birth control

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Vasectomy Is Young Man's Pill
 Vasectomy Is
 Young Man's Pill 

Vasectomy Is Young Man's Pill

More under-40s opt for the liberating procedure

(Newser) - Once exclusive to the over-40 crowd, vasectomies are increasingly popular among young men who want condom-free sex and no fears of Daddydom. But there's also a control component, writes Richard Morgan in Details: These men are taking charge of birth control, not leaving it up to the woman. "I...

Mac Speechless on Fiorina Birth Control Slip

Can't say how he thinks insurers should handle contraceptives

(Newser) - A full day after the blogosphere was lit up over Carly Fiorina’s decidedly un-conservative suggestion that health insurers should cover birth control, John McCain still had no comment when asked about it, the Wall Street Journal reports. And a decidedly awkward no-comment, at that:
  • McCain: “I certainly do

Ex-HP Chief a Risky VP Choice
 Ex-HP Chief a Risky VP Choice 

Ex-HP Chief a Risky VP Choice

But prominent McCain adviser has clear ambitions

(Newser) - Carly Fiorina sparked stunned silence when talking over breakfast yesterday about the unfairness of health insurance plans that cover Viagra, but not birth control. “These women would like a choice,” she said, despite the fact that her nominee, John McCain, voted against a proposal to mandate coverage. Dana...

Mayor: No Proof of Teen Pregnancy Pact

Glouester staff, families doubt explanation for baby boom

(Newser) - The mayor of Gloucester says there’s no proof that teenage girls in the Massachusetts town made a pact to have babies together, the AP reports. The principal of Gloucester High School, where a bizarre spate of 17 girls got pregnant this year, was quoted in Time saying the girls...

17 High School Teens Pregnant After Secret Pact

High fives over positive tests spark Mass. birth control battle

(Newser) - A pact among teenage girls to get pregnant has resulted in 17 pregnancies at a single Massachusetts high school—and sparked a debate in the conservative Catholic fishing town about birth control and available career options, reports Time magazine. Officials began to get wise to the secret pact when girls...

With 16K Condoms, Antarctic Base Ready for Winter

Polar base all set for lights out

(Newser) - The McMurdo Antarctic station got a vital shipment last month just before the southern winter descended—a year's supply of condoms. Some 16,500 condoms were delivered to the base's 125 staff. Supply flights won't resume until after the sun rises again in August, when the polar station's population begins...

Teen Sex Rate Stops Dropping
Teen Sex Rate Stops Dropping

Teen Sex Rate Stops Dropping

Condom use also levels off, reviving debate about abstinence sex ed

(Newser) - A decade-long drop in the teen sex rate leveled off between 2001-2007 and it may now be slowly rising again, the Washington Post reports. The government survey of thousands of high school students also found that an increase in condom use flattened out in 2003. The numbers have alarmed public...

Canadian Town Split on Bear Birth Control

'Garbage bear' takes her cubs downtown for dinner

(Newser) - Plans to put a British Columbia bear on birth control have stirred up controversy in Whistler, reports the Victoria Times-Colonist. The wild bear, known as Jeanie, is a local celebrity who's been featured in a BBC documentary, but authorities say she is putting her life in danger by coming to...

J&J Hid Birth Control Patch Risks: Suit

Scientist accused of veiling heart attack, stroke dangers

(Newser) - Johnson & Johnson doctored data to get its birth control patch FDA-approved, according to a class action lawsuit that claims Ortho-Evra caused blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. A J&J scientist allegedly doctored the data with a "correction factor" for the FDA, lowering estrogen-related risk by 60%: He...

Urologist: Shoot, Don't Score
Urologist: Shoot, Don't Score
March Madness

Urologist: Shoot, Don't Score

Docs offer March Madness vasectomy special for couch-potato sports fans

(Newser) - Crafty Oregon urologists are boosting their vasectomy clinic business at a time of year when a lot of men are on the sofa anyway, the Oregonian reports. A weekend of NCAA basketball tournament action allows just about enough time to recuperate from the surgery. "When March Madness approaches, you...

