
Stories 201 - 219 | << Prev 

Rebels Attack Sri Lankan Naval Base
Rebels Attack Sri Lankan
Naval Base

Rebels Attack Sri Lankan Naval Base

Casualty reports differ; open civil war looms as truce continues to fray

(Newser) - Tamil Tiger rebels overran a naval base in northern Sri Lanka today, killing an undetermined number of sailors and aggravating concerns that civil war threatens the island nation. The Tigers said the fighting lasted 20 minutes and they "found 35 bodies"; the Sri Lankan military reported fewer than 10...

Violence Brings Palestinians to Brink of Civil War

(Newser) - Violence between the Hamas and Fatah factions has brought the Palestinian territories to the brink of civil war, a situation that now directly involves Israel, which launched air strikes on Gaza today. Earlier, Hamas gunmen killed at least five guards as they attacked the home of a Fatah security chief....

Violence Mars Philippine Vote
Violence Mars Philippine Vote

Violence Mars Philippine Vote

(Newser) - Violence, feuds and corruption charges have marred midterm elections in the Philippines. Three people were killed on election day yesterday, bringing the death toll  for the three-month campaign to 110, the BBC reports. Opponents of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo are trying to win enough seats in parliament to impeach her...

General Strike Called After Violent Clashes In Pakistan

Pro-democracy push against Musharraf

(Newser) - A nationwide strike has been called for today in Pakistan, after violence over the weekend left 40 dead in Karachi, the Financial Times reports. Pressure is mounting against military rule by President Pervez Musharraf. "We want to demonstrate that this country is unanimous in opposing the government," said...

Some Mahdis Going Freelance
Some Mahdis Going Freelance

Some Mahdis Going Freelance

What's worse than Moqtada al-Sadr? The Mahdi Army ignoring him

(Newser) - The Madhi Army is letting loose. Officially locked down by leader Moqtada al-Sadr during the troop surge, renegade Mahdis are unleashing a wave of random violence on once-peaceful areas of central and southern Iraq, Newseek reports. That worries even al-Sadr's commanders, who are now seeking U.S. help to control...

Condi Says She'll Talk to Iran
Condi Says She'll
Talk to Iran

Condi Says She'll Talk to Iran

Meeting at Iraq conference will be first between US and Iran since 2004

(Newser) - Iran will be attending next week's regional conference on Iraq, the Times reports, offering the first sitdown between the Axis of Evil power and the U.S. in three years. Condoleezza Rice yesterday reiterated accusations that Iran is stirring insurgent violence in Iraq, but also hinted that the meeting in...

Shooting at Kansas City Shopping Center Leaves Three Dead

Suspect in woman's killing wounds cop, then opens fire in mall parking lot

(Newser) - A young man wielding a rifle opened fire in the parking lot of a Kansas City shopping center this afternoon, killing two people  and wounding at least two others before he ran into the mall and was gunned down by police. Fifteen minutes before the mall shootings, the gunman also...

Oz Bans Snoop Dogg
Oz Bans Snoop Dogg

Oz Bans Snoop Dogg

Rapper denied visa to host MTV Australia Awards after high-profile "incidents"

(Newser) - Add Australia to the list of countries that don't want Snoop Dogg making a mess in their yards. Just weeks after the U.K. turned away the recording artist and actor, Oz canceled his visa. "He doesn't seem the sort of bloke we want in this country," Immigration...

Russia Locks Down Foreign Students
Russia Locks Down Foreign Students

Russia Locks Down Foreign Students

Fear violence by skinheads celebrating Hitler's birthday

(Newser) - Moscow’s top medical school is urging 2,000 foreign students to stay indoors for the next three days, citing an annual surge in attacks by skinheads around Aprll 20—Hitler’s birthday. The lockdown of non-native students is a preventative effort in response to a rise in xenophobic violence...

Brits Find US Feckless On Gun Control
Brits Find US Feckless On
Gun Control

Brits Find US Feckless On Gun Control

America "unable to defend its citizens from its armed maniacs"

(Newser) - The Guardian takes aim at U.S resistance to gun control, calling it an "enduring civic failure" that allows tragedies like the Virginia Tech shootings to occur. The paper describes a country held hostage by the NRA, failing its basic responsibilities by being "unable to defend its ordinary...

