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Dozens Dead in EU in 'Astounding' Measles Outbreak

There's been an uptick in US, too

(Newser) - Some not-great news out of the World Health Organization regarding one of the most contagious viruses around. Per the BBC , a record number of measles patients has been recorded in the European Union, with last year's nearly 24,000 cases being surpassed by this year's 41,000 figure....

10 States With Lowest Vaccination Rates

Wyoming gets worst marks

(Newser) - Concerned about the anti-vaccination movement? Check out 24/7 Wall St. , which ranks all 50 states by their vaccination rates. The 10 with the worst:
  1. Wyoming: 72.8% of infants and toddlers have received the recommended dosage of the DTaP immunization, and 34.3% of adults get inoculated against influenza.
  2. West

Refusal to Vaccinate Tied to Resurgence of Measles, Pertussis

More than half of recent measles cases appeared in unvaccinated people: study

(Newser) - Wondering what's behind recent outbreaks of measles and whooping cough in the US? Perhaps not surprisingly, a new study published in JAMA finds that people who don't vaccinate—for non-medical reasons—contribute to the problem, Reuters reports. Since measles was declared eliminated in the US in 2000, there...

Aussies Cut Benefits for Anti-Vax Parents

New rules nixing childcare payments take effect Jan. 1

(Newser) - Parents in Australia who don't have their children immunized by Jan. 1 will soon find themselves embroiled in what the country calls its "no jab, no pay" laws—meaning if they don't take their kids for vaccinations by then, they'll lose childcare benefits, rebates, and a...

California Poised to Make Vaccines Mandatory

Under bill that cleared assembly, no more religious exemptions would be allowed

(Newser) - After its recent major measles outbreak, California is pretty close to becoming only the third state to deny vaccine exemptions for religious reasons. The state assembly today approved legislation that would require all kids entering public or private daycare, elementary school, or secondary school for the first time in the...

Ex Anti-Vaxxer: All 7 of My Kids Got Whooping Cough

Tara Hills tells her story in attempt to reach others like her

(Newser) - Tara Hills used to be anti-vaccination, but a nearby measles outbreak changed her mind and convinced her to get her seven kids, all of whom were under-vaccinated or completely unvaccinated, up to date. The Canadian mom set up a schedule with their family doctor ... but just days before they went...

Should Parents of Infected Kids Sue Anti-Vaxxers?

That's what one researcher suggests

(Newser) - It's been suggested that the anti-vaccination movement can be slowed down or halted through tougher laws and/or peer pressure —but what would happen if parents of kids who get infected from someone who isn't immunized sued the disease-spreader? A paper published in the Cornell Journal of Law ...

Pro-Vaxxers Jump on Christie: 'Insane,' 'Pandering'

Critics rail against NJ guv's stance for parental 'choice' regarding vaccines

(Newser) - NJ Gov. Chris Christie is now pulling back on statements he made earlier today—in response to the recent measles outbreak —that parents should have a "choice" whether to get their kids vaccinated. "The Governor believes vaccines are an important public health protection, and with a disease...

Chris Christie on Vaccines: Parents Should Have 'Choice'

While President Obama says, 'get your kids vaccinated'

(Newser) - Chris Christie is in the UK—technically on a trade mission for New Jersey, but most are looking at the trip as a precursor to his seemingly inevitable presidential campaign—and today in England he was asked about vaccinations in light of the US measles outbreak. "We vaccinate ours...

How to Stop the Anti-Vaccine Movement

Peer pressure—and more regulation, writes Michael Hiltzik

(Newser) - In the wake of the Disneyland-linked measles outbreak, which has now hit 87 cases, columnist Michael Hiltzik takes a look back at Jenny McCarthy in a Los Angeles Times piece whose headline dubs her a "public menace" for popularizing the anti-vaccine movement. Hiltzik also reminds us that McCarthy, who...

