
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Australian Towns Impose Curfews — on Cats

Deputy mayor's son becomes possums' hero

(Newser) - After attacks on native wildlife, the Sydney area is putting its cats on a leash: Under a new rule, they’ll have to be inside from dusk to dawn, Reuters reports. The decision came after a deputy mayor’s son saved a parent and baby possum from a cat. In...

Animal DNA Brings Abusers to Justice

Genetic evidence spurs convictions, guilty pleas

(Newser) - For three decades, human DNA has been used in court; now, abused cats and dogs are benefiting from their own genetic evidence. Thus far, only a few cases have been won with help from DNA, but its use is “becoming more and more common,” an expert tells the...

Italian Leaves Home— and Pets—to Boston

But locals plan grab for $700K estate

(Newser) - Boston just got a new piece of real estate—in Italy. An Italian man whose mother and aunt lived in Boston left his estate to the city, the Boston Globe reports. But if Beantown wants it, it's going to have to do some petsitting. “The City of Boston, MA,...

Cats Love the Ladies&mdash; Manipulating Them, Too
Cats Love the Ladies— Manipulating Them, Too
study says

Cats Love the Ladies— Manipulating Them, Too

A new study shows the bond between owners, cats is intense

(Newser) - If a dog is a man's best friend, then a cat just might be a woman's. A new study shows that the relationship between a cat and its owner is more intense than previously known, actually mirroring a human-only bond—particularly when the owner is female. Cats attach to humans,...

Watch Out: That Dog in Your Bed Could Kill You
Watch Out: That Dog
in Your Bed Could Kill You

Watch Out: That Dog in Your Bed Could Kill You

You might even get the plague from your furry friends

(Newser) - Curling up with your dog or cat at the end of a tough day might not feel so warm and fuzzy after reading this: Allowing your pets to sleep in your bed could actually kill you, according to veterinary scientists. A new study shows that those who sleep with their...

Utah Law Would OK Shooting Homeless Animals

Animal rights organizations outraged

(Newser) - Irritated by the proliferation of stray cats and dogs? Just move to Utah, where soon you’ll be able to take care of the problem … by shooting them. The Stir points to a new law being proposed by Rep. Curt Oda, a Republican who wants to legalize the killing...

My Pet Is Psychic, Say 2/3 of US Owners

Most Americans believe pets have a sixth sense, at least about weather

(Newser) - Two-thirds of American pet owners believe their pets are psychic—about the weather, at least. And a whopping 43% say their pets have a sixth sense about bad news, a new survey shows. Pet owners relate stories of dogs and cats alerting them to thunderstorms, earthquakes, seizures, panic attacks—one...

5 Things to Buy Your Cat for Christmas

What cat wouldn't want a $118 cat scratcher?

(Newser) - A recent survey found that dog owners are more likely to give their pet a Christmas present than cat owners, and that made Brittny Drye sad. On The Stir , she lists five gifts you should consider for your kitty companion this year:
  • Cat Genie: The litter box is "self-flushing

Dogs Trounce Cats in Battle of the Brains

Social demands boost pooch intelligence, say researchers

(Newser) - The latest salvo in the battle regarding the relative intelligence of felines and dogs is bound to leave cat owners howling. Researchers are now claiming that dogs' intelligence has grown at faster rates historically than cats, spurred by canines' more social nature. They've discovered a historical link between the size...

The Secret of How Cats Drink
 The Secret 
 of How 
 Cats Drink 

The Secret of How Cats Drink

Hint: It involves the tip of their tongue

(Newser) - Big win tonight for cats in the cats-vs-dogs war. Engineers say they've figured out how the felines drink so neatly, and as the New York Times explains: "The cat's lapping method depends on its instinctive ability to calculate the balance between opposing gravitational and inertial forces." Impressive, especially...

