women's issues

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Women Increasingly Sweet on Santorum

Birth control issue hasn't driven them away

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's controversial positions on issues like birth control and prenatal screening haven't alienated women voters, contrary to predictions , a Washington Post poll finds. Santorum's favorability rating among Republican women has surged over the last few weeks to 57%, just four points below Romney's. Even among...

Santorum Has a Woman Problem

 Has a Woman 

Santorum Has a Woman Problem

Female voters would be a tough sell in general election

(Newser) - This was just a matter of time: Rick Santorum has been rising in the polls , but he's also making headlines with his views on women in combat ( not a fan ) and birth control ( ditto ), and for his rich backer's crack about "gals" putting...

Skechers Shape-Ups Toning Shoes for Little Girls: Are These Really Necessary?
Do Little Girls Really Need Butt-Toning Shoes?

Do Little Girls Really Need Butt-Toning Shoes?

No, conclude two bloggers

(Newser) - Great news, moms! Shape-Ups, the Skechers shoes that, as Jessica Wakeman writes on the Frisky , "claim to tone your ass," are now available for your little girl. The commercial for the baby butt-toning sneakers includes, of course, a reference to "looking good" and shows a girl being...

New Dove Deodorant Makes Underarms Prettier!

Finally, someone solved this very important problem

(Newser) - Ladies, be honest: What are you looking for in your deodorant? Clearly, you’re hoping it will curb odors, but beyond that, wouldn’t it be great if it also gave you beautiful armpits? Enter Unilever, whose Dove "Ultimate Go Sleeveless" deodorant hits stores this week and promises to...

Georgia State Rep. Bobby Franklin Wants to Make Miscarriages, Abortions Punishable by Death
Proposed Georgia Law:
Death Penalty for Abortions
in case you missed it

Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions

...and miscarriages, too, maybe

(Newser) - Legislatively speaking, some might say this year has been tough on women (see here , here , and here ), but Jen Phillips thinks she’s found the bill that takes the cake: In Georgia, State Rep. Bobby Franklin wants to criminalize not just abortions—but miscarriages as well. His 10-page bill...

Why Are Mags Obsessed With Actresses Eating?

Every profile seems to start with a big bite

(Newser) - A slim actress walks into a restaurant, sits down with her interviewer, and proceeds to order a huge, usually unhealthy meal and gush about how much she's enjoying it: Thus begins a frightening number of celebrity profiles in glossy magazines, especially lately. Minka Kelly chows down on spaghetti carbonara; Zoe...

Crystal Renn: Why I Lost the Weight

To stay plus-size would have meant another eating disorder, model says

(Newser) - Pressure to be thin caused model Crystal Renn to develop an eating disorder early in her career—but after she became a plus-size model, she felt similar pressure not to get thin. Critics were flabbergasted when Renn, 24, shed some of her famous curves last year, but Renn says she’...

Women Think About Food More Than Sex

But more than 60% don't enjoy eating in front of partners

(Newser) - Women think about food a lot—as in, more than they think about sex. A recent survey shows that while 25% of women think about food every half-hour, only 10% think about sex that often. When it comes to men, 5% think about sex once a minute and 36% find...

Heidi Klum's Aging Secret: Gain Weight!

Cosmetic surgery is nothing compared to the power of a few pounds

(Newser) - Forget Botox: If you want to look young as you grow older, just gain a few pounds, according to Heidi Klum. "The ultimate beauty secret for a woman getting older is, Don't be too thin!" she tells Self . "When you are just muscle, you end up being...

Even 3-Year-Olds Want to Be Thin
 Even 3-Year-Olds 
 Want to Be Thin 
study shows

Even 3-Year-Olds Want to Be Thin

Study suggests the desire to be skinny is internalized at a young age

(Newser) - The desire to be thin can implant itself in girls as young as 3, a new study shows. Fifty-five girls between the ages of 3 and 5 were shown three figures, identical except that one was thin, one average, and one fat. When asked to associate positive and negative adjectives...

