
Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>

King Arthur's Round Table Uncovered in Scotland, Say Archaeologists
King Arthur's Round Table Uncovered in Scotland
say archaeologists

King Arthur's Round Table Uncovered in Scotland

Or so say archaeologists who have been surveying the King's Knot

(Newser) - A little more than a year ago, the Telegraph reported that excited historians in England claimed to have found the site of King Arthur's round table. Apparently, it's been discovered again ... in Scotland. The Telegraph reports archaeologists have been researching a geometrical earthwork called the King's Knot,...

Herculaneum Sewer Reveals Roman Diet of 2,000 Years Ago

 Ancient Sewer 
 Roman Diet 
in case you missed it

Ancient Sewer Reveals Roman Diet

Scientists sift through waste to find veggie-heavy evidence

(Newser) - Researchers have discovered the biggest load of crap from ancient Rome, and they're using it to determine how Romans lived 2,000 years ago. After sifting through 750 sacks of human excrement discovered in the sewers below the town of Herculaneum, scientists have deduced that Romans ate a lot...

Lost Pyramids Spotted From Space
 Lost Pyramids 
 Spotted From Space 
in case you missed it

Lost Pyramids Spotted From Space

Satellites, infra-red imaging identify more than 1K tombs

(Newser) - An American Egyptologist thinks she’s discovered 17 buried pyramids, more than 1,000 lost tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements, using satellite photos and infra-red imaging. Ancient Egyptian structures were made out of mud brick, which is significantly denser than the surrounding soil, Dr. Sarah Parcak explains in a...

Filmmaker Claims to Have Jesus Crucifixion Nails

Archeologists are skeptical of filmmaker's claims

(Newser) - Filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici is convinced he’s found the actual nails used to nail Jesus to the cross—even if no one else is. In a new documentary entitled The Nails of the Cross, Jacobovici will lay out what he calls “the best archaeological argument ever made” that the...

Jordan Out to Take Back Ancient Christian Texts

Metal books could be extremely important—or forgeries

(Newser) - A team of archaeologists believes that a Bedouin farmer in Israel is in possession of some of the most important Christian texts ever discovered—and the government of Jordan is out to reclaim them. Farmer Hassan Saeda has in his possession about 70 books made of lead and copper that...

Humans Reached America Earlier Than Believed

Archaeologists find 'oldest credible site' in North America

(Newser) - Archaeologists have found new evidence that pretty much proves humans were in the Americas as early as 15,500 years ago—around 1,500 years earlier than previously believed. Researchers have long believed that the first North Americans, referred to as the “Clovis” people, crossed the Bering Strait to...

Agatha Christie's Secret Life in Archaeology

The famous author spent 20 years with her husband on exotic excavations

(Newser) - Agatha Christie is one of the world's most famous mystery writers, but few people know of her life as an archaeologist. The novelist was married to successful archaeologist Max Mallowan, and spent two decades accompanying him to great digs around the world—settings that would often turn up in her...

Roman Soldiers Likely Hit by Chemical Weapon

 Roman Soldiers 
 Likely Hit by 

Roman Soldiers Likely Hit by Chemical Weapon

Archaeologists discover secrets in ancient bones

(Newser) - When archaeologists first found the bones of the 19 ancient Roman soldiers and one Persian buried under the ancient Syrian city of Dura-Europos in the 1930s, they assumed they’d died in some kind of fierce underground melee—when the Persians attacked the city, they’d dug tunnels under the...

Scientists Say They've Found Atlantis

Mythical, tsunami-swamped city is off the coast of Spain

(Newser) - The mythical, ancient city of Atlantis was probably located just north of what is now Cadiz, on the southern coast of Spain, before it was swamped by a massive tsunami, according to a team of American researchers. Using a satellite photo of the marshlands of Dona Ana Park, along with...

Cremated Ice-Age Remains Found in Alaska

Oldest such find ever in northern North America

(Newser) - Researchers have discovered the oldest cremated human remains ever unearthed in northern North America, they tell the Anchorage Daily News . The Fairbanks team found the remains of a 3-year-old in an ancient fire pit in central Alaska; they believe the child—only the second ice-age child discovered on the continent—...

