British Petroleum

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BP: The Cap's On, Tests Under Way

Tests begin to see if it will hold

(Newser) - After securing a new, tight-fitting cap on top of the leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico, BP prepared today to begin tests to see if it will hold and stop fresh oil for the first time in nearly three months. The tests could last anywhere between six to 48...

New Containment Cap Reaches Oil Well
 New Containment Cap 
 Reaches Oil Well 

New Containment Cap Reaches Oil Well

Feds revise deepwater drilling ban

(Newser) - A new containment cap has just moved into position atop the ruptured oil well beneath the site of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and officials are taking a wait-and-see attitude about the new equipment, MSNBC reports. "Until we have the cap on, securely fitted in place, and know it's operating...

BP: New Containment Cap Goes on Today

Fix could stop all the oil leaking into Gulf

(Newser) - BP expects to attach a tight, new cap today on its blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, but it will take 48 hours of testing to determine whether the fix will be enough to finally stop crude from gushing into the Gulf. The new cap, known as "...

Report: BP Looks to Unload Assets

'Sunday Times' says it's shopping stake in Alaska, elsewhere

(Newser) - BP is talking with Apache Corp. about possibly selling $18 billion worth of assets including a stake in Alaska's Prudhoe Bay oil field, the Sunday Times reports. BP spokesman Robert Wine and Apache spokesman Bill Mintz both said their companies would not comment on "speculation." The Sunday Times...

BP Removes Cap as Oil Gushes Freely
BP Removes Cap as Oil Gushes Freely

BP Removes Cap as Oil Gushes Freely

It's part of a days-long plan to put a tighter cap in place

(Newser) - Robotic submarines removed the cap from the gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico today, beginning a period of at least two days when oil will flow freely into the sea. It's the first step in placing a tighter dome that is supposed to funnel more oil to collection ships....

Hopes High for New Cap on Gushing BP Well

New device, support ship could pump out 25K barrels a day

(Newser) - The effort to plug the gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico could make significant progress this weekend, as a larger containment cap and its support vessel arrive at the spill site. Coast Guard officials say a window of clear weather over the next few days could provide a...

BP: Spill May Be Fixed as Soon as July 27
  BP: Spill May Be Fixed 
  as Soon as July 27 
just in time for Q2 REport

BP: Spill May Be Fixed as Soon as July 27

New, earlier target date aimed at investors

(Newser) - The relief well that is supposed to finally stanch the oil flow from the Deepwater Horizon may be ready as early as July 27, BP is now telling the Wall Street Journal . That's weeks ahead of the mid-August schedule they’ve discussed until now, and just happens to be the...

Gov't Still Buying Massive Amounts of Fuel From BP

Has contracts worth at least $980M with Pentagon

(Newser) - As BP puts billions of dollars into the Gulf, the US government continues to put millions into its pockets. The Defense Department has maintained its purchase of massive amounts of fuel from the company, even as the Justice Department has launched criminal and civil investigations into the Gulf oil spill....

BP Cleanup Tab Passes $3B Mark

And lousy weather continues to cause delays

(Newser) - BP's costs for the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill climbed nearly half a billion dollars in the past week, raising the oil giant's tab to $3.12 billion for work on cleaning and capping the gusher and payouts to individuals, businesses, and governments, according to a tally released today...

Expect Tar Balls in Miami, Fort Lauderdale

But most of the Eastern Seaboard should be safe

(Newser) - The bad news is that the Florida Keys, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale have a good chance—from 61% to 80%—of seeing tar balls wash ashore as a result of the Gulf spill. The good news is that the rest of the Eastern seaboard should be safe, predicts the National...

Great: Oil Spill Penalties Are a Tax Writeoff
Great: Oil Spill Penalties Are
a Tax Writeoff

Great: Oil Spill Penalties Are a Tax Writeoff

We need to make sure juries know and can adjust punishments

(Newser) - When juries award huge punitive damages against oil companies in the wake of a spill, they're often unaware of a simple fact: the companies can ease their own pain by deducting the damages on their federal income taxes, write two law professors in the New York Times . The Senate has...

Protesters to Harass BP—With Vuvuzelas

100-horn march planned at London HQ

(Newser) - For one London videographer, BP execs aren't feeling enough pain for the environmental destruction they've caused. He'd like to remind them with a little discomfort of their own—and what better way than a vuvuzela concert? That's what Adam Quirk has planned—he posted an open call for donations toward...

'Whale' Supertanker to Skim Oil in Gulf*

*Er, assuming it works

(Newser) - A massive supertanker is heading for the Gulf, newly outfitted to skim oil out of the water—in theory. The boat, appropriately named A Whale, is 10 stories tall and 372 yards long, making it the largest ship to ever attempt an oil cleanup job. Its owner, Nobu Su, CEO...

US Accepts Foreign Help on Oil Spill

A dozen nations and agencies will assist with the cleanup

(Newser) - The United States has taken the rare step of accepting help from 12 countries and international organizations in cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf. Most of the countries and groups have offered skimmers, boom, or dispersant chemicals. A chart on the State Department website indicates that help has...

Station Owners Want Help, Price Cut From BP

Hit by boycott, business down 10% to 40%

(Newser) - Tension is mounting between BP and the neighborhood retailers that man the gas pumps. As more Americans shun BP gasoline as a form of protest over the Gulf oil spill, station owners from Georgia to Illinois say sales have declined 10% to 40%. They want BP do more to explain...

Oil Hits Mississippi, Barbour Changes Tune on Spill

Asks BP and feds for more resources

(Newser) - Oil officially hit Mississippi's shoreline yesterday, and the state's governor has finally decided that this spill is bad news: Gov. Haley Barbour, who just last month suggested that the spill would have " minimal impact ," is now pushing BP and federal officials to boost his state's resources, reports the...

13 Companies We Love to Hate
 13 Companies We Love to Hate 

13 Companies We Love to Hate

Standard Oil, Union Carbide, and other objects of our scorn

(Newser) - BP may be the recipient of our collective scorn these days, but it's not the first company we've come to despise—and it doesn't even take top honors on the Most Hated list. The Daily Beast asked 10 financial historians to nominate and rank their picks for the worst company...

Storm Could Stop Spill Cleanup for 2 Weeks

'Top hat' would have to be turned off, releasing 840K extra gallons

(Newser) - A looming hurricane could force workers scrambling to slow or stop the Gulf oil spill back to shore—and release even more oil into the water, the Miami Herald reports. A weather system in the west-central Caribbean has a 70% chance of developing into a tropical cyclone over the weekend....

Mom Lets Kid Play on Oily Beach

 Mom Lets Kid 
 Play on Oily 
'mommy, get it off!'

Mom Lets Kid Play on Oily Beach

They even brought along 'Goo Gone' to deal with oil

(Newser) - The “Mother of the Year” award goes to the mom in the above video, who appears relatively unconcerned that her kid is frolicking on a beach soaked with oil from the BP spill, Matt Cherette writes for Gawker . Worse, her daughter gets oil on her feet and freaks out...

BP Gets Cap Back on Well After Robot Mishap

Oil was gushing at 104,000 gallons an hour

(Newser) - A cap was back in place on BP's broken oil well after a deep-sea blunder forced crews to temporarily remove what has been the most effective method so far for containing some of the massive Gulf of Mexico spill. Engineers using remote-controlled submarines repositioned the cap late yesterday after it...

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