women's issues

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Sotomayor's a Rookie Again
 a Rookie Again 

Sotomayor's a Rookie Again

(Newser) - After 17 years as a federal judge, Sotomayor knows her way around a courthouse. But her new workplace is filled with quirky customs and rituals and questions about how to fit in. When do you speak up? How do you find your way around a building torn apart by renovation?...

Single Pill Can Halt Diarrhea's Deadly Reign

(Newser) - Diarrhea kills 1.6 million children under 5 every year—more than AIDS or malaria—and gets a fraction of the funding. But a deceptively simple new treatment may mark a breakthrough, Time reports. Zinc supplements appear to dramatically decrease diarrhea-related deaths—one afflicted village in Mali hasn’t had...

Kenyan to Chelsea: Marry Me, Get Free Livestock

Man renews dowry offer first made in 2000

(Newser) - Hoping for Chelsea Clinton’s hand in marriage, a Kenyan man offered a dowry of 40 goats and 20 cows in 2000. Now, he's renewing the offer and America's top diplomat mom has gotten involved: “She's very independent," responded Hillary Clinton, asked about the offer, at a Nairobi...

Death Panels? Really, Sarah?


Death Panels? Really, Sarah?

(Newser) - So now Sarah Palin alleges that President Obama's "death panels" might have killed Trig had they been in place. "Where to start?" wonders Joan Walsh in Salon. "Palin's entire statement is so ignorant, so bollixed rhetorically and morally, it hurts to read it." Most "health...

Pain + Sacrifice = Marital Bliss
 Pain + Sacrifice 
 = Marital Bliss 


Pain + Sacrifice = Marital Bliss

Adversity makes couples' bond stronger, experts say

(Newser) - Marital bliss? Toss it out the window, and get down to pain and anguish ASAP, experts say. While many studies find that stress can exacerbate a marriage—turning a short-tempered husband into an abusive one, for example—some experts say adversity is the key to marital success. "It’s...

Wise Latinas Embrace Their New Label

(Newser) - GOP senators may have pooh-poohed Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment, but wise Latinas everywhere are wearing the phrase like a badge of honor, the New York Times reports. From t-shirts to blogs, women of Hispanic heritage have warmed to the phrase much like other minority groups appropriate slurs,...

Churches Put Faith in Housing Biz
Put Faith
in Housing Biz

Churches Put Faith in Housing Biz

More launch own programs to provide affordable homes

(Newser) - Churches that have long called for an increase in affordable housing have started taking matters into their own hands, the Washington Post reports: A growing number of them have launched their own housing projects, partnering with developers to build whole communities. Their weekly flow of donations allows them to qualify...

Sotomayor Sworn In
 Sotomayor Sworn In 

Sotomayor Sworn In

(Newser) - It's Justice Sotomayor now. Sonia Sotomayor has been sworn in as the Supreme Court's first Hispanic justice. She's only the third female justice in the court's 220-year history. Sotomayor took the second of two oaths of office from Chief Justice John Roberts in an ornate conference room at the high...

Behind Mad Men Are...Women
 Behind Mad Men Are...Women 

Behind Mad Men Are...Women

Women directed five of this season's 13 episodes

(Newser) - The misogynists who populate Mad Men's character ranks might make you think otherwise, but seven of the show's nine writers are women—a rarity in Hollywood, where 80% of primetime programs in 2007-08 had no female writers. “A lot of people think women can only do women shows,”...

Supreme Newbie Faces Steep Learning Curve

(Newser) - Justices past and present say no amount of experience can prepare someone for the role Sonia Sotomayor is walking into, the New York Times reports. "I was frightened to death for the first three years," Justice Bremer, who joined the court in 1994, once admitted.  As the...

Obama Hails 'Historic' Sotomayor Confirmation

(Newser) - Barack Obama is lauding the barrier-breaking confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. “With this historic vote, the Senate has affirmed that Justice Sotomayor has the intellect, the temperament, the history, the integrity and the independence of mind to ably serve on our...

Senate Confirms Sotomayor
 Senate Confirms Sotomayor 

Senate Confirms Sotomayor

(Newser) - The Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor today as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. The vote was 68-31 for Sotomayor, President Barack Obama's first high court nominee. She becomes the 111th justice and just the third woman to serve. Democrats praised the 55-year-old Sotomayor as a mainstream moderate. But...

Dumped by Girlfriend, Artist Sells Everything

(Newser) - Jasper Joffe isn’t taking his breakup well. When his girlfriend of 5 years walked out on him, the painter, who’s sold work to such heavyweights as Charles Saatchi, decided to sell not just paintings, but all his worldly possessions, the Independent reports. Every single paint brush, keepsake, doodle,...

Why Ruth Is Our Punching Bag
 Why Ruth Is Our Punching Bag 

Why Ruth Is Our Punching Bag

She's the top target for Madoff attacks—thanks in part to gender, bad PR

(Newser) - Ruth Madoff “has become the primary punching bag for the media and the victims” of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, “maligned more than any other Wall Street criminal’s wife in memory,” Sheelah Kolhatkar writes in New York—but are the attacks fair? We don’t know...

Skinny Jeans Craze Puts the Squeeze on Guys

Style trumps comfort as trend hits not-so-hip

(Newser) - The market for skinny jeans is expanding, as more and more men looking to show off their assets are pouring themselves into tight fitting styles, the Wall Street Journal reports. But as they target a crowd beyond the usual hipsters, skaters, and hip-hoppers, manufacturers are giving customers a bit of...

Confessions of a Skater With an Eating Disorder

(Newser) - At the height of her figure skating career, former Four Continents Champion Jennifer Kirk had a secret. “Unfortunately, my secret wasn’t very unique,” she writes for True/Slant. “I had an eating disorder.” And so did many of her friends. “The skating world fostered the...

Obamas to Hit Vineyard for August Vacation

(Newser) - The president's first summer vacation is to a classified destination, but on the streets and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, it's no secret that Barack, Michelle, and their daughters are spending August on the island. The first family is expected to stay in Oak Bluffs, a longtime vacation spot for the...

Caffeine May Reverse Effects of Alzheimer's

Stimulant alleviates cognitive decline in lab mice

(Newser) - Caffeine may reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study indicates. University of Florida researchers investigated the effects of a high caffeine diet on mice genetically engineered to suffer from high levels of beta-amyloid—a protein associated with human Alzheimer's—that causes cognitive decline in old age. The...

Jenny Sanford's Clothes Send Clear Message

(Newser) - While Mark Sanford spews "sloppy verbiage" in the "salacious terms of a Harlequin bodice-ripper," his wife is also making a statement—with her wardrobe, Robin Givhan writes in the Washington Post. Givhan finds "something splendidly defiant" in Jenny Sanford's white shorts and flowery tops. Other...

Recession Sparks Dating Boom
 Recession Sparks Dating Boom 

Recession Sparks Dating Boom

(Newser) - Interest in online matchmaking and dating events is up as recession-plagued singles seek stability, the AP reports. OkCupid.com and eHarmony.com both report huge spikes in membership, and attendance at Chicago’s Nerds at Heart has doubled. "With such a tenuous climate right now, I think people are...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>