Cho's Macabre Plays Warned Of Violence

Playwriting class submissions cast their writer as "school shooter" type

(Newser) - Ian MacFarlane, a former classmate of Seung Cho, blogs on AOL about two plays written by the Virginia Tech killer for a writing class. The short pieces, along with other compositions, writes MacFarlane, were "like something out of a nightmare," imagining bizarre murders and exuding an obsession with...

Explosion Rocks Iraqi Parliament
Explosion Rocks Iraqi Parliament

Explosion Rocks Iraqi Parliament

Blast in Green Zone, killiing two MPs, comes hours after bridge attack

(Newser) - An explosion hit a restaurant inside the Iraqi parliament in Baghdad today, killing two members of parliament, wounding dozens and creating chaos in the capitol. The blast occurred when many MPs were having lunch, on a day when parliament was in session. The parliament building is deep within Baghdad's heavily...

Mosque Raid Ignites Baghdad Battle
Mosque Raid Ignites Baghdad Battle

Mosque Raid Ignites Baghdad Battle

Residents backed militants in Sunni stronghold

(Newser) - Iraqi soldiers who raided a Baghdad mosque during worship set off an all-day battle yesterday the New York Times calls the most sustained fighting since the start of the new security plan. US troops and Iraqi soldiers fought Sunni militants joined by residents in the largely Sunni Ineighborhood of Fadhil.

Baghdad No Safer 2 Months Into Surge

As insurgents adapt, the body count is rising again

(Newser) - Baghdad is no more stable than it was before the American troop surge, the Times reports. With death squads trying to stay off the radar, sectarian executions have dropped in some corners of the city. But executions have given way to increased car bombings, chlorine gas attacks, and the burning...

Slasher Gets Life For Horror-ific Attack

Deranged Freddy Krueger wannabe cuts up friend with homemade glove

(Newser) - A slasher fan will be locked up in Britain after attacking his buddy with a homemade Freddy Krueger glove. Prosecutors extracted from Jason (!) Moore, a Leicester stonemason, that he’d seen Nightmare on Elm Street more than 20 times (itself somewhat horrifying) before he slashed his friend (passed...

New Fad in New Orleans: Guns
New Fad in New Orleans: Guns

New Fad in New Orleans: Guns

Citizens arm themselves against crime wave

(Newser) - Violent crime is storming post-Katrina New Orleans with almost the force of the 2005 hurricane, Time reports. The city has America's highest murder rate, and weapons sales are skyrocketing as citizens take to arming themselves.  "They're not gun aficionados," a gun shop owner says of the recent...

Zimbabwe Gets a Hero
Zimbabwe Gets a Hero

Zimbabwe Gets a Hero

Opposition leader becomes rallying cry after beating

(Newser) - When Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe's police force brutally beat the leader of an opposition party, Morgan Tsvangirai, they might have unwittingly  created their own Nelson Mandela. Photographs of a battered Tsvangirai being led to a hospital in police custody Tuesday circulated around the globe, prompting impassioned cries of protest.

A Generation Is Lost to Violence
A Generation Is Lost to Violence

A Generation Is Lost to Violence

Palestinians coming of age have no jobs, no hopes, no agenda but resistance

(Newser) - The generation of Palestinians now coming of age—and 56.4 percent of the population is under 19—have no hopes for peace, only of a lifetime of “resistance.”  Growing up through two intifadas, they are isolated from the world, divided amongst themselves, and surrounded by violence,...

Militants Burn Houses in Mixed Areas

New tactic forces out Iraqis who don't endorse radical agenda

(Newser) - Sunni extremists burned houses in a mixed city 60 miles from Baghdad over the weekend, a new tactic in the campaign to drive out citizens who don't support a sectarian agenda. Attackers burned as many as 100 homes, both Sunni and Shiite, in an apparent effort to destroy mixed neighborhoods...

Stories 201 - 219 | << Prev 
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