible in 3 years

(Newser) - UK researchers have grown embryos that combine the DNA of one man and two women, a development that could help babies avoid genetic defects. In broad strokes, it works like this: Parents at risk of passing on a genetic disorder fertilize an egg, and the healthy material is extracted and...

Breastfeeding Could Save Many Lives, Prevent Illnesses

(Newser) - The lives of nearly 900 babies would be saved each year, along with billions of dollars, if 90% of American women breast-fed their babies for the first six months of life, finds a startling study published today in the journal Pediatrics. A similar 2001 government report said $3.6 billion...

Babies Found Along Chinese River; Hospital Staff Arrested

Mortuary workers were supposed to dispose of bodies

(Newser) - The bodies of 21 babies, some with hospital identification tags around their tiny ankles, washed ashore on a river in eastern China and two mortuary workers were detained for allegedly dumping them. News footage shows the babies—at least one of whom was stuffed in a yellow plastic bag marked...

Majority of US Babies Will Be Minority This Year

Country expected to hit tipping point of 51% nonwhite births

(Newser) - Demographers believe this year could be the first year that minority births actually outnumber white births. Minorities already make up nearly half the children born in the US—48% according to the 2008 census, compared to 37% in 1990—and that number's growing rapidly because immigration has boosted the number...

Calif. Mom Busted After Newborn Is Found in Trash

Jessie Canfield went back to party after birth: cops

(Newser) - A 24-year-old California woman has been arrested for allegedly dumping her newborn baby in the trash after giving birth at a party. Police found the infant dead in an overstuffed curbside garbage bin, just blocks from a fire station where unwanted babies can be surrendered. The woman, Jessie Canfield, was...

Most Annoying People You Meet on Planes
 Most Annoying People 
 You Meet on Planes 

Most Annoying People You Meet on Planes

From the smug first-class traveler to loud babies

(Newser) - There are lots of reasons to dislike getting on an airplane; herewith, Guyism points out the most annoying types of people you’ll run into as you fly the friendly skies:
  • The first-class flier: Sorry, Jeff Wysaski writes to “this smug assembly of businessmen, trust fund kids and trophy

UK Gives Dads 6 Months of Paternity Leave

Policy shift reflects growing role of female breadwinners

(Newser) - The UK has overhauled its family leave policy to put more British babies in their fathers' care as mothers play the role of breadwinner. Where previously mothers got nine months' leave and fathers only two weeks, families will now have the option of shifting the mother's last three months to...

Fla. Man to Cops: 'Tase the Baby'

Suspect uses infant as human shield

(Newser) - A Florida man headed for a charge of resisting arrest found himself in even more trouble after brandishing an infant at sheriff's deputies ordered to Taser him and saying, "Tase the baby." Jorge Garcia is out on bail after being arrested early Friday in DeBary, between Daytona Beach...

Even Babies Are Airbrushed
 Even Babies Are Airbrushed 

Even Babies Are Airbrushed

Babies subject to the tyranny of Photoshop, too

(Newser) - Even babies can't meet the media-industrial complex's exacting standards: Baby photos are airbrushed before making their way to magazines, to tweak skin tone, swap eye color, and airbrush fat lines and creases, reports the Daily Telegraph . While many are riled, to some, this is not news: "You kind of...

Plastics 'Feminizing' Baby Boys
 Plastics 'Feminizing' Baby Boys 

Plastics 'Feminizing' Baby Boys

In utero exposure linked to different behaviors

(Newser) - Pregnant women's exposure to plastics is "feminizing" the baby boys they give birth to, researchers have found. Heightened in utero exposure to plastics is linked to reduced interest by boys in "rough and tumble" play and also to more typically masculine toys, like trucks, trains and guns, found...

Babies Cry in Their Parents' Language

Within 3 days, French, German infants wail differently

(Newser) - It’s apparently possible for a baby to cry in French. Within three days of birth, babies begin to pick up the accent of their parents, according to a study. Researchers analyzed 60 newborns—half French, half German—and discovered that soon the French babies took on a specific cry,...

Disney Offers Refunds for Failed Baby Einsteins

Videos may mesmerize kids, but they don't prompt development

(Newser) - Parents disappointed that junior isn't a prodigy can get now get a refund from Disney. Threatened with a class-action lawsuit, the makers of Baby Einstein products have withdrawn claims that the ubiquitous videos are beneficial to childhood development, and offered to refund the $15.99 parents shelled out if they...

Gov't to Japanese: Have Babies, We'll Pay You

But cash alone might not be enough to raise birth rate

(Newser) - With Japan’s aging, pension-collecting population eating away at the country's coffers, its leaders have decided they need more kids who can in turn support the elderly—and they’re willing to pay for them. They’re proposing a program that would pay new parents $3,300 a year for...

Half of US Babies Will See 100
 Half of US Babies Will See 100 

Half of US Babies Will See 100

Upward life expectancy trend shows no signs of slowing

(Newser) - More than half of the children born today in wealthy developed countries will live to see their 100th birthday. New research coming out of Denmark also suggests life expectancy in general has increased dramatically as medicine and diagnosis of diseases afflicting the elderly have improved. Since the 1950s, the BBC...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>