Orgasms Make Women 'Invincible'

Nervous systems shut down, making it harder to feel pain

(Newser) - Orgasms are nice—so nice that, for women at least, they kinda make you invincible. Neuroscientists studied women pleasuring themselves while in MRI body scanners, to see what happens inside the brain during orgasm. They found that 30 different parts of the brain light up with pleasure so strong that...

'Fatties' Article: Not a Good Idea, Marie Claire

Internet uproar ensues over 'sizeist' blog post

(Newser) - Marie Claire should have seen this backlash coming: The Internet is not happy with Maura Kelly, the Marie Claire writer who authored “Should Fatties Get a Room? (Even on TV?),” a post about new sitcom Mike & Molly. Among the ill-advised comments Kelly made about the show, which...

Women Shrug Off Bad Sex: Survey
 Women Shrug Off Bad Sex 
survey says

Women Shrug Off Bad Sex

Small percentage of those with sex problems actually care

(Newser) - You’d think having an unsatisfying sex life would be a problem—but for many women, it’s not. Studies show that anywhere from one-third to almost one-half of women report sex problems, but only 10% are actually worried about those problems. One possible reason is that “women might...

More Fallout for Yale Frat's Rape Chant

National board suspends pledge activities, outcry continues

(Newser) - A Yale fraternity is coming under further scrutiny after pledges were heard chanting "No means yes! Yes means anal!" among other gems last week. The executive director of Delta Kappa Epsilon has told the chapter to suspend all pledging activities, and is due to drop by campus for...

There's Nothing Wrong With Retouching

 There's Nothing Wrong 
 With Retouching 
in case you missed it

There's Nothing Wrong With Retouching

Nothing, as long as you view it as art

(Newser) - We love to hate retouched photos (click here , here , or here for evidence)—but why? We claim to be concerned about the self-esteem of young girls who might be influenced by these unrealistic pictures, but the truth is, "the endless cavalcade of before-and-after shots is an outgrowth of the...

Young, Single Women Out-Earn Men

But gender gap remains overall

(Newser) - Finally, some good news for women when it comes to the gender gap. A new study shows that in many of the biggest US cities, women are out-earning men by a median of 8%. In Atlanta and Memphis, the difference shoots all the way up to 20%. One researcher attributes...

10 Things to Know About the Female Brain

First of all, that bad mood isn't necessarily her fault

(Newser) - Looking to get a little insight into the female brain? LiveScience helps a guy out by offering 10 neat (and revealing) facts about what goes on inside a woman's head:
  • It’s not just PMS: A woman’s menstrual cycle actually affects her every day of the month, with hormone

Want a Raise? Make Sure to Douche!
 Want a Raise? 
 Make Sure 
 to Douche! 
bad ads dept.

Want a Raise? Make Sure to Douche!

Women's Day may regret running this ad

(Newser) - The number one step in getting a raise: Wash your…what?! Women’s Day magazine ran a regrettable ad from Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash that states vaginal cleansing is the most important factor when it comes to asking for a raise—at least, when it comes to women asking...

Tyra's Apology Is BS: Janice Dickinson

Says Banks definitely saw Top Model promo

(Newser) - Tyra Banks is full of it, says Janice Dickinson. Banks, who recently apologized for an America’s Next Top Model promo in which she appeared to gush over an ultra-skinny model, claimed she hadn’t seen the spot before it aired. BS, claims Dickinson, a former Top Model judge. “...

Why I'll Never Freeze My Eggs
 Why I'll Never Freeze My Eggs 

Why I'll Never Freeze My Eggs

Jessi Klein is 35, but not desperate

(Newser) - Jessi Klein is 35 and childless, which meant it was time for that “horribly clichéd sad-woman moment” at her gynecologist’s office: The moment her doctor asked if she wanted some “literature” about freezing her eggs. At that moment, “I decided I didn’t want the...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>