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Why This Hot Rod Is Greener Than a Prius
 Why This Hot Rod Is Greener 
 Than a Prius 

Why This Hot Rod Is Greener Than a Prius

You'll drive less frequently but enjoy it more

(Newser) - So, conventional wisdom tells us, if you want to help the environment, ditch those dreams of a hot-rod, get a hybrid, and commute knowing you’ve done your part to save the environment. Nonsense, writes Joe Eaton , who did precisely the opposite. “Giving up your Prius and putting a...

Say Goodbye to $600 Jeans
 Say Goodbye to $600 Jeans 

Say Goodbye to $600 Jeans

Thanks to the recession, premium denim comes at a lower premium

(Newser) - If you couldn't afford a pair of "premium jeans" last year, maybe you can now. Though the basic components of jeans haven't changed in decades, prices skyrocketed early in the decade—but thanks to the recession, designer denim that might have gone for more than $300 two years ago...

Scariest Albums Ever Made
 Scariest Albums 
 Ever Made 

Scariest Albums Ever Made

Celebrate Halloween with these psychologically creepy albums

(Newser) - James Montgomery, tasked with listing the scariest albums ever made for MTV in honor of Halloween, resisted the temptation to include Avril Lavigne's The Best Damn Thing. Instead, he went for the "dense, raw, positively horrifying albums, guaranteed to turn your Halloween into a total fright-fest." Check them...

Meet Hollywood's New 'It Girl'

Carey Mulligan's role in An Education reminiscent of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman

(Newser) - Thanks to her lauded role in An Education, Carey Mulligan is Hollywood's latest "It Girl," poised to join the ranks of Julia Roberts and Audrey Hepburn. "She has fragility, she has humor, she can be very moving, she's bright, and she's great to look at," says...

Jay-Z Cleans Up 'Empire' for World Series

Rapper will keep his language PG while performing for Yanks

(Newser) - The lyrics to Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" are sometimes as raw as New York, but it looks like the rapper will clean things up when he performs his city anthem at the World Series. A source close to the rapper says Jay-Z won't utter curses or other raunchy...

At Last, Rockers Shut Up and Sing
 At Last, Rockers 
 Shut Up and Sing 

At Last, Rockers Shut Up and Sing

Really, it's about time rockers made concerts all about the music

(Newser) - Bono—he of the eons-long concert diatribes about everything from Burma to the whales—has done the unthinkable. "Bono has started editing himself," Virginia M. Moncrieff realized during U2's Rose Bowl concert. And it's about time: Though Moncrieff admires their causes, she has reached the age where the...

Kanye Cameo Likely During Swift's SNL Gig
 Kanye Cameo Likely 
 During Swift's SNL Gig 

Kanye Cameo Likely During Swift's SNL Gig

(Newser) - Just when the Kanye West-Taylor Swift meme was starting to ebb a bit, there’s this from the rumor mill: West, awards-show interrupter, will make a cameo when Swift, awards-show interruptee, hosts Saturday Night Live on Nov. 7. Quoth gossip maven Perez Hilton: “Sources tell us this is very...

Plus-Size Model: Anorexia Felt Like 'the Flu Times 10'

Crystal Renn recalls battle back to good health

(Newser) - In her teens, Crystal Renn punished herself relentlessly in pursuit of her dream of becoming a model. After years of self-inflicted hell, the 5-foot-9, 165-pound Renn has found success by being herself—she is now the world's highest-paid plus-size model. Time chats with her:
  • On her introduction to modeling: "

Concert Earnings Defy Recession

Big-name acts, up-and-comers see modest rise in attendance

(Newser) - Concert tours remained surprisingly strong this year despite the weak economy, with slightly more people heading out to see their favorite acts than in 2008. Gross revenue held steady at $1 billion for the period from May 1 to Sept. 1, matching earnings a year earlier. Big-name acts like Kenny...

5 Twitter Superstars You Don't Know

These unknowns have more followers than Stephen Colbert, Snoop Dogg

(Newser) - Paris Hilton may be famous for being famous, but there are at least five Twitter users with more followers than her—even though most people wouldn’t recognize them on the street. CNN runs down five of the top 200 Twitter users, each with more than 1.2 million followers,...

Pan Am Lives&mdash;in Man's Garage
 Pan Am Lives—in Man's Garage 

Pan Am Lives—in Man's Garage

Trips to Thailand net vintage headphones and the like for cabin mockup

(Newser) - To Anthony Toth, Pan Am was the epitome of airline class, with its top-notch, martini-pouring first-class service and in-flight music so excellent that the United Airlines employee brought along a tape recorder to record it on trips as a boy. Now that he’s 42 and owns a home, he’...

