Tea Party

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Media Snubs Herman Cain's SOTU Speech

CNN, MSNBC, and Fox say they won't air his response

(Newser) - If you're hoping to watch Herman Cain deliver the Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union Address tonight, you're going to have to do it online , because none of the three major cable news networks tell the Atlantic Wire they plan to carry it....

Herman Cain to Deliver Tea Party SOTU Response

Rebuttal planned for Tuesday

(Newser) - Herman Cain: the new face of the Tea Party? The former presidential candidate will deliver this year's Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union address, the Tea Party Express announced yesterday. Cain will offer the rebuttal Tuesday, CNN reports. The official response from the Republican...

100 Tea Party Leaders Will Endorse Newt

Leaders to announce coalition today

(Newser) - It's a big day for Newt Gingrich: After news of his surge in South Carolina and an endorsement from Rick Perry , the Daily Caller reports that he can also expect backing from 100 Tea Party leaders. The leaders, who represent 25 states, will announce a coalition supporting Gingrich today:...

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC
 Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC 

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC

Tea Partiers, evangelicals starting to panic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney now has two wins under his belt, and some conservative activists are starting to panic. Many see South Carolina's Jan. 21 primary as their last chance to unify support behind a conservative candidate, but there's no agreement on who that candidate should be, the Washington Post...

Tea Party a Non-Entity in NH
 Tea Party a Non-Entity in NH 

Tea Party a Non-Entity in NH

And, apparently, in the entire 2012 election

(Newser) - Tea Partiers helped Republicans make major gains in the midterm elections, but where are they now? The movement is proving to be a non-entity when it comes to tomorrow's New Hampshire primary—and, seemingly, the rest of the election, Politico reports. Tea Party leaders have not coalesced behind a...

Sarah Palin: It's Not Too Late to Jump In

'I'm not there yet with the field as it stands,' she grouses

(Newser) - She's baaaack ... maybe. With the GOP line-up still creaky, Sarah Palin let slip on the Fox Business Network that it's "not too late for folks to jump in. Who knows what might happen in the future?" Or so she mused last night when asked on Follow the ...

Failed Politician Calls for Assassination of Obamas

California libertarian Jules Manson defends racist rant

(Newser) - Failed politician Jules Manson appears to be better at attracting attention from the Secret Service than he was at attracting votes in his bid for a city council seat in California. In a Facebook rant sparked by President Obama's support of a revised military authorization bill, Manson called for...

Democrats and Republicans Behave Like Schools of Fish
 Political Parties Act 
 Like Schools of Fish 
study says

Political Parties Act Like Schools of Fish

Vocal minorities can temporarily sway the masses

(Newser) - Wondering about the future of the Tea Party, or what affect the Occupy Movement might have on Democrats? Try asking a bunch of fish. Scientists have found that in a school of fish, a "vocal minority"—that is, a group determined to swim in a certain direction—can...

Tea Party Leader Busted for Airport Gun

Mark Meckler faces felony weapon charge in NY

(Newser) - In what he must surely consider an example of government overreach at its worst, a leading Tea Party activist has been arrested at New York's LaGuardia Airport for trying to check in for a flight with a gun and ammunition in his luggage. Mark Meckler, co-founder and chairman of...

Tea Party's Newt Backers Are Racist: Glenn Beck

Now he says he didn't really mean it, and just wanted to get 'people to think'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is back in the news, this time over comments that are rankling plenty of conservatives. On Friday, Beck made a bold statement: That Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama are basically the same progressive guy, so if you're a member of the Tea Party and support Gingrich, there'...

2011, as Told in 18 Items
 2011, as Told in 18 Items 

2011, as Told in 18 Items

From Steve Jobs' turtleneck to Kate Middleton cash

(Newser) - If the BBC can summarize all of history in 100 objects, then Vanity Fair can do a year in 18. The magazine offers a collection of iconic objects—some real, some fictional—as a time capsule of sorts for 2011. Among the highlights:
  • The Hello Kitty cat holding a “

Occupy Richmond Defends Tea Party in Tax Row

They suspect the move was 'retaliation' for criticism of mayor

(Newser) - Who says Tea Partiers and Occupiers can’t get along? Occupy Richmond has issued a statement defending the Richmond Tea Party, which the city recently said was behind on its taxes. “Given the duplicitous and violent manner in which the city government chose to raid our peaceful occupation, it...

Colin Powell: Tea Party Candidates Can't Win

But Dems, GOP also too partisan, he tells Christiane Amanpour

(Newser) - Colin Powell took aim at Tea Party candidates, Democrats, and Republicans alike today in a plea for compromise on Capitol Hill. Speaking on Christiane Amanpour, the former Bush secretary of state said Tea Party contenders are too hard-line to win next year's presidential election: "The Tea Party point...

Van Jones Is Back With New Lefty Group

Former 'green energy' czar has founded progressive movement

(Newser) - Once vilified as a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who called Republicans "***holes," Van Jones is back with a new grass-roots movement, Politico reports. Ousted from his White House post as "green energy" czar 2 years ago, Jones has helped found the American Dream Movement, a coalition of hundreds...

Tea Party Backer Heckles Elizabeth Warren

He calls her a 'socialist whore' over Occupy Wall Street

(Newser) - It's tough out there on the campaign trail: Elizabeth Warren found herself being called a "socialist whore" working at the behest of her "foreign-born" boss by a Tea Party heckler this week, reports the Huffington Post . The man spoke up as Warren began her speech in Brockton,...

Tea Party Group Calls for Bachmann to Drop Out

It fears she'll swing to the right, make movement look bad

(Newser) - “It’s time for Michele Bachmann to go.” So begins a statement issued yesterday by American Majority, a major Tea Party organization that, according to CNN , operates in seven states and trains thousands of activists. Bachmann’s campaign has become “about her personal effort to stay relevant...

Occupy Trumps Tea Party in Google Searches

Search engine's blog compares data

(Newser) - Americans are more fascinated by Occupy Wall Street than the Tea Party—if Google is the judge. The first “spark of interest” in the Occupy movement on Google was Sept. 16, and it overtook the Tea Party about a week later, Google’s politics blog reports. Sure, the Zuccotti...

Netflix Loses 800K Customers
 Netflix Loses 800K Customers 

Netflix Loses 800K Customers

As stock plunges, CEO blames Tea Party, Occupy Wall St.

(Newser) - The horror movie isn't over for Netflix shareholders. The company, facing a customer revolt over price hikes, posted third-quarter results that were even worse than expected, Bloomberg reports. The company has lost around 800,000 subscribers since June, leaving it with 23.8 million, when it had predicted that...

Tea Party Caucuses Get Quiet

House, Senate groups haven't met in months

(Newser) - In January, the Senate Tea Party Caucus was in full swing, holding a meeting on Capitol Hill—but neither that group nor its House counterpart have done much of anything since. Though a leader of the Senate caucus points out that “it’s only been nine months,” the...

Tea Party, Occupy Find Common Ground

Both despise the best democracy money can buy

(Newser) - Occupy protesters and Tea Partiers are engaging in intense conversations and finding common ground, even if their basic philosophies clash, the Washington Post reports. Both despise corporate bailouts and the political influence of big money; both are struggling to get by. In one crossing of the aisle, a machinist and...

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