
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Secrets for Summertime Bartending

(Newser) - Hoping to do some bartending this summer—or just to bring some class to your home boozing? Pete Wells, in the New York Times, has an encyclopedia of tips for you. Highlights:
  • Chilies: Small amounts of hot peppers can actually lower your body temperature.
  • Cola: Some new colas are using

Amsterdam's 'Beer Bikes' Drive Into Trouble

(Newser) - “Beer bikes”—party vehicles that combine two of Amsterdam's favorite things—are under scrutiny after two recent accidents involving the gizmos, Reuters reports. Each large conveyance seats 10 peddlers at a central bar while a non-drinker steers. “This beer bike is completely legal,” said a transport...

The Way You Hold Your Drink Speaks Volumes

A gossip? Fun-lover? Psychologist sees clues in how you booze

(Newser) - The way you hold your drink says a lot about you, psychologist Glenn Wilson tells the BBC. Wilson studied 500 drinkers at the behest of a bar chain, and discerned a series of notable types. Among them:
  • The gossip: Will hold a wineglass by the bowl, often gesticulating with it

Can It: Wine Industry Goes Aluminum

Drinkers like single serving, easy transport, eco-friendliness

(Newser) - It may lack a certain old-fashioned class, but that’s not stopping the wine industry from embracing aluminum cans, the Times of London reports. A top can-maker said he’d sold 35 million cans to the industry last year, up from 6 million in 2006—and he foresees wine fans...

Booze, Boos: Amy Blows Comeback Gig
Booze, Boos:
Amy Blows
Comeback Gig

Booze, Boos: Amy Blows Comeback Gig

Winehouse gets drunk, yells at band, cries after fans jeer her offstage

(Newser) - Instead of a big comeback performance yesterday, Amy Winehouse forgot lyrics and burst into tears when 3,000 concertgoers booed her offstage, the News of the World reports. At a jazz festival in St. Lucia, Winehouse showed up an hour late after boozing for six hours, yelled at her band...

Binge Drinking Could Fuel Dementia 'Epidemic'

Up to a quarter of UK dementia cases may be booze-linked

(Newser) - It’s no secret that drinking kills brain cells—but doctors in Britain now fear an “epidemic” of brain damage from binge drinking, the Guardian reports. Up to a quarter of dementia cases in the UK may be brought on by heavy drinking, they say, noting that some people...

Boy-Crazy LiLo Returns to Wild Ways

Friends fear star is in downward spiral

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is back to her pre-Samantha Ronson ways: “a different man every night,” a pal tells the New York Post, and as many as six nightclubs in one evening. Friends are concerned the star is entering a Britney Spears-level “meltdown”—but without any stable family...

Brown Kills UK Plan to Double Alcohol Prices

Britain's top doc called for raising costs to combat binge drinking

(Newser) - Gordon Brown today rejected controversial proposals from Britain’s top medical officer to establish minimum prices for alcohol, the Guardian reports. The PM said he would protect the “sensible majority of moderate drinkers” after a report advised doubling prices to combat binge drinking. In Scotland, however, the regional government...

Brits' Drinking Solution: Double Booze Prices

Top doc says price hike will curb rising alcoholism

(Newser) - Britain's top medical officer wants to curb binge drinking by hitting Britons in the wallet, the Telegraph reports. Sir Liam Donaldson will tomorrow recommend a government-imposed price hike of 50 pence—about 70 cents—per unit of alcohol. The move would also double the price of many supermarket beers. "...

Campus Tries to Keep Booze Out of Class

St. Patty's crackdown turns profs into bouncers at Illinois

(Newser) - University of Illinois officials will search students’ backpacks and confiscate containers they suspect might contain alcohol during tomorrow’s “Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day,” the Chicago Tribune reports. Students typically pack campus bars for green beer as early as 8am, and some take drinks to class. “It...