Bob Dylan's Xmas Album 'Sort of Insane'
 Bob Dylan's 
 Xmas Album 
 'Sort of Insane' 

Bob Dylan's Xmas Album 'Sort of Insane'

Even so, the 'beloved iconoclast' puts together an interesting collection

(Newser) - With the announcement of Bob Dylan’s Christmas in the Heart, “smirkers got smirkier”—you try picturing Dylan singing the lyric, “How’d ya like to hang a stocking on a great big coconut tree?” without smirking—but in the end, the collection is interesting, if a...

Worst Food Trends of the Decade
 Worst Food Trends 
 of the Decade 
check, please

Worst Food Trends of the Decade

From onion blossoms to overhyped chefs, these things need to go away

(Newser) - Asked to name the decade's worst dining trends, chefs and other food experts couldn't shut up. There were too many (including "mache, water sommeliers, organ-meat entrees, unisex bathrooms, bacon tattoos on chefs, over-flaunted kitchen burns, chefs tables") for Christopher Borrelli to list them all, but he...

Ann Taylor Finally Gets Good
 Ann Taylor Finally Gets Good 

Ann Taylor Finally Gets Good

Cintra Wilson finds the retailer infused with sophisticated details, for less

(Newser) - After a game of fashion musical chairs brought Ann Taylor a new designer, Cintra Wilson decided it was time to reexamine the label—long a "corporate office submissive" look designed to "attract a nice tax attorney husband." She ate her words after checking out the new line...

Inside Gaga's 'Delicious' Tour
 Inside Gaga's 'Delicious' Tour 

Inside Gaga's 'Delicious' Tour

Lady Gaga talks new album The Fame Monster and The Monster Ball concerts

(Newser) - Lady Gaga's upcoming tour is more than just a series of concerts—it's a pop-electro opera, "a truly artistic experience that is going to take the form of the greatest post-apocalyptic house party that you've ever been to," she tells Rolling Stone. The Monster Ball launches Nov. 27,...

Need a Chicken Poncho? Hit Regretsy
 Need a Chicken Poncho? 
 Hit Regretsy 


Need a Chicken Poncho? Hit Regretsy

New blog features the worst of the worst from Etsy's ranks

(Newser) - If you have a chicken in need of a trusty poncho, or should you find yourself dying for a 16-inch reusable menstrual pad, good news: You can buy either—or both—of those items on Etsy, the site where artists sell handmade items. If you aren’t looking for a...

It's Time to Stop Hating Creed
 It's Time to Stop Hating Creed 

It's Time to Stop Hating Creed

They're reuniting, but listen before you groan

(Newser) - Creed is back—the once ubiquitous (and “ubiquitously loathed”) rock group is releasing a new album later this month and going on tour. But “if your impulse on hearing that it has reunited is to groan, stifle it long enough to locate a copy of Creed's 2004...

Are Models Skinny Because We're Fat?
 Are Models Skinny 
 Because We're Fat? 

Are Models Skinny Because We're Fat?

Column blaming the thin trend on society's obesity gets lots of attention

(Newser) - Robin Givhan's recent Washington Post piece attempting to explain why models are so skinny—"the fatter the general population, the thinner the idealized woman," she wrote—spawned a number of responses in varying degrees of outrage. Read on for a sample:
  • "'The culture' isn't insisting on emaciated

Kanye Exorcises Demons in Short Jonze Film
 Kanye Exorcises Demons 
 in Short Jonze Film 

Kanye Exorcises Demons in Short Jonze Film

Clip, briefly on rapper's site, includes projectile vomiting, cutting himself open

(Newser) - A glimpse into the inner workings of Kanye West, or just fantasy? We're sure getting a look at something in a new short film directed by Spike Jonze (of Where The Wild Things Are) and starring West, who—after an(other) obnoxious club outing—projectile vomits pink flower petals in a...

Taylor Swift: Finally, a Feel-Good Teen Idol

It's OK if your kids like her—she's no Miley, Britney, or Paris

(Newser) - Nine-year-old girls can get thong underwear at Wal-Mart, and the hypersexualized antics of Miley et al. rule the headlines. So Hans Eisenbeis was understandably concerned when his ultrasheltered 11-year-old took a shine to Taylor Swift. “Is she too grown up for Phoebe?” he writes for DoubleX. “Is Swift...

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