Scott Brown

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Mass. Vote Wasn't About Health Care
 Mass. Vote 
 Wasn't About 
 Health Care 

Mass. Vote Wasn't About Health Care

Bay State has already got health care reform, writes Steven Pearlstein

(Newser) - The Democrats' Bay State shocker is bad news for health care reform but it certainly wasn't a referendum on it, writes Steven Pearlstein. Massachusetts voters have a long history of electing Republican governors and senators to offset the Democratic-dominated state legislature so it's no surprise that they chose Scott Brown...

Kennedy Son: Voters Wanted 'Blood'

'Unorganized' Dems did poor sales job in Mass. race

(Newser) - The Republican victory for Ted Kennedy's seat proves voters are "out for blood," said the late senator's son. Voters want a "whipping boy" to blame for the lost jobs and foreclosed homes of the economic crisis, said Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy. "It's like in the...

GOP Wants Brown Seated ASAP ... Just Like Kennedy

But state must certify first, Senate rules say

(Newser) - As the victory of Scott Brown in the Massachusetts Senate race sinks in around Washington, Republicans are pushing for Brown to be seated as soon as possible—and using “a novel and ironic precedent,” Brian Beutler and Eric Kleefeld write. Senate rules require a victory be officially certified...

Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat
 Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat 

Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat

Republican upset puts Dems' national agenda at risk

(Newser) - Scott Brown scored an enormous Republican upset today, winning the Massachusetts US Senate seat long held by the late Ted Kennedy by a 52%-47% margin over Democrat Martha Coakley. The loss sunders the Democrats’ filibuster-proof, 60-vote supermajority in the Senate, and throws into doubt the future of health-care reform—along...

Steele: RNC Built 'Model' Campaign for Scott Brown

GOP group worked 'behind the scenes' with Massachusetts candidate

(Newser) - If Scott Brown pulls off a Massachusetts victory tonight, Michael Steele wants to be sure that he and his Republican National Committee get their share of the credit. The RNC has been "working very diligently behind the scenes" for 3 months, he wrote in a memo to members obtained...

Turnout High in Mass. as Dems Point Fingers

Axelrod says White House would have done more earlier if asked

(Newser) - Voter turnout is heavy in Massachusetts, but without exit polls it won't be clear until after the polls close at 8pm whether Scott Brown or Martha Coakley will be a senator. Based on comments and emails floating about, Democrats are terrified:
  • A Coakley adviser fired off an angry email, obtained

Obama Will Urge House to Send Him Health Bill

Ramped up State of the Union indicates Senate-skipping strategy

(Newser) - The White House has essentially accepted the reality of a Scott Brown win in Massachusetts and is orchestrating some health care reform “ping-pong,” Nate Silver writes, urging the House to vote on the Senate bill as it stands so it can go straight to President Obama’s desk...

Brown Mania Grips Massachusetts
 Brown Mania Grips 
fans love 'hottie mcawesome'

Brown Mania Grips Massachusetts

Bay State Republicans invigorated by their pickup truck-driving candidate

(Newser) - The enthusiasm gap in Massachusetts today looks more like a chasm. Everywhere Scott Brown went yesterday he found himself bombarded by euphoric fans. Some were bused in, sure, and some were from out of state, “but most were Massachusetts conservatives who felt like their votes mattered for the first...

Brown a 74% Favorite in Mass. Senate Race
 Brown a 74% Favorite 
 in Mass. Senate Race 
Nate Silver

Brown a 74% Favorite in Mass. Senate Race

Flood of polls come in favoring GOP

(Newser) - Scott Brown is now a 3:1 favorite to win today’s Senate race in Massachusetts, according to’s much-vaunted forecasting model. A host of recent polls give Coakley steadily worsening numbers, so the site, which correctly predicted all 35 Senate races in 2008, rates the race as...

