birth control

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Kim Kardashian Reveals Early Sexual History

Kardashian opens up on birth control to Oprah Winfrey

(Newser) - Kim Kardashian went on birth control quite early, and it wasn't for medical reasons, she revealed last night on Oprah's Next Chapter. After dating a boy from age 12, she told mom Kris Jenner that she wanted to lose her virginity to him. "And she was like,...

In Debate on Women's Issues, Men Do the Talking

Study: Most quotes in media about women's topics are by males

(Newser) - When it comes to debate in the media over women's issues, most of the quotes are by... men. A new study shows that when women's topics such as abortion, Planned Parenthood, and birth control are discussed in print and on TV, males are quoted around five times more...

Catholics File Flood of Birth-Control Lawsuits

Bishops turn to the courts to fight health care law

(Newser) - Notre Dame's lawsuit yesterday was just the beginning, because America's Catholic bishops have turned en masse to the courts in an attempt to ensure that employees of Catholic institutions do not have health plans that cover birth control. Some 43 Catholic dioceses, schools, social service agencies, and...

Notre Dame Sues Over Obama Birth Control Mandate

Nation's most prominent Roman Catholic school says it violates constitution

(Newser) - More trouble for the Obama administration's mandate requiring most employers to cover birth control: Now the University of Notre Dame is suing, the AP reports, claiming that the mandate violates religious freedom. Observers had been waiting to see what step Notre Dame would take as the US' most prominent...

Catholic School Yanks Student Health Plan

Ohio university doesn't want to have to cover contraception

(Newser) - The Franciscan University of Steubenville has decided to discontinue its entire student health insurance plan as a way to duck the Obama administration's contraceptives mandate . While a number of Catholic institutions have protested the mandate , the Ohio school is the first to actually drop its coverage, the Huffington Post...

Kate Beckinsale: I Want the GOP in My Vagina
 Kate Beckinsale: 
 I Want GOP in My ... 

Kate Beckinsale: I Want GOP in My ...

Parodies the 'war on women' in new Funny or Die video

(Newser) - What’s this about the Republicans waging a War on Women? Some women actually want nothing more than for the GOP to get all up in their business, argues Kate Beckinsale in a new Funny or Die video that is quite liberal in its use of the word “vagina....

Women Overrate the Pill, Condoms

 Women Overrate 
 the Pill, Condoms 
study says

Women Overrate the Pill, Condoms

Many don't realize they're usually not as effective as IUDs, implants: study

(Newser) - Women tend to think that birth control pills and condoms are more effective than they actually are, say the authors of a new study. What's more, when women learn about the full range of options of available, they're far more likely to choose an IUD or a contraceptive...

Poverty Groups With Gay Ties Lose Catholic Funding

The Catholic Campaign cracks down on groups that don't toe church line

(Newser) - For years, Compañeros, a small nonprofit that helps Hispanic immigrants in Colorado, has relied on thousands in funding from the Catholic Church's Campaign for Human Development. But now the Campaign is considering yanking that money, after noticing that Compañeros is a member of an immigrant rights coalition...

Birth Control Advocates' Weapon: Knitted Uterus

Crafty organs sent to a dozen Arizona lawmakers

(Newser) - Critics of an Arizona proposal to limit birth control coverage have given a personalized gift to more than a dozen state lawmakers—a fuzzy, knitted uterus with googly eyes. The packages were delivered yesterday, each in a clear plastic bag labeled with a legislator's name and containing a letter...

One Month Later, Rush Limbaugh Sitting Pretty

Advertisers coming back, and stations not booting him

(Newser) - Remember all the outrage, the advertiser exodus , the calls for Rush Limbaugh to be permanently taken off the air after he called birth control advocate Sandra Fluke a slut ? Well, one month on, all that appears to be in the past. In the past two weeks, just one additional...

19% of Pharmacies to 17-Year-Olds: No Plan B
19% of Pharmacies to
17-Year-Olds: No Plan B
study says

19% of Pharmacies to 17-Year-Olds: No Plan B law, they're supposed to sell it to teens of that age

(Newser) - Pharmacies are required by law to provide over-the-counter emergency contraception to 17-year-olds without a prescription, but a new study in Pediatrics journal found that one out of five drugstores does not comply. Boston University researchers contacted all the pharmacies (943 total) in five big cities twice, posing as a 17-year-old...

GOP Lawmaker to Women: Back the Democrats

Rep. Richard Hanna co-sponsored the Equal Rights Amendment

(Newser) - Republican Rep. Richard Hanna has a little advice for women voters: Give your money to the Democrats. "I'll tell you this: Contribute your money to people who speak out on your behalf, because the other side—my side—has a lot of it," said Hanna at an...

Ariz. Bill Lets All Bosses Deny Birth Control Coverage

ACLU slams bill now before state Senate

(Newser) - More contraception controversy: A bill before Arizona's Senate would allow all employers, not just faith-based ones, to exclude birth control from health insurance coverage. "We live in America. We don’t live in the Soviet Union,” one of the bill's Republican sponsors says. "So government...

Catholic Bishops: Birth Control Fight Top Priority

US Conference sounds war call on Obama mandate

(Newser) - The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared its battle against President Obama's mandate on contraceptive health coverage a top priority. “This dispute is not about access to contraceptives, but about the government’s forcing the church to provide them,” said the bishops' statement. If the mandate...

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary
 GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary 
Maureen Dowd

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary

Maureen Dowd thinks Republicans have a bout of 'mass misogyny'

(Newser) - On Saturday, Hillary Clinton took a resounding shot at Republicans. "Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me," she said. "It doesn't matter what country they're in or what religion they claim. They want to control women." Clinton isn't supposed...

Sandra Fluke: Name Calling Won't Silence Us

Fluke says certain nameless detractors won't stop her

(Newser) - Sandra Fluke contributed an op-ed to CNN today, and though she doesn't mention Rush Limbaugh by name, she makes clear that she wasn't cowed by his "slut" diatribe. "Opponents of reproductive health access demonized and smeared me and others on the public airwaves," she writes....

Hey, Men: Contraception Is Your Fight, Too

This is not just a women's issue: Glenn W. Smith and James Moore

(Newser) - Women may be the people who actually take birth control pills, but men benefit from the practice just the same. The pill "has made our sex lives a lot simpler, and let's admit it, a hell of a lot more enjoyable," write Glenn W. Smith and James...

5 Other Things Employers Should Have to Provide
5 Other Things Employers Should Have to Provide

5 Other Things Employers Should Have to Provide

Birth control is great, but why not a salad bar?: Allysia Finley

(Newser) - For too long, employers have insisted on determining for themselves which employee benefits to offer, but President Obama's "2,000-page health law" cuts that conceit off at the pass, writes Allysia Finley in the Wall Street Journal . Now the government decides, and the government wants employees to get...

Make Birth Control Over the Counter
 Make Birth Control 
 Over the Counter 

Make Birth Control Over the Counter

The pill is as safe as everything else in the drug store: Virginia Postrel

(Newser) - The controversy over oral contraceptives raises one obvious question: Why the heck aren't they available over the counter? "True, making the pill available over the counter could reduce the amount of outrage and invective available for entertaining radio audiences," Virginia Postrel of Bloomberg quips. "But the...

Doc: Are We Paying for Limbaugh's Viagra?

Are health insurance consumers paying Rush to have sex?

(Newser) - If Rush Limbaugh doesn't want to absorb some of the cost of female contraception as a health insurance consumer, others are wondering: Why should we pay for Limbaugh's Viagra? "We know" Limbaugh "has used Viagra, which is covered by medical insurance plans," Dr. Nancy Snyderman...

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