Tomb of Old Testament Prophet Discovered?
 Tomb of Old Testament 
 Prophet Discovered? 

Tomb of Old Testament Prophet Discovered?

Archaeologists find spectacular church in Israel, plan to rebury it

(Newser) - Israeli archaeologists have hit on a stunning site in the Judean hills: a 1,500 year-old Byzantine basilica, which sits on top of an even older structure, which sits on top of a series of tunnels, which lead to a small cave that they believe might be the legendary burial...

Humans Left Africa Far Earlier Than We Thought

Stone tools defy genetic story

(Newser) - Stone tools discovered in the Arabian peninsula suggest modern humans may have left Africa 125,000 years ago—some 50,000 years earlier than previously believed. Genetic data points to humans departing Africa around 60,000 to 70,000 years ago, the BBC notes. But the genetic data is "...

Lost Tomb of Caligula Discovered

All thanks to Italian police

(Newser) - The lost tomb of Caligula has been discovered—in a most unusual way. Italian police last week arrested a man as he was trying to hoist an 8-foot statue onto his truck. The police force, which deals specifically with archaeological matters (who knew?), noticed that the statue featured "caligae"...

Man May Have Sailed the Seas 130K Years Ago

Humans may have used boats as many as 130K to 700K years ago

(Newser) - Humans may have been traveling by sea as many as 700,000 years ago—tens of thousands of years earlier than was previously thought. Archaeologists on Crete recently discovered tools on the island between 130,000 and 700,000 years old. Since Crete separated from the mainland about 5 million...

Archaeologists Scramble to Restore Babylon

Work begins for first time since US invasion

(Newser) - Archaeologists are once again digging into the ruins of Babylon and the rest of Mesopotamia, left unexplored since the American invasion of Iraq, the New York Times reports. “There is great potential at this site. You could excavate the street plan of the entire city,” says an expert....

Earliest Human Remains Discovered in Israel: Team

Researchers say 400,000-year-old teeth could rewrite human history

(Newser) - Modern man may have emerged from Israel, not Africa, as is commonly believed, according to a discovery by Tel Aviv University archaeologists. Researchers believe they found 400,000-year-old Homo sapiens teeth in a cave in central Israel—that's twice as old as the oldest modern human remains currently known, reports...

Israeli Storm Unearths Ancient Roman Statue

Roman-era statue found on beach after cliff collapse

(Newser) - A Roman-era statue was uncovered when part of an Israeli cliff collapsed in a huge storm, sending an archeological site tumbling into the sea. The 4-foot statue of a woman wearing a toga, believed to be around 2.000 years old, was found by a person walking on the shore...

More Pompeii Ruins Collapse
 More Pompeii Ruins Collapse 

More Pompeii Ruins Collapse

Critics say Berlusconi neglects historical site

(Newser) - Two thousand years after that volcano did a number on Pompeii, the ancient Roman city is having another rough stretch. Two more walls collapsed today, reports the BBC . It's the second collapse this week and follows the collapse of the famous gladitorial house last month. The latest ruins to fall...

Roman Town Found in London
 Roman Town Found in London 

Roman Town Found in London

Village rich with artifacts discovered just below surface

(Newser) - Excavators exploring the site of a planned hotel in west London stumbled upon an amazing archaeological find: well-preserved remains of a Roman settlement. Just a few feet below the surface, archaeologists found several burial sites and a Roman road. So far 11,500 fragments of pottery, 100 coins, and jewelry...

Robot Probes Mexican Ruins
 Robot Probes Mexican Ruins 

Robot Probes Mexican Ruins

Archeologists send scout into Teotihuacan tunnel

(Newser) - The robot equivalent of Indiana Jones has given archeologists the all-clear to investigate a long-hidden tunnel under the ruins of Teotihuacan, Mexico. The remote-controlled robot—named Tlaloque after the Aztec rain god—was sent through the recently discovered 2,000-year-old tunnel under the temple of Quetzacoatl to determine whether it...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>