
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Saddam Would Be Proud: Vice Is Back in Baghdad
Saddam Would Be Proud: Vice Is Back in Baghdad

Saddam Would Be Proud: Vice Is Back in Baghdad

Violence is down, allowing Baghdad to return to its old tricks

(Newser) - Religious extremists and kidnappers are mostly gone now from Baghdad’s streets, clearing the way for the return of prostitutes and gamblers, the New York Times says. Violence—and thus nighttime curfews—in Iraq’s capital has subsided, allowing liquor stores and nightclubs to revert back to their Saddam-era numbers....

18 Dead in Indian Election Violence

Maoist guerrillas kill, kidnap electoral officials

(Newser) - Eighteen people have died as a result of attacks by Maoist guerrillas during the first day of voting in India's national elections, the Guardian reports. The guerrillas, called Naxalites, staged violent attacks today on polling stations, killing security guards and kidnapping at least four electoral officials.

Woman Dies Trying to Stop Family Sword Fight

Grandson charged with murder after bizarre altercation

(Newser) - A woman is dead in Indianapolis after trying to stop her grandson and brother-in-law from fighting with swords early this morning, the Star reports. Christopher Rondeau, 39, faces preliminary murder charges after 77-year-old Franziska Stegbauer was stabbed in an altercation between him and Adolf Stegbauer, 69. Authorities are unsure if...

Exposing Autism's Violent Side One Mother's Last Hope
Exposing Autism's Violent Side One Mother's Last Hope

Exposing Autism's Violent Side One Mother's Last Hope

Condition created 'the perfect storm' in him, she says

(Newser) - After years of painting autism as “beautiful, mysterious, perhaps even evolutionarily necessary,” Ann Bauer has been moved by the transformation of son Andrew into a violent monster to write about the condition’s violent side. Bauer forgave her son’s attacks—which broke three of her ribs—until...

White House Adds Troops to Mexico Border Drug Fight

US will beef up presence on border

(Newser) - The Obama administration says it is sending more agents and equipment to the southwestern US border to combat Mexican drug cartels. Speaking at the White House today, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said officials were still considering whether to deploy the National Guard to the border. She plans to meet...

US Agents to Aid Mexican Cartel War

Admin could announce plan as early as this week

(Newser) - President Obama is shipping agents and equipment to the border to aid Mexico's war on violent drug cartels, the Washington Post reports. His plan, to be unveiled as early as this week, aims to stop the flow of weapons and cash from the US into Mexico. Law enforcement will also...

Mugabe at Tsvangirai Funeral: 'Violence Must End'

Prez speaks at service for rival's wife

(Newser) - Speaking today at the funeral of his rival’s wife, President Robert Mugabe told supporters “that the issue of violence must end” in Zimbabwe, the BBC reports. He pleaded with mourners to “accept” Susan Tsvangirai’s death in a car crash. “It’s the hand of God,...

Rihanna Case a Wake-Up Call for Teens

Young people becoming more aware of domestic violence

(Newser) - The Rihanna-Chris Brown saga provides an important “teachable moment” for kids, USA Today reports. One in four teen relationships involves violence and this highly visible case is bringing awareness to those who thought “it can’t happen" to me—especially after a photo of Rihanna's battered face was...

In Mexico, No Room at the Morgue

(Newser) - As Mexico's drug war erupted in Ciudad Juarez, the bloody results inevitably ended up in one place—the city's overwhelmed morgue. Some 2,300 victims of violence rolled through its doors last year, reports the AP, a flood of death that has resulted in stacked cadavers and plans to double...

Amazon Yanks Video Rape Game
 Amazon Yanks 
 Video Rape Game 

Amazon Yanks Video Rape Game

Finally decides it's not appropriate after consumer complaints

(Newser) - Amazon will no longer offer a video rape game, following consumer complaints, reports the Daily Telegraph. The Japanese game Rapelay instructs virtual players to stalk and rape women, then force them to abort any resulting pregnancies. "We determined that we did not want to be selling this particular item,...