Bizarre 'Pet Hoarding' Surges in US
 Bizarre 'Pet Hoarding' Surges 

Bizarre 'Pet Hoarding' Surges

Many hoarders start as rescuers, experts say

(Newser) - You've heard of hoarding , but did you know it applies to pets, too? Experts say a growing number of Americans are hoarding large numbers of animals that become more and more difficult to take care of as they overwhelm their owners. Tragically, 25% of pet hoarders started out as rescuers...

Newborn Kitten Has Two Faces

Birth defect reduces chance tiny feline will survive

(Newser) - A newborn kitten is turning heads because she has an unusual birth defect—two faces. The funky feline, inventively named Two Face by her startled owner, has a condition called diprosopus , her veterinarian tells WCHS , the ABC affiliate in Charleston, WV. "I gave her about a 50-50 prognosis, and...

Lou Reed to Stage Concert... For Dogs

'High-frequency' tunes will be inaudible to humans

(Newser) - American musician Lou Reed and his wife, performance artist Laurie Anderson, are planning an "inter-species social gathering"—otherwise known as a concert for dogs. Yes, a dog concert. The show, aptly titled Music for Dogs, will be held outside the Sydney Opera House in June and will feature...

Cool Cats Explain Lost Finale
 Cool Cats Explain Lost Finale 

Cool Cats Explain Lost Finale

Entire tail in 60 seconds

(Newser) - The Lost finale wasn't that confusing. In fact a few cool cats pretending to be Lost characters explain the whole kitten kaboodle in 60 seconds. The video by Tremendous News also squeezes in a recap of the entire season's highlights. It's catnip to fans, notes the Los Angeles Times.

Psychedelic Cat Food Commercial a Real Trip

The making of the Friskies 'Adventureland' spots, with turkey choreography

(Newser) - The insane "Adventureland" commercials for Friskies—which seem to suggest that your cat is dropping acid right there in the kitchen—took 6 months to produce and involved a cast of three cats and numerous humans, including a turkey-dance choreographer. The behind-the-scenes video about the making of the inescapable...

Your Pets Are Conspiring Against You

Dogs and cats cause 86,000 household falls each year: CDC

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of people wind up in the emergency room every year after running afoul of a surprisingly common household hazard: pets. Cats are underfoot almost as much, but dogs are more than seven times more likely to cause a "pet fall" because "dogs are bigger and...

Why I Dined on Dog
 Why I Dined on Dog 

Why I Dined on Dog

'I'm not happy I did it, but China shouldn't ban it'

(Newser) - There is no rational reason that eating dog is barbaric while eating pig is, well, pork, insists Roger Cohen. Nor are dogs natural pets over pigs. So it stands to reason that China should cancel plans to fine people for dining on dogs, Cohen writes. "If you eat meat...

China to Ban Eating Dogs, Cats
 China to Ban Eating Dogs, Cats 

China to Ban Eating Dogs, Cats

First animal abuse law will take dogs, cats off the menu

(Newser) - China plans to end thousands of years of culinary tradition by taking dogs and cat meat off its menu. A law being drafted against animal abuse—China's first—calls for the country's thousands of dog butchers and dog meat restaurants to be closed down. Stiff fines will be imposed on...

Dogs Rule, Cats Drool
 Dogs Rule, Cats Drool 
US pet poll

Dogs Rule, Cats Drool

74% of Americans like dogs, 47% like cats

(Newser) - Americans are dog people—at least, that's finding of a new poll from the AP and Nearly 75% of respondents said they liked dogs a lot, while only 41% said they liked cats a lot. And cats are way more disliked: 15% of adults polled said they didn't...

Not Stressed Enough? Potty Train Your Cat

But dis is where kitteh drinkz from, concerned felines meow

(Newser) - Anne Marie Chaker has joined a small but growing number of cat owners intent on using specialized equipment to complete an almost Sisyphean task: potty training their feline friends. Products on the market are selling much better this year than in the past, and they all work pretty much the...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>