Alcohol Linked to Women's Cancer
 Alcohol Linked to Women's Cancer

Alcohol Linked to Women's Cancer

Massive study finds even moderate drinking raises risk

(Newser) - Drinking alcohol, even in moderation, has been linked to an increased risk of cancer for women, reports the Washington Post. Consuming an average of just one drink a day of any kind of alcohol was found to result in a higher risk of breast, liver and rectal cancer. The study...

Quirky Alaska Police Blotter Earns Cult Status

Blotter 'poet' chronicles the ways visiting fisherman cause trouble

(Newser) - A remote Alaska fishing port may have gotten its first taste of celebrity as home of the Deadliest Catch TV show, but the police blotter of Dutch Harbor is gaining a cult following all its own, reports the Los Angeles Times. The recounts of bar fights, eagle attacks, the occasional...

Paltrow: I'm No Goody-Goody

 Paltrow: I'm No 

Paltrow: I'm No Goody-Goody

'I wish smoking didn't kill you,' she says, then swears and has another drink

(Newser) - Gwyneth Paltrow wants to shed her squeaky-clean reputation. “I’m probably less square than people think,” the actress tells Elle. “I wish smoking didn’t kill you. And you know what I had the other day which I loved? A French Martini.” Paltrow also defends recent...

Culkin Sister Was Drunk When Killed

Coroner says Dakota's blood-alcohol level was 3 times state limit

(Newser) - Macaulay Culkin’s sister was drunk when she was struck and killed by a car in Los Angeles last month, E! Online reports. Dakota Culkin, 29, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.31%, more than triple California’s legal limit. “It might have influenced her decision to walk into...

I'm Not Out of Control: Winehouse

Singer says bad behavior is her idea of fun

(Newser) - Despite photos and reports that suggest otherwise, Amy Winehouse says she isn’t a drunken mess—wreaking havoc at a Caribbean resort is her idea of a good time. “I’m not out of control,” she tells the Daily Mail. “Yes, I’ve had a few drinks,...

Happy Hour Could Be Toast in Iowa City

City council mulls ban on after-work rite, other drink specials

(Newser) - Concerned about underage and binge drinking, Iowa City may ban happy hours at a meeting next month, the AP reports. The city council ordinance would require establishments with alcohol licenses or permits to submit to the city clerk a set schedule of prices that could not change by the day...

Lighten Up, This Is No Big Deal
 Lighten Up, This Is No Big Deal 

Lighten Up, This Is No Big Deal

Internet age makes it impossible to have fun.

(Newser) - All it took was one drunken night and an errant Facebook photo to turn 27-year-old Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau into the scandal du jour. Feminists are outraged, calling him “offensively sexist” for daring to touch that cardboard breast. Hillary tried to laugh the incident off, only to be lambasted...

Women Drink Men Under Table
Women Drink Men Under Table 

Women Drink Men Under Table

Alcohol consumption by the once-mostly teetotaling crowd is closing gender gap

(Newser) - More women are bellying up to the bar, and those who consume alcohol are consuming more than ever before, Alex Morris writes in New York. As men cut back, women are picking up the slack. The numbers of women drinking and those whose call themselves “moderate-to-heavy drinkers” have risen...

Hike Booze Tax to Save Lives: Study

Alaskan fatalities from alcohol-related diseases plunged when levy was raised

(Newser) - Higher liquor taxes may reduce deaths related to alcohol consumption, the Chicago Tribune reports. A new study examined Alaska’s alcohol tax rates over a 30-year period in conjunction with deaths from alcohol-related diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver. When taxes were raised, such deaths decreased by as much...

Google Goggles: Necessary
 Google Goggles: Necessary 

Google Goggles: Necessary

Mail Goggles meant to help prevent you writing missives you'll regret

(Newser) - With drunk-dialing evolving at the speed of technology, people need an updated version of that friend who grabs your phone and says, "Dude, don't call her." But, asks Alex Williams in a look at Google's Mail Goggles in the New York Times, "Are we becoming so tethered...

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