midterm elections

Stories 261 - 273 | << Prev 

Rage Against Privilege Seeps Into Left, Right
Rage Against Privilege
Seeps Into Left, Right

Rage Against Privilege Seeps Into Left, Right

Anger at betrayal runs deep

(Newser) - It takes a lot for the folks in middle America to "look upon concentrated wealth as anything except a virtue," writes Timothy Egan for the New York Times, but that line has finally been crossed. Hearing of tens of billions in holiday bonuses at Wall Street firms bailed...

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Making 2010 a referendum on prez won't work for Dems

(Newser) - Karl Rove is flattered that President Obama appears to be borrowing the strategy he devised for President Bush in the 2002 midterm elections, but he warns it won't work for the Democrats next year. Making the midterms a referendum on the White House worked in 2002 because national security...

Paranoid GOP Could Make US 'Ungovernable'

 Paranoid GOP 
 Could Make US 

Paranoid GOP Could Make US 'Ungovernable'

Whack jobs' seizure of Republican Party 'no laughing matter'

(Newser) - The kind of paranoia that made last week's health care reform protesters wave signs showing corpses at Dachau is nothing new in right-wing American politics, but the fact that these people actually wield power is new—and deeply troubling, writes Paul Krugman . "The GOP has been taken over by...

Democrats Who Should Be Worried
Who Should
Be Worried

Democrats Who Should Be Worried

Election '09 puts the fear into these 2010 incumbents

(Newser) - If, as Max Baucus says, Tuesday’s elections should be a “wake-up call” for Democrats, Politico knows which lawmakers should be drinking caffeine:
  • Harry Reid: The majority leader is a little like Jon Corzine; an unpopular incumbent in a state where the economy is especially bad. And like Corzine,

Dems Torn: Too Much Change, or Not Enough?
 Dems Torn: Too Much 
 Change, or Not Enough? 

Dems Torn: Too Much Change, or Not Enough?

Do voters want them to ditch presidential agenda, or complete it?

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress reading the tea leaves of Tuesday’s elections find themselves split: were the Republican wins in Virginia and New Jersey a vote of no confidence in the administration’s agenda, or frustration that it isn’t moving fast enough? Most agree on the first step going forward:...

In 2012, GOP Goes With Heart (Palin) Over Head (Romney)

Who knows, maybe her star power will make her the next Reagan

(Newser) - No matter what kind of gains Republicans make in the midterm elections next year, it’s going to be tough to unseat President Obama—and that’s why the GOP is going to choose Sarah Palin, its heart’s preferred candidate, over Mitt Romney, its head’s favorite. Or as...

Reid to 'Vaporize' GOP Challengers: Aide
 Reid to 'Vaporize' 
 GOP Challengers: Aide 

Reid to 'Vaporize' GOP Challengers: Aide

Senate majority leader studying Corzine for cues to effective negative campaign

(Newser) - Harry Reid, his re-election campaign wilting in the polls, is getting ready to rumble: The Senate majority leader is promising an intensely negative campaign against the 2010 GOP challenger for his Senate seat. With his $8.7 million war chest—the largest ever for a Nevada statewide race—Reid will...

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote
Beck Could Be
'Major' Factor
in 2010 Vote

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote

If he combines angry right-wingers with libertarians, look out

(Newser) - Don't look now, but Glenn Beck could turn out to be a big factor in the 2010 elections, writes Marc Ambinder. Beck is cooking up some kind of voter mobilization project, which is a "tricky proposition" given that "conservative talk radio audiences—and Fox News viewers—tend to...

Why the Dems Will Hold Congress in 2010
 Why the Dems Will 
 Hold Congress in 2010 

Why the Dems Will Hold Congress in 2010

Incumbency, early preparation make 1994 redux unlikely

(Newser) - The last time a young Democrat became president, an angry debate over health care preceded a disastrous midterm election, costing the party control of both the House and the Senate. Yet it's too soon to make the easy comparison between 1994 and 2010, writes Wall Street Journal analyst Jerry Seib....

Delaware Now the 2010 Senate Race to Watch
Delaware Now the 2010 Senate Race to Watch

Delaware Now the 2010 Senate Race to Watch

GOP's Castle could beat likely foe Beau Biden: Silver

(Newser) - GOP Rep. Mike Castle just made Delaware’s 2010 senatorial election interesting, writes Nate Silver. The former governor threw in yesterday against “hypothetical” opponent Beau Biden for his father’s open seat, and the odds are decent it will change hands. Though the popular moderate Republican could run into...

2010 a Toss-Up as Indies Flee the Dems
 2010 a Toss-Up as 
 Indies Flee the Dems 
gallup poll

2010 a Toss-Up as Indies Flee the Dems

But trend and dismal 21% approval of Congress could spell Dem's demise

(Newser) - The sizable lead among registered voters Democrats have maintained since the 2006 midterm elections has eroded to almost nothing. In the latest Gallup poll, Dems have just a 2-point advantage over Republicans going into the 2010 midterms, 46% to 44%, well within the sampling error. That’s down from a...

Democrats Could Lose Big in House in 2010
Democrats Could Lose Big in House in 2010

Democrats Could Lose Big in House in 2010

Experts say GOP could pick up more than 20 seats

(Newser) - Top political analysts are predicting a dismal 2010 election for House Democrats, who could lose more than 20 seats, Politico reports. Acclaimed handicapper Nate Silver gives the GOP a 25% to 33% chance of winning the 40 seats they’d need to take over the House. Democratic newcomers face “...

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

 Dems' 2010 
 Start to Dim 

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

Economy plagues party whose future looked brighter months ago

(Newser) - Things looked rosy for the Democrats in January—but amid economic concerns and trouble for party governors, 2010 could be tougher than expected, Politico reports. Midterm elections typically favor the opposition, and “we don’t have the burden of Iraq as we did in 2006 and don’t have...

Stories 261 - 273 | << Prev