women's issues

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Kellogg's 'Immunity' Claim Stokes H1N1 Ire
 'Immunity' Claim 
 Stokes H1N1 Ire 

Kellogg's 'Immunity' Claim Stokes H1N1 Ire

Company profiting from parents' swine flu fears, critics charge

(Newser) - Kellogg's claim that its cereal has immunity-boosting powers is a cheap way to capitalize on parents' swine flu fears, critics tell USA Today . "This one belongs in the hall of fame," says the director of Yale's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. The boxes in question announce...

For Female Umps, No Field of Dreams
 For Female Umps, 
 No Field of Dreams 

For Female Umps, No Field of Dreams

Female umpire speaks out against baseball's 'stained-grass ceiling'

(Newser) - Forget blown calls. The real problem with umpires in the MLB, says Perry Barber: A complete lack of females. Barber, who has been in the business since 1981, works high school, college, spring training, and Independent League games—and tells DoubleX , “ We’re just going to have to storm...

Junk Food Linked to Depression

Fatty, refined foods jack risk by 58%

(Newser) - Feeling blue? Put down the cookies: Eating a diet rich (or, should we say, poor) in processed foods increases the risk of depression, a study finds. British scientists studied 3,500 adults over five years; those who ate mainly fried, processed, refined, high-fat foods had a 58% greater risk of...

DVRs Aren't Killing TV, They're Saving It

Turns out nearly half of viewers don't skip commercials

(Newser) - A year ago, TV networks were terrified of the DVR. The devices allowed viewers to skip commercials on playback, and who, given the choice, would watch TV commercials? Lots of people, it turns out. TV watching is such an inherently lazy activity that many viewers can’t summon the energy...

Fat Injections Could Aid Weight Loss

Brown fat may speed metabolism

(Newser) - The discovery that adults retain small quantities of “brown fat”—which in infants burns calories to generate heat—has scientists exploring the possibility of using the substance as a weight-loss aid. Brown fat is exceedingly effective at burning sugar, so researchers theorize that boosted amounts of the substance...

Germy Kissing Is the Point

Swapping spit boosts immunity, say scientists

(Newser) - A kiss apparently is not just a kiss. An unromantic team of scientists has determined that the point of kissing is to spread germs and increase lovers' immunity and health. The bug cytomegalovirus, which is dangerous in pregnancy, is passed from smooching men to give a woman time to build...

How to Tell If Your Wedding Band Hates You

Led Zeppelin and Van Halen are not good signs

(Newser) - The Dexter Lake Club Band is a fixture at a certain type of New York-area wedding. Guests leave exclaiming over how good the music was—if the happy couple and their entourage have behaved in a way that suits the musicians. If they haven't, and what the band members the...

Trick-or-Treat ... Mr President
 Trick-or-Treat ... 
 Mr President 

Trick-or-Treat ... Mr President

Obamas open White House doors to 2000+ area schoolkids

(Newser) - The leader of the free world may have been masquerading as a frumpy suburban dad and handing out dried fruit, but it was still a pretty cool treat for a couple thousand DC-area kids who went trick-or-treating at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave last night. With the first lady dressed as a...

Bachmann Urges Uprising Against Health Reform

She calls for Americans 'by the carload' to descend on DC

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann wants Americans "by the carload" to come to Washington next week so she can lead them through the halls of Congress to oppose health care reform. "This is our liberty and tyranny moment," she told Sean Hannity on Fox yesterday. "This is about patriotism...

I Sold Panties on Craigslist

 I Sold Panties on Craigslist 

not-so-easy money

I Sold Panties on Craigslist

The buyers weren't bad, but some of the nonbuyers were slimy

(Newser) - An "impoverished journalist" not quite desperate enough to sell her body on Craigslist decided to try the next best thing—selling used panties. "Unlike sex for money, selling used underwear didn't feel inherently sleazy or immoral," Meghan Pleticha writes for Nerve. She drew the line at posing...