Eye Patch May Have Hidden Past Abuse: Police

Plus, cousin says Chris 'had to be provoked'

(Newser) - The eye patch Rihanna wore at last year's American Music Awards might have been more than a costume, the Sun reports. Rihanna started wearing the patch to cover her scratched cornea, and police are investigating whether Chris Brown caused the injury. “We’re talking to her friends and management,...

Rihanna Helps Cops Build Case Against Abusive Brown

Relationship with Rihanna filled with ongoing violence

(Newser) - Police are trying to beef up the case against Chris Brown and expect to complete their investigation next week, the New York Daily News reports. Rihanna is cooperating, and investigators expect to reinterview both parties before involving the DA's office, which has already asked for more evidence, a source tells...

Families of Missing Want 'Stew Maker' to Help

Man who dissolved bodies may be able to identify kidnap, murder victims

(Newser) - Families with loved ones missing in Mexico are hoping that "the stew maker" can give them closure, the Los Angeles Times reports. A day after the arrest of Santiago Meza Lopez—who confessed to dissolving at least 300 bodies for drug cartels—dozens of people lobbied Tijuana police...

Ethnic Violence Erupts at Aussie Open
 Ethnic Violence Erupts 
 at Aussie Open 

Ethnic Violence Erupts at Aussie Open

Serbs, Bosnians throw chairs during Djokovic-Delic match

(Newser) - Violence broke out again at the Australian Open today, as Serbian and Bosnian spectators threw punches, then chairs, at each other in Melbourne Park's garden square. The incident took place as Novak Djokovic, the Serbian defending champion, played his third-round match against Amer Delic, a Bosnian-born American. One woman was...

Crime-Plagued Mexico Pushes Toy Gun Ban

Politicians take aim at plastic weapons in war on violence

(Newser) - A bill proposed in Mexico takes aim at the production, sale and use of toy guns to reduce aggression among kids inundated by news of burgeoning drug-violence, the Guardian reports. Despite an earlier ban on realistic replicas, plastic weapons are still easy to find on the streets and used in...

Gaza Attack a 'Catastrophe': Boutros-Ghali
Gaza Attack a 'Catastrophe': Boutros-Ghali

Gaza Attack a 'Catastrophe': Boutros-Ghali

Assault will strengthen religious extremists, former UN Sec-Gen says

(Newser) - The assault on Gaza is a terrible mistake for Israel, Boutros Boutros-Ghali tells Der Spiegel in an interview in which he is deeply pessimistic about the prospects for peace. “The war in Gaza strengthens the position of radical Islamists in the entire Arab world,” the former UN secretary-general...

G Rating Not Safe for Kids Anymore

Realistic animations get away with violence

(Newser) - The G rating has devolved into ambiguity, providing parents little clue of what's in store for their kids, Emily Bazelon writes in Slate. Take The Tale of Despereaux about a bookish mouse's fairy tale rescue of a princess from rats. It was entertaining and age-appropriate as a kids' book, she...

Why Hamas Courted Israeli Attacks
 Why Hamas 
 Courted Israeli Attacks 


Why Hamas Courted Israeli Attacks

Lack of results confirmed the case for violence

(Newser) - Hamas has long argued that negotiating with Israel won’t help Palestine—and that belief drove its decision to end a six-month ceasefire on December 19, writes Stephen Farrell in the New York Times. While it's possible Hamas leaders underestimated the scale of the Israeli response, which has cost more...

Blinded Woman Wins Eye-for-Eye Islamic Justice

Iranian court orders acid be dropped in attacker's eyes

(Newser) - An Iranian judge is applying Islamic law to give a blinded woman the eye-for-an-eye justice she seeks. A jilted suitor who poured acid on the woman—blinding and disfiguring her—will have the chemical dropped into his eyes, the Washington Post reports. Some officials say it may deter similar crimes...

Public Transit Returns to Baghdad

Commuter train has run for a month, mayor proposes subway system

(Newser) - After years of destabilizing violence, Baghdad has a commuter train again, the LA Times reports. For about a month, the “Baghdad Metro,” as employees call it, has made two complete trips around the city in the morning and afternoon for the benefit of working Iraqis who have to...

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