Kate Gosselin

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Jon's Gal: Public, Media 'Stripped My Self-Esteem'

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin's gal pal scorns the media and TLC while gushing only warm fuzzies for her beau in an exclusive E! Online interview. "I don't want to say the public and media stripped me of my self-esteem," says Hailey Glassman, 22, Jon's chum-turned-sweetheart. "But they really have....

Jon, Kate Face Off After Late-Night Fight

Estranged wife didn't like his cocktail waitress-turned-nanny

(Newser) - Jon and Kate Gosselin didn’t kiss, but they did seem to make up yesterday after a heated argument over Jon's choice of nanny, Us reports. In a photo of the reunion, Kate appears defensive, putting a hand on her chest as their children look on. One child is wiping...

Weary Kate Recovers From Nanny Quarrel

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin bounced back from an argument with hubby Jon by downing coffee and taking refuge in her favorite salon today, Radar reports. Rootless after Jon refused to let her in—and called the cops on her—Kate first moved from hotel to hotel and ran errands, looking "tired...

Cops Called to Jon, Kate Fight
 Cops Called to Jon, Kate Fight 

Cops Called to Jon, Kate Fight

Plus: Hailey, of course, is next to do an interview

(Newser) - They’ve argued on screen countless times, but last night Jon and Kate Gosselin’s off-screen argument got heated—and the cops were called. “Kate showed up at the house unexpectedly. It’s Jon’s scheduled time to be there with the kids,” a source tells Radar. "...

Regis Dares to Ask Kate About Jon

Fluff piece goes awry for reality mom

(Newser) - Their divorce is splashed all over the tabloids, but Kate Gosselin was still shocked when Regis Philbin asked her about it during a taping yesterday, insiders tell the New York Daily News. The interview, which airs tomorrow, was supposed to be a fluff piece, but Philbin went rogue and asked...

Jon: 'It's Not a Mid-Life Crisis'

He's always loved tattoos and pierced ears

(Newser) - The diamond-studded ears, the Ed Hardy shirts—that’s who Jon Gosselin really is! “It’s not a mid-life crisis,” he said on last night’s episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8, E! reports. “I’m nowhere near mid-life. I’m 32 years old. I’ve...

Jon Gets Hammered by Kate 2.0
 Jon Gets Hammered by Kate 2.0 

Jon Gets Hammered by Kate 2.0

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin doesn't seem to have a very good track record with Kates. Following this morning's Today show interview with soon-to-be-ex-wife Kate, former flame Kate Major hammered the reality dad on E! "We had plans to travel together, to live together and to be together," says the former...

Aww, Kate Still Loves 'the Jon I Knew'

And the kids don't really know what's going on yet

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin still loves “the Jon that I knew,” she said this morning on Today, her first appearance since she and her husband—and Jon and Kate Plus 8 co-star—announced they're divorcing. So why is she still wearing her wedding ring? For their eight kids, whom she...

Jon & Kate Weirdness Back on Air

Kate Major is also back

(Newser) - Jon & Kate Plus 8 may no longer be an appropriate title, but the TLC reality show returned last night—as did yet more tabloid coverage of the divorcing couple. Highlights:
  • On a solo camping trip with the kids, Kate had a hard time with the tent, leading the kids

Anderson to Bachelorette : How Much Sex?
 to Bachelorette
 How Much Sex? 

Anderson to Bachelorette: How Much Sex?

Plus, yes, more Jon and Kate news

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper got a little personal yesterday when, as Regis Philbin’s stand-in, he asked Bachelorette Jillian Harris how many of the bachelors on her reality show she slept with. But he was only asking “the question everybody wants to know,” said Erica Hill when he recapped the...

Jon and Kate Returning, Without Their Couch

(Newser) - They're back. Jon and Kate Gosselin's reality show—on hiatus since they stopped being Jon and Kate—will return to TLC Monday night, reports the Los Angeles Times. Loyal viewers will note one obvious change: gone is the couch they sat on together to describe the perils of raising eight...

Kate 2.0 Spills Romantic Beans
 Kate 2.0 Spills Romantic Beans 

Kate 2.0 Spills Romantic Beans

We know you're practically salivating with excitement.

(Newser) - After much anticipation, Kate Major—aka “Kate 2.0” of Jon & Kate fame—has given former employer Star her exclusive story. On her romantic first meeting with Jon: “I introduced myself as a reporter and said, ‘I’d like to meet Jon.’” His classy...

Jon Resumes Dad Duty as Kate Buys Suburban DC Pad

Jon puts 'career' second to family

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin is back with his kids, and it’s Kate’s turn to go out gallivanting. She’s buying a condo in the Washington, DC, suburbs, Radar reports—with the bachelorette pad just a block away from the Maryland office of bodyguard—and rumored lover—Steve Neild. From their...

Jon 'Cares' About Kate 2.0; She Cares About the Money

He cares about the money too, for that matter

(Newser) - Jon, Jon, Jon. Wasn’t it just the other day you claimed your heart belonged to Hailey Glassman? How quickly things change. Now the reality TV father of eight tells E!, “I care about Kate Major, she resigned from her job for me.” Even more touching: Major is...

Jon Gosselin's Reporter: I'm No Hooker

(Newser) - For those who thought the Gosselin saga couldn't get more tawdry: The Star reporter who quit after "falling for" interview-subject-and-dad-of-eight Jon is now denying reports that she once pounded the pavement in search of johns, reports the New York Daily News. Another NYC gossip monger tells the News that...

Jon Still Wants Kate's Friendship: Papa Lohan

(Newser) - Divorce and family breakup aside, Jon Gosselin still wants Kate's friendship—at least according to his new pal Michael Lohan, People reports. "He would love to be friends with her," says Lindsay Lohan's estranged dad. "They had eight kids and he would like to work things out...

Jon's Galpal Resigns From Tab
 Jon's Galpal Resigns From Tab 

Jon's Galpal Resigns From Tab

Sources say she's just using him to get her name in the papers

(Newser) - Stop the presses. Jon Gosselin's new Kate—not the one in Jon and Kate Plus 8—resigned from her post as a reporter at Star yesterday, citing a conflict of interest with her new relationship. But giving up her job doesn't quiet skeptics on Jon's latest flame, Kate Major. She’...

Jon Plus Yet Another Kate
 Jon Plus Yet Another Kate 

Jon Plus Yet Another Kate

Also, more on the David Beckham return

(Newser) - Jon Gosselin is “and Kate” again. No, not that Kate—Kate Major, a Star reporter he was pictured out with Saturday night, the New York Daily News reports. The new Kate "has a tendency to blur the lines between ‘work’ and ‘friendship,’” says a...

Kate Dodges Paps, Jon Moves In to New Digs

(Newser) - Jon and Kate Gosselin were both in Manhattan this weekend—but decidedly not together. While Kate's security guards fended off a mob of paparazzi as she headed with the kids to a photo shoot, Jon was moving into his tony new digs near Lincoln Center—solo. The wayward hubby picked...

Kate Spoofed in Dating Video
 Kate Spoofed in Dating Video 

Kate Spoofed in Dating Video

(Newser) - Poor Kate. While hubby Jon has fun with his latest junior girlfriend, she's home with the eight kids—and being lampooned in a spoof Match.com dating video. The ersatz Kate, who dubs herself "KatePlus8Minus1Hawaiian," says she's seeking a guy who appreciates a "backwards mullet" and "...

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