Feds Release Last of Kids Tamiflu Stockpile
 Feds Release Last of 
 Kids Tamiflu Stockpile 

Feds Release Last of Kids Tamiflu Stockpile

Swine flu has killed at least 114 US children and teens

(Newser) - With the swine flu outbreak taking an enormous, and sometimes fatal, toll on American kids, the Centers for Disease Control today released the last of its stockpiles of the children’s version of flu drug Tamiflu. Some 114 youngsters have been reported killed by the virus, and the actual number...

Women's Star Lieberman Wants to Play Obama
Women's Star Lieberman Wants to Play Obama

Women's Star Lieberman Wants to Play Obama

Hall of Famer, 51, takes exception to all-male White House games

(Newser) - Taking exception to all-male White House basketball games, Hall of Famer Nancy Lieberman today challenged President Obama to some one-on-one. “To score some real points with the public, stop arguing and just play ball—with the best,” Lieberman, 51 and coming off a stint last year in the...

Most of Manhattan Is Single
 Most of 
 Is Single 
life imitates art

Most of Manhattan Is Single

Census shows 50.3% live alone

(Newser) - Depending on your point of view, New York is either a very lonely city or a great place to get laid. The number of singles in the Big Apple, already at a historic high, keeps rising, according to new Census data. In Manhattan, a whopping 50.3% of people live...

Clinton Talk Annoys Pakistani Women

They wanted to discuss security; she channeled 'The View'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton was relaxed in her town hall-style address to professional Pakistani women today in Islamabad, discussing “habits of the heart,” like tolerance and compromise, and touting the female doctors sent on US aid missions to Pakistan. It was nice, she said with a chuckle, to not talk...

King's Daughter to Head SCLC
 King's Daughter to Head SCLC 

King's Daughter to Head SCLC

Bernice King to be first woman to head group

(Newser) - Bernice King was elected to lead the Southern Christian Leadership Conference today, becoming the first woman to helm the civil rights organization her father, Martin Luther King Jr., co-founded. King wasn’t there for the board vote, which she won 23-15 over an Arkansas judge, so interim president Byron Clay...

How Skulls Took Over Fashion

 How Skulls 
 Took Over 

How Skulls Took Over Fashion

Once scary, now stylish, skulls are trendy—and not just at Halloween

(Newser) - Skulls, once seen as sinister symbols, are now used on everything from children's shirts to underwear. Sara Dickerman of Slate takes a look at how the trend developed:
  • In the 16th century, artists like Albrecht Dürer were still using skulls to remind people of their mortality.
  • French pirate Emanuel

Skin Has 'Poignant Power'
 Skin Has 'Poignant Power' 

Skin Has 'Poignant Power'

Tale of black girl born to white parents taps apartheid's madness

(Newser) - A true-life tale of the struggles of a dark-skinned girl born to white Afrikaners in '50s South Africa, Skin scored with critics, though some found it a bit too black-and-white.
  • Skin "serves as a stirring allegory for birthright and the assertion of one's identity in the face of oppression,

Pelosi to Liberals: Cheer Up, Shut Up
Pelosi to Liberals:
Cheer Up, Shut Up

Pelosi to Liberals: Cheer Up, Shut Up

Get on board, says speaker, and don't expect amendments

(Newser) - The health care bill Nancy Pelosi unveiled yesterday may not be as liberal as some of her colleagues would like, but she says they’d better get over it. The speaker intends to keep debate to a minimum, and squash any attempt to add an amendment that would strengthen the...

Abused Wife Wins Political Asylum in US

Decision sets precedent for women fleeing domestic abuse

(Newser) - The Obama administration has recommended that a Guatemalan woman who came to America fleeing horrific domestic abuse be granted political asylum. Rody Alvarado Peña's case has been in the courts since 1995 and lawyers say the decision will finally clarify the rules on whether abused women in foreign countries...

Somali Man, 112, Marries Teen Bride

Father of 80-year-old says he wants more kids with wife

(Newser) - A 95-year age gap is no barrier to love, according to a 112-year-old Somali man who married a 17-year-old bride this week. Ahmed Muhamed Dhore—who told the BBC he still has his 1897 birth certificate written on goat skin—says he realized a dream by marrying his sixth wife....

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