Mass. Election Could Seal Fate of Health Reform

Dems' options if Brown wins not looking good

(Newser) - With polls showing the majority of Americans opposed to the Democrats' health care reform bill, a victory for Scott Brown in Massachusetts today could sound the death of the party's yearlong effort at health reform. If Dems try to proceed with the reforms in the wake of a Brown victory,...

Dems Roll Out Brown Clip Suggesting Obama Mom Unwed

Mass. Senate candidate compared Obama's mother to Bristol Palin

(Newser) - Frantic Democrats are circulating a 2008 interview in which Scott Brown insinuated that Barack Obama was born out of wedlock. While discussing Bristol Palin's pregnancy during the Republican convention, Brown drew a parallel to Obama's mother, who was 18 when he was born. When another interviewee on the program noted...

Brown Widens Gap, Takes 9-Point Lead Over Coakley

Republican up 41 points among independents

(Newser) - Scott Brown is 9 points ahead of Martha Coakley in a poll released today, just 1 day before Massachusetts voters decide who will fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. New InsiderAdvantage numbers show Brown ahead 52% to 43% with likely registered voters. Among independents, Brown is ahead a staggering 41 points;...

Scott Brown Posed Nude for Cosmo

Mass. Senate candidate named 'Sexiest Man' in 1982

(Newser) - Long before he became the man just one election away from scuttling health care reform, Scott Brown was just a 22-year-old law student at Boston College. It was there, during finals week, that Cosmopolitan found him and named him "America's Sexiest Man" in its June 1982 issue. At the...

Brown Accuses Coakley of Politicizing MLK Event

Democrats, meanwhile, accuse Brown of anything they can think of

(Newser) - Martha Coakley was in full campaign mode at this morning’s Martin Luther King Day breakfast in Boston, drawing instant criticism from opponent Scott Brown. “I’m running for Senate because Dr. King’s work is unfinished, his dream is unrealized,” Coakley declared. “Tomorrow we act on...

Obama Stumps for Coakley; Brown Up by 5 Points

Scott Brown surges in furious finish to Mass. Senate race

(Newser) - President Obama stumped hard for Martha Coakley yesterday, making the case that the Massachusetts special election for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat represents a final hurdle for health care reform. "Understand what's at stake here: It's whether we're going forward or going backward," Obama told a crowd of 1,...

Coakley Isn't Mediocre— But Her Campaign Is

She's been too afraid to reveal her real personality

(Newser) - If Martha Coakley loses in Tuesday's special election in Massachusetts, it will be a "well-earned defeat," writes Adrian Walker. She has, after all, ran a "lousy campaign," which is an explicable shame. "She is suddenly being savaged—especially in the national media—as mediocre, which...

Dems Plan 51-Vote Maneuver if Brown Wins

But Barney Frank says reform will be dead

(Newser) - If Scott Brown defeats Martha Coakley in Massachusetts to become the 41st Republican senator, Democrats say they can still pass health care reform. It just may be a scaled down version. Rep. Chris Van Hollen, a top House Democrat, tells Bloomberg television that Democrats are prepared to use the tactic...

Obama Will Visit Mass., Stump for Coakley

White House pulls out the stops in Mass. special election

(Newser) - President Obama will campaign for Martha Coakley Sunday in hopes of bolstering her bid for the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. The White House initially shied away from getting Obama involved in the Massachusetts special election, which is widely considered a referendum on his tenure. But the latest polls show...

Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Mass. Senate Race

Republican leads Martha Coakley 50% to 46%

(Newser) - For the first time in the tumultuous race for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, Republican Scott Brown has pulled ahead in a major poll, beating Martha Coakley 50% to 46%. While Brown's lead in the Suffolk’s Political Research Center poll is still within the margin of error, it's a stunning...

Brown Shows GOP How to Attack Health Care

Why should Mass. residents, who have near-universal care, subsidize others?

(Newser) - Republicans are giddy over the success Scott Brown’s having in Massachusetts, seeing his health care-centric campaign as a model for its other candidates. If Brown even comes close to victory in the liberal state—and polls say he will—then candidates nationwide will be asking “what did he...

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