
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Editor Ripped by Belusconi Bro for Gay Affair Loses Job

(Newser) - An editor of a Catholic newspaper criticized for a gay affair in a publication owned by the brother of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is out of a job, reports the New York Times. He resigned just days after he slammed the randy head of state in an editorial for...

'Big Gay Ice Cream Truck' Roams Streets of NYC

Truck fights homophobia with weird toppings

(Newser) - This summer, there’s a new kind of ice cream truck on the streets of New York: the big, gay kind. Doug Quint, owner of the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck, tells Gelf Magazine about his weirdest topping (wasabi pea dust), the definition of a choinkwich (“a freshly-made chocolate...

Gay Toughs Bash Back
 Gay Toughs Bash Back 

Gay Toughs Bash Back

(Newser) - Many gays are damn mad and they're not going to take it anymore. Now Bash Back!—formed just over a year ago—is boosting gay, transgender and sex worker protest to a freshly provocative level, reports Details. The group, with some 15 chapters nationwide, has forged its reputation with...

Gay Man Recounts 'Love Story' With Jacko

Or, at least, so he claims to be

(Newser) - A man claiming to be Michael Jackson’s secret gay lover has stepped forward, telling Australia’s Woman’s Day, “I’ve lost my soul mate.” Jason Pfeiffer, 35, works for Jackson’s dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, and claims his relationship with the King of Pop started with...

Rush to Barney Frank: Oh Yeah? You Live on Uranus

Finds town hall protester 'fabulous and hilarious'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is eating up the town hall protests. Covering the Barney Frank town hall last night, Rush said it was “fabulous and fantastic and hilarious” that a woman showed up with a poster of Obama as Adolf Hitler and asked why Frank supported a Nazi health care policy,...

'Fag Hag' No Longer Hip Label
 'Fag Hag' 
 No Longer 
 Hip Label 

'Fag Hag' No Longer Hip Label

Gay men slowly becoming less of an 'accessory' for women

(Newser) - Thanks to Will & Grace, the young gay men of a decade ago were turned “into something unexpected: a must-have item,” writes Thomas Rogers for Salon. Though he was “jockish, pop-culturally illiterate, and dressed in mom jeans,” Rogers “remained a strangely alluring target for a...

Family Guy Baby Stewie Is Gay: Creator

Explains why he wants to take over the world, MacFarlane says

(Newser) - Baby Stewie was this close to coming out as gay in an episode of Family Guy, but creator Seth MacFarlane says he decided “to keep it vague” because “he’s a 1-year-old,” the New York Daily News reports. “Ultimately, Stewie will be gay or a very...

RIP Gaydar: You Just Can't Tell Anymore

Straight and gay behavior not so different these days

(Newser) - Gaydar just isn’t what it used to be: The line has blurred between what was long considered classic gay and straight behavior, Danica Lo writes in the New York Post. These days, the fact that a guy's “handsome,” “well-groomed,” and wants to hold real conversations...

Gaydar: It's All in the Eyes
 Gaydar: It's All in the Eyes  

Gaydar: It's All in the Eyes

(Newser) - Gaydar is real, according to a new study, but only if you don’t think about it too hard. Participants were shown the faces of 98 straight women and 94 lesbians taken from a dating website, reports Miler-McCune, and were able to guess sexual orientation rapidly, at a rate better...

Black, Gay Lit Trailblazer E. Lynn Harris Dead at 54

(Newser) - Author E. Lynn Harris, who offered a glimpse into the secret lives of closeted gay black men, died last night at 54, the AP reports. His publicist says the cause is unknown, and that Harris suddenly took ill just days ago. An autopsy will be performed next week. Harris was...

Senate Votes to Expand Hate Crime Laws to Gays

Five Republicans join in 62-38 vote

(Newser) - The Senate has voted to extend hate crime protections to include those attacked because of their gender or sexual orientation, mirroring a similar measure already passed in the House, the Hill reports. Five Republicans, including Olympia Snowe and Dick Lugar, joined all the Democrats present in supporting the bill. Other...

Angelina Is No. 1 Lesbian Hero
 Angelina Is No. 1 Lesbian Hero 

Angelina Is No. 1 Lesbian Hero

She beat Madonna and Lady Gaga, among others

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie is the ultimate lesbian heroine, the Telegraph reports. “Angelina was the clear winner, and she also has a dark side which many lesbians like,” says a rep for One Poll, which oversaw the survey of 2,600 lesbians. “All of the ladies in the poll...

Episcopal Church Lifts Ban on Gay Bishops

Deeper rift with conservatives looms

(Newser) - Leaders of the Episcopal Church voted overwhelmingly yesterday to allow the ordination of gay and lesbian bishops, risking further fissures with conservative parishes and the Anglican Communion. The new policy reverses a 2006 compromise that prohibited the consecration of homosexual clergy, in line with other Anglican churches. Episcopalians will vote...

Chick Splits Up Gay SF Penguins

(Newser) - A male penguin couple that raised a hatchling at the San Francisco Zoo has been split up by the attentions of the amorous widow Linda, UPI reports. Magellanic penguin Harry was apparently smitten by the lovesick female, and he deserted Pepper, his partner of six years. Linda has "her...

Rally Slams 'No Kissing' Rule in Mormon Plaza

(Newser) - Gay and straight protesters covered each other in kisses today outside Salt Lake City’s Mormon Temple, USA Today reports. The rally—inspired by a gay couple who were handcuffed and cited Friday for smooching on church property—was organized to condemn the Mormon ban on "offensive, indecent, obscene,...

Br&uuml;no Is Toxic to Gays
 Brüno Is Toxic to Gays 

Brüno Is Toxic to Gays

(Newser) - Brüno should have been good for the gays, shining a bright light on homophobia and inoculating the world against it. Instead, “Brüno is a gay minstrel, in the most literal sense of the word,” writes David Rakoff for Salon. Just as vaudevillians in blackface were universally...

Gates Seeks to Make 'Don't Ask' More Humane

Military may not boot gays outed by jilted lovers, blackmailers

(Newser) - The Obama administration is looking for ways to get around the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law that forbids gays from serving openly in the military, CNN reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he is investigating ways to make the policy “more humane,” such as not...

Episcopal Splinter Group to Ban Gay, Female Clergy

Ex-Pittsburgh bishop to lead new church

(Newser) - Hundreds of former Episcopal parishes are meeting to form the Anglican Church in North America this week, parting ways with their previous church to ban women and gays in the clergy. Robert Duncan, the former bishop of Pittsburgh, is leading the congregation of 300—including 50 bishops—and is expected...

Gay Animals Key to Species' Survival: Study

'Same-sex behavior' seen all over animal kingdom

(Newser) - Homosexual behavior is almost everywhere among animals—penguins, dolphins, even fruit flies. And same-sex bonds may be a key adaptation that helps species survive, the Daily Telegraph reports. One-third of a Hawaiian albatross population is raised by two moms because there are so few males, researchers observed. That adaptation has...

Obama Extending Federal Benefits to Gay Partners

(Newser) - President Obama plans to announce tomorrow that he's extending benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees, the Washington Post reports. The move, a victory for gay rights activists, will give the partners access to health care and other benefits. Obama's been under steady criticism from the gay community for...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>