74% Would Pull Their Kids From Vaccine-Lax Day Care
74% Would Pull Their Kids From Vaccine-Lax Day Care

74% Would Pull Their Kids From Vaccine-Lax Day Care

Most also believe day care providers should check vaccinations every year

(Newser) - Most parents would consider yanking their kids out of a day care setting if other kids weren't vaccinated, according to a study by the University of Michigan's CS Mott Children's Hospital . More than 600 parents of kids up to the age of 5 were queried for the...

Vaccine Costs Rising, Some Doctors Stop Offering Them

Childhood immunization costs are skyrocketing: NYT

(Newser) - When Breanna Farris moved to Texas last year, her daughter missed the first week of school as Farris searched in vain for a provider who would give her the required vaccinations. Farris ultimately had to lie, pretending she had no insurance and taking the girl to a public health clinic,...

Vaccine Delay Aggravates Swine Flu Fears
 Vaccine Delay 
 Swine Flu 
h1n1 outbreak

Vaccine Delay Aggravates Swine Flu Fears

Uncertainty of supply makes scheduling immunization clinics tough

(Newser) - Production delays that are slowing the distribution of the H1N1 flu vaccine could hardly have come at a worse time, with the death toll in young people mounting and antivaccine activists seizing on any chance to make their position heard. Experts point out that the H1N1 version uses the same...

Swine Flu Parties Unsafe: Doc
 Swine Flu Parties Unsafe: Doc 
h1n1 outbreak

Swine Flu Parties Unsafe: Doc

Exposing kids to virus is a bad idea, pediatrician says

(Newser) - Parents who are throwing “swine flu parties” to get kids together in hopes of exposing them to the virus now, while it is in a weaker form, are on the wrong track, says a prominent pediatrician. Responding to a question from a US News and World Report reader, Thomas...

Flu Shots Decrease Use of Antibiotics

Doctors prescribe them less when the shots are available

(Newser) - Providing flu shots to the public decreases the prescription of antibiotics, say Canadian researchers. The results of a 10-year study in Ontario will be good news to public health officials who worry that over-prescription of antibiotics is creating more resistant bacteria, reports Miller-McCune. Researchers found that doctors prescribed 64% fewer...

Schools Are Ground Zero in Swine Flu Fight

(Newser) - Groups of kids or young adults in close proximity, often with lax sanitary standards, make typical school conditions hot spots for a swine flu resurgence, reports the Washington Post. To make matters worse, people 6 months to 24 years old appear to be especially susceptible to the H1N1 virus. But...

US Scratches Out Scourge of Chickenpox

Vaccine has almost eradicated itchy childhood disease

(Newser) - Thirteen years after the introduction of a vaccine, chickenpox has virtually disappeared among American children. The virus that causes the itchy disease is now so rare that parents and physicians alike have difficulty recognizing it, the Chicago Tribune reports. New research reveals a 75% drop in pox-related hospitalizations over the...

Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots
 Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots 

Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots

One in four children miss vaccinations, CDC finds, spreading risk through US

(Newser) - Fewer kids in the US are getting needed vaccinations, a study by the Centers for Disease Control finds. More than one in four have skipped or received mistimed doses of important immunizations, ABC News reports. "It's really important that parents understand how important it is to get their kids...

All Schoolkids Should Get Flu Shot, Feds Say

CDC panel proposes vaccinations for additional 30M kids

(Newser) - All schoolchildren in the US should get flu shots, a CDC panel advises. Current guidelines call for shots for those ages 6 months to 5 years, but the new recommendation raises the age to 18, an expansion of 30 million youngsters, the AP reports. The CDC is expected to adopt...

On YouTube Anti-Vaccine Vids Trump Science

Viewers prefer iffy sources for some public health info, JAMA study says

(Newser) - A new JAMA study reports that when it comes to at least one important public health subject on YouTube, theories rejected in the medical community have trumped official information in viewership. Controversial anti-vaccination videos are getting more hits and higher ratings than those touting the accepted science. The findings appear...

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