Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Edward Snowden Finally Emerges
Edward Snowden 
Finally Emerges

Edward Snowden Finally Emerges

NSA whistleblower accepts award for integrity in intelligence

(Newser) - With Edward Snowden's dad visiting Russia , the NSA whistleblower emerged from hiding today to be photographed and accept an award for "integrity in intelligence," the AP reports. Sporting an open-necked blue shirt and black suit, Snowden smiled in a photo with the award's presenters: British Wikileaks...

FBI Takes Down Silk Road, Alleged Internet Drug Market

'Dread Pirate Roberts' faces a slew of charges

(Newser) - The FBI has pulled the plug at least temporarily on a website accused of serving as a sort of Amazon.com for illegal drugs, reports the Verge . Undercover agents reportedly made dozens of purchases on the Silk Road website since late 2011, and the FBI today announced the arrest of...

Navy Shooter's Note Blames Radio Wave 'Torment'

Aaron Alexis said 'ultra low frequency attack' drove him to shooting spree

(Newser) - In addition to releasing surveillance video of Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis creeping through hallways during his attack, the FBI revealed that Alexis left a note of sorts. “An ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last three months, and to be perfectly...

Ex-FBI Agent Will Plead Guilty to AP Leak

Donald Sachtleben says he leaked intel that resulted in AP phone records seizure

(Newser) - A former FBI explosives expert will plead guilty to revealing secret information for an Associated Press story about a US intelligence operation in Yemen in 2012. Donald Sachtleben said in court papers today that he provided details of the operation to a reporter. Four months ago, Sachtleben also acknowledged he...

Navy Gunman, Snowden Checked Out by Same Firm

USIS has been under federal scrutiny

(Newser) - Both Edward Snowden and Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis faced background checks in recent years—and both checks were conducted by the same company. USIS ran a background check on Alexis in 2007 for the Office of Personnel Management, the year he joined the Navy; the company said it wasn'...

FBI to Hang 'We're Closed' Sign 10 Days a Year

Thank the budget sequester

(Newser) - If you've got a federal crime to commit, the FBI will soon have a few dates to recommend.* In the latest fallout from the budget sequester , the FBI has decided to close its headquarters and all of its offices on 10 weekdays over the next year, sources tell...

Feds Likely Would Have Used PRISM on King

Scary thought: What if the FBI's Hoover had today's technology: Joe Johns

(Newser) - As the nation remembers Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic speech—and considers Edward Snowden's revelations—it's worth remembering that in his time, King was virtually "Public Enemy No. 1," points out Joe Johns at CNN . J. Edgar Hoover's FBI had King under heavy...

Author: FBI Thought I Was the Unabomber

After that, William Vollmann was suspected in anthrax attacks

(Newser) - Acclaimed author William Vollmann has an essay in Harper's that won't exactly inspire confidence in the FBI's sleuthing abilities. Vollmann got a look at his own government file and learned that he was once "Unabomber Suspect Number S-2047," he tells NPR . All because an anonymous...

FBI Trains Cops to Deal With Mass Shooters

Local cops taught to face gunmen head on, alone if necessary

(Newser) - Two hostages stand at the classroom entrance and another lies seriously wounded outside. "Don't come down here, I'm telling you—I'll kill 'em," a man shouts to officers snaking down the corridor with guns drawn. Negotiations fizzle, the officers yell to the hostages to...

Denials Aside, the CIA Spied on Noam Chomsky

FOIA request reveals secret memo on the MIT professor

(Newser) - The CIA would never keep a file on political dissident Noam Chomsky—right? For years, the agency denied keeping a Chomsky file, but a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI has punctured a hole in that story, Foreign Policy reports. Turns out that a CIA memo to the...

FBI Returns to Case of Baby&#39;s 1964 Kidnapping

 Cops Returned 
 Wrong Baby in 
 1964 Kidnapping 

Cops Returned Wrong Baby in 1964 Kidnapping

Chicago parents raised child found in NJ who DNA says isn't theirs

(Newser) - Paul Joseph Fronczak was abducted as an infant from a Chicago hospital in 1964; shortly afterward authorities thought they'd found him and returned a baby to Fronczak's parents. That child was raised as Paul Fronczak—but a DNA test this year shows it wasn't him. Now, the...

FBI: Our Economic Data Is at Risk

Flaw in system could allow hackers to access 'black box'

(Newser) - The FBI has found "a number of operational vulnerabilities" in the system the government uses to protect sensitive economic information, the Wall Street Journal reports. As part of its long-running attempt to figure out what's behind the suspicious trading activity that often precedes major economic news, the bureau...

Father of Slain Tsarnaev Friend Will Sue FBI

He wants to know the truth about Florida shooting

(Newser) - The father of the Chechen man shot dead by the FBI while being interviewed about his friendship with Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev says he plans to sue the agency—not for compensation, but for the truth about his son's death. Abdulbaki Todashev, father of 27-year-old Ibragim, has traveled...

FBI OKed Over 5K Crimes by Informants in 1 Year

2011 report says agency approved 5,658 'otherwise illegal' activities

(Newser) - Whitey Bulger wasn't the only FBI informant whose criminal activity the agency turned a blind eye to: USA Today has its hands on the FBI's 2011 "otherwise illegal activity report," a tally it sends to the Justice Department every year reporting the number of crimes it...

FBI: We Couldn't Have Stopped Boston Bombings

Internal reviews find laws and protocols prevented deeper investigation

(Newser) - Even though a tip put Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the FBI's sights prior to the Boston Marathon bombings, there was essentially nothing the agency could have done to prevent the attack, the bureau has determined. A number of internal reviews zeroed in on how a 2011 request from Russia, which...

Senate OKs New FBI Director
 Senate OKs 
 New FBI Director 

Senate OKs New FBI Director

Everyone except Rand Paul supports James Comey

(Newser) - The US Senate has confirmed James Comey as the FBI's next director today, the AP reports. Rand Paul had been holding up the vote until the FBI would tell him more about its use of domestic drones, but at the last minute, Paul announced the FBI had sent him...

FBI Rescues 105 Teens From Prostitution

150 pimps, others arrested in 3-day operation

(Newser) - The FBI has completed "Operation Cross Country," and it was a campaign that truly lived up to its name: The bureau today announced that 105 children have been rescued from forced prostitution following the arrests of 150 people in 76 US cities. It's the biggest operation to...

Top WikiLeaks Volunteer Was FBI Informant

Sigurdur "Siggy" Thordarson sold out Assange for $5K

(Newser) - One of Julian Assange's key volunteers doubled as an informant for the FBI, he tells Wired . In August 2011, Sigurdur "Siggi" Thordarson, 18, sent an email to the US embassy in Iceland promising "intel"; the next day, he walked into the embassy building, flashed Assange's passport,...

Obama to Nominate Top Bush Official for FBI Chief

James Comey was key to warrantless wiretapping program

(Newser) - President Obama today plans to nominate George W. Bush's former No. 2 at the Justice Department, James Comey , to lead the FBI as the agency grapples with privacy debates over a host of recently exposed investigative tactics. Comey is perhaps best known for a remarkable 2004 standoff over a...

FBI Chief: We Use Surveillance Drones in US

But Robert Mueller insists the agency does so rarely

(Newser) - FBI chief Robert Mueller's testimony on Capitol Hill today is drawing headlines mostly for his acknowledgement that the agency uses drones for surveillance on US soil. Mueller, however, emphasized that the practice is rare, reports the Hill . "Our footprint is very small," he told senators. "We...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>