Stocks Tumble as Bayer Loses Patent for Contraceptive

Generic birth control pill could soon steal market

(Newser) - Bayer shares tumbled to a 12-month low yesterday after a US judge ended the pharmaceutical giant's patent on Yasmin, the company’s top-selling birth control pill. The ruling means rival Barr Pharmaceuticals may introduce a lower-priced generic version of Yasmin in the next few months, Bloomberg reports. 

Pill Guards Against Ovarian Cancer: Study

Even decades later, oral contraceptive provides protection

(Newser) - Oral contraceptives "confer powerful and long-lasting protection" against ovarian cancer, a cancer that often proves deadly because it's so difficult to diagnose early, a new study has found. The effect is so strong that women who take the pill for 10 years will enjoy significant protection against ovarian cancer...

Price of Pill for Students Soars
Price of Pill for Students Soars

Price of Pill for Students Soars

Rule change eliminates discounts at college health centers

(Newser) - Female students at US colleges may be cutting back on reliable contraceptives because a quirk in a federal law has made birth-control pills up to four times more expensive, health officials warn. A recent change in Medicaid regulations means drug companies no longer offer big discounts to health centers where...

Maine Middle School Offers Preteens the Pill

Parents OK health center visits, but care is confidential

(Newser) - A Portland, Maine, middle school stirred controversy last night when its board voted 5-2 to make birth control pills and patches available for its pupils, typically between 11 and 13 years old. The move was prompted by the school nurse's claim that five of 134 students treated by the health...

Alternative to the Pill Has No Side Effects

Non-hormonal patch would block protein key to conception

(Newser) - Contraception without the nausea, headaches, mood swings, weight gain, or heart attacks? Scientists are developing a non-hormonal patch that would side-step the side effects associated with the Pill by simply blocking a protein that allows sperm to bond with egg, the Telegraph reports. But don’t get too excited—it...

The Pill Reduces Cancer Risk
The Pill Reduces Cancer Risk

The Pill Reduces Cancer Risk

Oral contraception is beneficial—but only if used for less than 8 years

(Newser) - The pill has a possible new side effect: preventing cancer. Women who took oral contraceptives for less than eight years have up to a 12% lower risk of developing the disease, according to a new British study, one of the largest ever conducted. The risk of developing bowel and rectal,...

Sales Rocket for Morning-After Pill
Sales Rocket for Morning-After Pill

Sales Rocket for Morning-After Pill

Plan B still under fire from conservative critics

(Newser) - Sales of the morning-after pill have zoomed since it became available over the counter last year, but conservative activists are still lobbying to block it from pharmacy shelves. The federal Food and Drug Administration ruled in 2006 that the pill, marketed under the name Plan B, be made available without...

Hollywood Tries Pigeon Birth Control
Hollywood Tries Pigeon Birth Control

Hollywood Tries Pigeon Birth Control

Rooftop feeders will hold contraceptive-laced kibble

(Newser) - Hollywood will try to cut its pigeon population by lacing rooftop feeders with birdie birth control. The contraceptive OvoControl P is meant to reduce the spectacular amount of pigeon poop flooding from above, the LA Times reports, and even PETA is on board. "We would much rather they use...

Birth Control Prices at US Colleges Skyrocket

Female students may no longer be able to afford the Pill

(Newser) - Many college students may no longer be able to afford birth control come September, thanks to a 2006 bill that discourages drug companies from offering schools deep discounts on contraceptives. The change went into effect this year, but students will feel the crunch only now, as health centers that stocked...

Brazil to Subsidize Birth Control
Brazil to Subsidize Birth Control

Brazil to Subsidize Birth Control

Cheaper pills give poor women same right to family planning, says president

(Newser) - Just weeks after Pope Benedict XVI decried contraception as a threat to the future of Latin America on his visit to Brazil, Brazil's president announced that the government would subsidize birth control pills at private pharmacies so poor women can have "the same right that the wealthy have to...

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