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FBI to Close 2001 Anthrax Case
 FBI to Close 2001 Anthrax Case 

FBI to Close 2001 Anthrax Case

Bruce Ivins acted alone, they conclude

(Newser) - The FBI will formally end its investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks, sources tell NPR . They will conclude that army scientist Bruce Ivins sent the tainted letters, which killed five and sickened 17 others, and that he worked alone. Victims have already been notified, and the Department of Justice will...

FBI: 2 Bodies Found at Austin Site

One believed to be pilot; other may be missing employee

(Newser) - An FBI spokesman confirms tonight that two bodies have been found at the site of today’s plane crash in Austin, Texas, with one thought to be of the pilot, Joseph Andrew Stack. Officials can’t confirm that the other is that of the federal employee still missing, the American...

Brennan: GOP Was Briefed on Bomb Suspect

Accuses Republicans of using terrorism as 'political football'

(Newser) - John Brennan says he briefed senior GOP lawmakers on the Christmas Day terror arrest and the FBI’s handling of it right away, and dismissed their later criticisms as political ploys. “None of those individuals raised any concerns with me at that point.” the White House counterterror chief...

Andrew Young Forks Over Edwards Sex Tape

Gives copy to FBI after landing in contempt of court

(Newser) - He says he's still got the original locked away, but Andrew Young has handed over the sex tape starring John Edwards to the FBI—a day after landing in contempt of court for refusing to do so. But it won't hit the small screen anytime soon, reports Politico ; "The...

Underwear Bomber Spilling 'Chilling' al-Qaeda Intel

GOP complains FBI's revealing too much about what he's saying

(Newser) - Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is continuing to provide the FBI with vital—and chilling—information now that he's talking, intelligence sources say. Officials say that the underwear bomber, who started cooperating after family members were flown in from Nigeria, has provided details about his al-Qaeda handlers in Yemen. He believes there...

Abdulmutallab Now Cooperating With Feds

Authorities get 'useful, current' info from underwear bomber

(Newser) - The so-called “underwear bomber” is now cooperating with US authorities, who have acted upon the “useful, current” information Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has given them, sources tell Politico . Abdulmutallab is said to have clammed up when he was given his Miranda rights less than an hour into questioning after...

Khmer Rouge Murdered Star of Killing Fields

UN tribunal testimony implicates Pol Pot in '96 hit on Oscar-winner

(Newser) - The LAPD and FBI call the 1996 murder of actor Haing Ngor a closed case of gang violence, but many Cambodians and Cambodian-Americans remain convinced that Pol Pot ordered a hit on the Oscar winner—and recent testimony at a UN tribunal on the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime has boosted...

FBI Illegally Searched Phone Records for Years
 FBI Illegally Searched 
 Phone Records for Years 

FBI Illegally Searched Phone Records for Years

Thousands targeted, including Times and Post reporters

(Newser) - From 2002 to 2006, the FBI repeatedly violated its own rules, collecting more than 2,000 telephone records by declaring terror emergencies that didn't exist, and then never following up with the letters required to justify such searches. As the bureau strained to gather intelligence more quickly in the wake...

Bin Laden's Hair 'Borrowed'
 Bin Laden's Hair 'Borrowed' 

Bin Laden's Hair 'Borrowed'

FBI used Spanish official's 'do for updated Osama photo

(Newser) - When the FBI released digitally enhanced images showing what Osama bin Laden might look like today, it took one Spanish lawmaker in particular by surprise. That's his hair photoshopped atop the terrorist's head. "It's almost like out of a comedy if it didn't deal with matters as serious as...

Feds Update Bin Laden Mug
 Feds Update Bin Laden Mug 

Feds Update Bin Laden Mug

Digital effects used to make 'aged progressed' pics

(Newser) - Using digital technology, the FBI has a new idea of what Osama bin Laden might look like today. The “aged progressed” images show the 52-year-old al-Qaeda chief—dressed in both Western and tradition Arab styles—grayer, with more wrinkles and facial lines. One thing that’s the same: the...

Terrorism Warnings Often Go Unpursued

Detroit bomber alert not specific enough to rise out of 'noise'

(Newser) - However ill-advised it looks in hindsight, the decision of counterterrorism officials last month not to pursue a warning from the Nigerian would-be bomber's father was standard procedure for agencies flooded with unsubstantiated terrorism tips. It takes a specific threat, or an existing body of knowledge about an individual, for information...

FBI's Just-Opened Jackson Files Reveal Child Sex Cases

Bureau releases records relating to pop star

(Newser) - The FBI today released its files on Michael Jackson under the Freedom of Information Act, and the results are not flattering: Nearly half of the 333 pages of documents relate to child molestation:
  • In 1993, the LAPD asked the FBI if they would be interested in charging Jackson for transporting

FBI Probes Massive Hacker Theft at Citi

Bank denies being victim of Russian cyberattack

(Newser) - The FBI is investigating a cyberattack on Citigroup that cost the bank tens of millions of dollars, according to government officials. The theft—which Citi denies ever happened—was aimed at Citigroup's Citibank subsidiary and was carried out by hackers linked to a Russian gang, officials tell the Wall Street ...

5 Missing US Students Arrested in Pakistan

One left video farewell endorsing jihad

(Newser) - Five American men arrested by the Pakistani military are likely the same group that disappeared from the Washington area last month. One of the men left behind a farewell video that endorses Islamic jihad, officials said. The men, aged 18-20, all suddenly left their homes, prompting their families to alert...

Kids Porn Cases Take Heavy Toll on Cops

'The screaming is embedded in your brain forever,' says one

(Newser) - "Victims" who don't get much recognition in kiddie porn cases are the investigators who uncover horrors done to children. "The crying, the screaming on the videos are embedded in your brain forever," said one cop who has been investigating child porn for 4 years. "The screams...

Hate Crimes Up Just 2%, But Gay-Bashing Soars: FBI

Religiously motivated crimes also surge

(Newser) - The incidence of reported hate crimes in the US rose 2% in 2008, with huge surges in religion- and sexual orientation-based offenses. The FBI compiled the stats but cautions that an increase in reporting—not in crime itself—could be responsible. The AP looks at some numbers:
  • Of 7,783

FBI After Calif. 'Geezer Bandit'

Man in 70s, toting oxygen tank, suspect in 5 bank robberies

(Newser) - The FBI has jumped in on the pursuit of a California robbery suspect authorities have dubbed the “Geezer Bandit.” The most recent of the five heists came yesterday outside San Diego; surveillance video of previous incidents shows a man believed to be in his 70s and, in at...

Feds to Seize Skyscraper, Mosques Linked to Iran

Biggest anti-terror seizures in US history

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors took steps today to seize four US mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government. In what could prove to be one of the biggest counterterrorism seizures in US history, prosecutors filed a civil...

First US Citizen Sues Feds for Rendition

NJ man alleges interrogation, coercion in Somalia, Egypt

(Newser) - A New Jersey man yesterday became the first US citizen to sue the federal government for "rendition," the extrajudicial transfer of terrorism suspects between countries. Arrested in Kenya in 2007, Amir Meshal was secretly flown to Somalia, then to Ethiopia, where he claims US agents repeatedly threatened him...

Feds Point Fingers in Hasan Missteps

Fort Hood blame game begins

(Newser) - The FBI and the Pentagon are fighting off accusations that someone dropped the ball on Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan. Department of Defense officials say that the FBI never notified them that Hasan had been in contact with extremist imam Anwar al-Aulaqi, while the FBI's defenders say that his...

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