
Stories 101 - 110 | << Prev 

Obama Brushes off Fall Debates
Obama Brushes off Fall Debates

Obama Brushes off Fall Debates

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign declared forum fatigue today, announcing that the presidential hopeful will decline requests to speak at debates and forums for the rest of this fall, beyond those they've already committed to. “Unfortunately, we simply cannot run the kind of campaign we want and need to," campaign...

Dems Should Throw Joe Overboard
Dems Should Throw Joe Overboard

Dems Should Throw Joe Overboard

Lieberman does party more harm than good, columnist claims

(Newser) - Senate Democrats wouldn’t be in the majority if Joe Lieberman didn’t caucus with them, but maybe they’d be better off, the New York Observer’s Steve Kornacki argues. Kornacki says the Independent senator embarrasses Dems by siding with the enemy  and accusing them of being terrorist coddlers....

Obama Says Hillary Is Old News
Obama Says Hillary Is
Old News

Obama Says Hillary Is Old News

Brands rival as candidate of the past, himself as for the future

(Newser) - Presidential hopeful Barack Obama took a swipe yesterday at his main Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, saying  "change can't just be a slogan" --a reference to the slogan she introduced just a few days ago, "Ready for Change, Ready to Lead."  In fact, her approach is more...

Bill Stumps With Hillary in Iowa
Bill Stumps
With Hillary
in Iowa

Bill Stumps With Hillary in Iowa

Steps into helpmate role as she struggles to regain momentum

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is trying out the role of doting husband on a campaign swing through Iowa this week. Their first joint appearances  seem aimed to boost Hillary's likability and cut that 50% disapproval rating. Bill offers a warm introduction, affectionate hugs, and the claim that his wife is better qualified...

Poll Puts Hillary Back in Lead by Double Digits

Obama trailing; McCain drops below Thompson

(Newser) - They were in a dead heat two weeks ago, but a new USA TODAY/Gallup poll out today puts Hillary back in front for the Dem nomination with a double-digit spread over Barack. The red team is also shaking up, with not-quite-official candidate Fred Thompson stealing second standing from John McCain.

Richardson Trails Despite Better Resume

The problem is that he's not famous enough

(Newser) - Despite his considerable experience in foreign affairs and effective stewardships of one of the most diverse, though small, states in the country, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is not attracting much of a following, says Time blogger Karen Tumulty. Why? He’s not famous and doesn’t have enough famous...

Florida Moves Primary To January 29
Florida Moves Primary To January 29

Florida Moves Primary To January 29

Rescheduling sets off race for first place

(Newser) - The state's historic election difficulties notwithstanding, Florida's presidential primaries will be among the earliest in the nation. Yesterday's legislative approval of the January 29 date is already provoking other states into maneuvering for the first spot. Said the Massachusetts secretary of state: "The idea that this election could begin...

Getting Under Obama's Skin
Getting Under Obama's Skin

Getting Under Obama's Skin

A portrait of the candidate as a uniter in the Lincoln mold

(Newser) - Larissa MacFarquhar does an apt and artful deconstruction of Barack Obama's political persona in this week's New Yorker. Observing the candidate's oddly mild stump style, compared with the overachiever affect of most Democratic candidates, she notes that he is less professor than doctor, aiming not to whip up outrage but...

Most Dems Mum on Gun Control
Most Dems Mum on Gun Control

Most Dems Mum on Gun Control

Murphy: Massacre could have been avoided if leaders stood up to gun lobby

(Newser) - Grief over the Virginia Tech massacre is re-energizing gun control advocates like Rep. Carolyn Murphy, whose husband was shot dead in 1996. "For too long, Congress has stood idle while gun violence continues to take its toll," she said yesterday. But most Dems have studiously avoided the hot-button...

Obamas Aren't Millionaires —This Year

Tax returns show drop in candidate's income, mostly royalties

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama unveiled their 2006 federal income tax return yesterday, offering a peek into the wallet of one of the least affluent presidential aspirants. The couple reported $983,826 in taxable income in 2006—a comedown from 2005's $1.6 million.

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