
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Watch the Massachusetts Tornado Brewing

Clip reveals menacing Springfield storm

(Newser) - The tornado that ravaged Springfield, Massachusetts, this week is caught in this stunning video, taken from the top of a building. Four people were killed in the state's twisters, one of which can be seen forming in the water here as debris flies by. It’s a short clip,...

‘Distorted’ Breitbart Videos Cost Professor His Job

Out-of-context clips suggest teachers support union violence

(Newser) - Last year, his clip prompted Shirley Sherrod’s firing ; now, Andrew Breitbart’s video editing has driven a University of Missouri professor from his job. Adjunct professor Don Giljum taught a class on the history of labor that a Breitbart blogger called a “how-to college course on violent union...

SF Chronicle: White House Threatened Ban Over Video

Reporter recorded protest at fundraiser

(Newser) - A messy media flap between the White House and San Francisco Chronicle : The newspaper says the White House threatened to ban its reporter because she shot video of a Bradley Manning protest during a fundraiser. Reporter Carla Marinucci was the pool reporter for the dinner, meaning she was supposed to...

Google's April Fools' Joke, 'Gmail Motion,' Now Real
 'Gmail Motion' Now Real 

'Gmail Motion' Now Real

Group turns April Fools' joke into working technology

(Newser) - Days after it was announced, Google’s April Fools' joke has become reality. Last week the company unveiled "Gmail Motion," a fake service that would allow you to compose an email using a webcam and some pretty kooky gestures (like pretending to lick a stamp to send said...

Chilling NYPD Video Bares 9/11 Horror Up Close

New footage obtained though FOIA

(Newser) - Just released video from a New York police helicopter reveals the horror of the terror attack on the World Trade Center as it happens. The 17-minute footage shows incredibly close footage of black smoke billowing from the towers in the biggest terror attack ever on US soil. "Holy shit,...

In Video, Boys Practice Being Suicide Bombers

Taliban says it's not behind video, but approves of it

(Newser) - A disturbing new video has emerged of young boys play-acting the last moments of a suicide bomber's life. The 84-second video features a group of Afghan or Pakistani Pashtun children; one, dressed with a black scarf over his face, hugs each boy, then walks toward a boy dressed in white,...

Shirley Sherrod Sues Breitbart Over NAACP Clip

Suit holds blogger 'damaged her reputation'

(Newser) - Shirley Sherrod has followed through on plans to sue Andrew Breitbart following an out-of-context video clip he released last year that ended up getting her fired from her USDA job. The suit holds that Breitbart’s video "damaged her reputation and prevented her from continuing her work," Salon...

Teens Tape Beating of Schoolmate

'It's America bullying at its worst,' says police superintendent

(Newser) - Seven teenagers have been arrested for beating up a screaming schoolmate in a Philly suburb and taping the attack on a cell phone. The victim is dragged on the ground, kicked and punched, stuffed up a tree and finally hung from a metal fence by his jacket. "They could...

'Oscar-Worthy' YouTube Snow Video Wows Roger Ebert

Crystalline film show 'extraordinary talent,' gushes critic

(Newser) - One of the gazillions of snow storm videos shot in New York is a crystalline standout that has won praise from none other than Roger Ebert as "Oscar-worthy." Indie cinematographer Jamie Stuart chronicled last week's record storm in his Queen's neighborhood, entitling the short film Idiot With a ...

Oh No! Michelle Touched Muslim Indonesian Minister

He seems happy about it in video, but not on Twitter

(Newser) - Last year, Michelle Obama caused an uproar by touching the queen ; this year, she’s making headlines for shaking hands with the Indonesian information minister. Tifatul Sembiring, a conservative Muslim who makes it a point to avoid touching women not related to him, appears to reach out for the first...

China-Japan Sea 'Collision' Hits YouTube

Video could heighten tension over September incident

(Newser) - Video of a September maritime crash that has made political waves appeared on YouTube today, potentially escalating tensions between China and Japan, AFP reports. The video shows what appears to be the Chinese fishing boat at the heart of the conflict sailing, then changing course and hitting a Japanese vessel....

'Time Traveler' Likely Using Hearing Aid

Rumors of cell-phone use in 1928 film off-base, say experts

(Newser) - A clip of what appears to be a woman chatting on a cell phone—in 1928—has made waves across the Internet, but experts say she’s probably just using a hearing aid. The filmmaker who presented the clip ruled out such a device because of its shape, but...

Debate Rages Over Obama Hip-Hop Parody

Epithet-hurling Baracka Flacka Flames gets down in the 'hood

(Newser) - An epithet-laced hip-hop parody of President Obama has triggered furious debate: Is the hit YouTube video an "antidote" for Obama's popularity troubles among youth or an "anti-valentine" from those voters whose support the president craves, asks the Christian Science Monitor. The slick "Head of the State" video...

Stopping Suicide No Publicity Stunt: T.I.

Rapper slams claims he was trying to look good ahead of court date

(Newser) - After T.I. talked a man threatening suicide out of jumping from a downtown Atlanta building, some are calling the move a publicity stunt—but that couldn’t be further from the truth, the rapper tells CNN . The video he made, which police played to the man and is credited...

How to Open Wine With Your Shoe
 How to Open Wine 
 With Your Shoe 

How to Open Wine With Your Shoe

For the next time you leave home without a corkscrew

(Newser) - No corkscrew? No problem. Pat Kiernan of Pat’s Papers tests a French technique he uncovered using a shoe to do the job instead. Insert the bottom of a bottle of wine into a shoe for cushioning, then simply bang it against a wall. Pressure builds and eventually forces the...

DNC Tells Supporters to Video GOP Events

Democrats launch gaffe-hunting site

(Newser) - If the Democratic National Committee has its way, Democrats around the country will soon be following Republican candidates around with video cameras or smartphones, hoping to catch them in some game-changing gaffe. The DNC today unveiled “ the Accountability Project ,” a website where supporters can upload video or audio...

Congressman Flips Out, Attacks 'Student'

Video appears to show Bob Etheridge hit camera

(Newser) - Conservative sites are abuzz with a new video in which a Democratic congressman appears to assault a pair of individuals with cameras harassing him on the street. When asked if he supports “the Obama agenda,” North Carolina Rep. Bob Etheridge smacks the camera out of one of the...

George W. Bush Makes Facebook Debut

He's 'done with politics, but not with policy'

(Newser) - Look out, Sarah Palin: You have competition on Facebook . George W. Bush posted what he called his “inaugural address” on the site today, telling his fans and friends he’s “done with politics” but “not done with policy.” The former president gives a boilerplate rundown of...

Obama Puts Kid to Sleep at Commencement
 Obama Puts Kid to Sleep 
 at Commencement 

Obama Puts Kid to Sleep at Commencement

Kalamazoo Central student dozes through reward for winning video

(Newser) - Barack Obama yesterday presented Kalamazoo Central High School's class of 2010 with their reward for winning his "Race to the Top" video competition: a commencement address from him. Thousands of students submitted inspiring videos about their schools; you can see Kalamazoo's over at the Huffington Post . Or cut to...

US Soldier Begs to Be Free in Taliban Video

'Afghan war not worth the cost,' he says

(Newser) - "I'm begging you, please, bring me home," pleads an Idaho soldier in a new video released yesterday by his Taliban captors. Private Bowe Bergdahl, captured last summer in Afghanistan, talks of his love for his family, friends and sailing. "This war isn't worth the waste of human...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>