public option

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Stewart: So Much for 60 Votes
 Stewart: So Much for 60 Votes 

Stewart: So Much for 60 Votes

Daily Show rips Democrats for public option failure.

(Newser) - When Democrats took over Congress in 2006, they did… well, basically nothing. But all that was supposed to change when they got their unstoppable 60-vote "super majority," right? Jon Stewart sure thought so. “They’d be like a bear with chainsaws instead of paws!” he cried....

Only the President Can Save the Public Option

Reid, Obama will decide what gets voted on in the Senate

(Newser) - Pretty soon, Barack Obama is going to have to step in and referee the fight over the public option. No matter what the squabbling Senate Finance Committee winds up agreeing on, it’ll be Obama, together with Harry Reid, who decides what the Senate ultimately votes on, and how that...

Public Option Fails in Finance Committee

Ball's in Reid's court

(Newser) - The Senate Finance Committee voted down both proposed versions of the public option this afternoon, setting up a showdown between conservative Democrats—who sided with Republicans in opposing the creation of a government plan to compete with private insurers—and their liberal colleagues. Jay Rockefeller's amendment failed, 15-8, shortly before...

Harkin: I've Got Votes to Pass Public Option

Democrats have votes to break filibuster, pass bill, he says

(Newser) - Sen. Tom Harkin sees no good reason Democrats can’t pass a health care bill that includes a public option. “I have polled senators, and the vast majority of Democrats—maybe approaching 50—support a public option,” the newly minted Health, Education, Labor and Pensions chairman said today....

Public Option Lives—If the Left Pushes Hard Enough

Nancy Pelosi still wants it in House-Senate compromise

(Newser) - As health care reform chugs through the Senate Finance Committee, Mike Madden checks in on the prospects for a public option and finds it's not quite dead yet. A big test comes today when the committee votes on amendments from supporters of the public option, such as Jay Rockefeller. "...

Premiums Likely to Soar Under Obamacare

(Newser) - Current health care legislation would require every American to buy health insurance, but would do little or nothing to control the skyrocketing premiums they’d have to pay, the LA Times reports. Versions of the bill try to address the problem indirectly—with a public option in the House bill...

Will Ferrell and Pals: 'Save Our Health Execs'

'What's so American about competition?' asks snarky video pushing for public option

(Newser) - Will Ferrell thinks we need to remember the people who really matter in the health care debate: insurance executives. The comedian has produced a star-studded parody ad for in which he and his fellow actors decry the evils of the reform movement. “Why is Obama trying to...

Poll: Even Split on Health Care
 Poll: Even Split on Health Care 

Poll: Even Split on Health Care

Reform proponents closing 'intensity gap'

(Newser) - The public is split right down the middle on health care reform, but opposition has eased somewhat, and reform supporters are closing the “enthusiasm gap,” according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Right now 46% say they support Democratic plans, while 48% oppose them. But the number...

For Shame, Wilson: You Have Free Government Health Care

As a National Guard retiree, SC rep is set for life with TRICARE

(Newser) - Consistent with his “You lie!” outburst the other night, Joe Wilson’s campaign website loudly proclaims he's “PASSIONATE ABOUT STOPPING GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE!” That sentiment would ring truer if the congressman weren't the beneficiary of what he calls “world class” government-run health care, Adam...

Obama's Health Speech a Victory for the Center: Brooks

Highly effective talk knocks down House plan, public option

(Newser) - President Obama’s health care speech was “the finest speech of his presidency,” writes David Brooks: While rhetorically appeasing liberals, it “subtly staked out ground in the center” to win over moderates, making passage “much more likely,” he opines in the New York Times. Obama...

Obama on Health Reform: Time for Bickering Is Over

President addresses Congress in final push

(Newser) - Declaring that the US is at a “breaking point” and that “the time for bickering is over” on health-care reform, President Obama pressed his case before a joint session of Congress tonight. Obama shot down a number of charges from opponents, to applause from supporters, Politico notes—though...

Hold On, Blue Dogs: Your Voters Like the Public Option

(Newser) - When top Blue Dog Dem Mike Ross came out against the public option, he said that “an overwhelming number” of his constituents opposed it. Maybe he's gotten emails to that effect, but if he’d actually bothered to poll his district, he’d probably get a different story, writes...

Forget What You've Heard: Health Reform Is Nearly Done

Obama has party, public, industry support, despite a few town halls

(Newser) - Barack Obama goes into tonight's Congressional address amid talk that his health reform plan—and indeed his entire presidency—are nearly doomed. But the New York Times, in a front-page analysis piece, is far more optimistic, noting that August's town hall chaos did not substantially change public opinion, nor did...

Health Care Reform '90%' Done: Reid

But Senate, House leaders not united on public option

(Newser) - Harry Reid declared "90% agreement" in the Senate on health care reform today after a meeting with President Obama. Reid and Nancy Pelosi expressed optimism that the president's address to Congress tomorrow will bolster support for reform, the Hill reports. The Senate Majority Leader is confident that the speech...

Liberals Ought to Ditch the Public Option
Liberals Ought to Ditch the Public Option

Liberals Ought to Ditch the Public Option

An incentivized private market can cover everyone, at lower cost

(Newser) - Liberals need to abandon the notion that no health care reform is acceptable without a public option, former Clinton aide and health industry consultant Matt Miller writes in the Washington Post. Progressives’ top priority should be to make sure every American can access group coverage outside an employment setting, and...

What Obama's Putting in His Health Care Speech

President will carefully commit to public option

(Newser) - President Obama is still hammering out the health care speech he plans to deliver to Congress on Wednesday, but top aides tell Politico that the president will:
  • Describe his own proposal, defining what he thinks is still debatable and what's essential for health care reform.

House Progressives Call Out Obama on Public Option

Democrats may be headed for intra-party battle

(Newser) - House progressives have told President Obama that they “cannot vote for anything less” than health-care legislation with a “robust public option”—all but threatening a showdown if, as seems likely, the White House doesn’t push for a public plan, Talking Points Memo reports. The California lawmakers...

US Retirees Find Flat-Rate Health Bargain in Mexico

IMSS system offers good care for flat rate

(Newser) - Mexico might have a raging drug war and rampant corruption, USA Today reports—but it also has a health-care system that is the envy of many Americans. In fact, many retirees too young for Medicare are moving to Mexico to take advantage of the plan offered by the Mexican Social...

Pelosi Willing to Deal to Win Back House Dems

They plan more flexible approach, postponed public option

(Newser) - House Democrats got whipped on health care over the August recess, and party leaders now have to win back some of their own shaky members, reports Politico. The push starts at a caucus meeting in the Capitol basement next week as Nancy Pelosi and other top leaders will try to...

How the Dems Can Save Obamacare
 How the Dems Can 
 Save Obamacare 

How the Dems Can Save Obamacare

Keep plans private, creating gov't care 'by proxy'

(Newser) - Amid “widespread national revulsion,” Obamacare as it stands “is dead,” but the Democrats can revive it if they’re willing to make some key concessions, writes Charles Krauthammer—a nonpracticing physician in addition to pundit—in the Washington Post. What they must do:
  1. Dump the public

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