Brett Kavanaugh

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Cory Booker Raises Drama of Kavanaugh Hearings

Democratic senator says he's willing to risk expulsion by releasing email

(Newser) - Day three of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing has opened with a bang: Democratic Sen. Cory Booker says he has ordered his staff to release a Kavanaugh email even though it's supposed to remain under wraps. It's not clear yet what the email says, but NBC News reports...

What You Need to Know From Day 2 of Kavanaugh Hearing

He calls Roe v. Wade 'important precedent'

(Newser) - After the "chaotic" first day of Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination hearing, Wednesday saw the 53-year-old appellate judge bombarded with questions from senators. The AP describes him as "treading carefully," and highlights some of the biggest issues raised during the second day of the hearing. Kavanaugh...

Kavanaugh Turns Away From Parkland Dad's Handshake

Fred Guttenberg says he just wanted to talk to Supreme Court nominee, father to father

(Newser) - "Chaos" is the word being used to describe the first day of Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearing , and now new labels are being applied to Kavanaugh himself, including ill-mannered and "coward." Fred Guttenberg, whose 14-year-old daughter, Jaime, was killed in the Parkland shooting, said he...

Kavanaugh Hearing: 22 Arrests, Charge of 'Mob Rule'

And the direct questioning hasn't even started yet

(Newser) - One word keeps showing up in coverage of the first day of Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearing: "chaos." (See here , here , and here .) Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas had a stronger phrase: "mob rule," while Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois heard the...

Kavanaugh Hearing Off to Raucous Start

Democrats try to have it adjourned as it begins

(Newser) - Early fireworks: The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing got off to a lively start on Tuesday as Democrats repeatedly interrupted the opening statement of Republican Chuck Grassley, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, reports the Hill . One Democrat after another spoke up to demand that the hearing be postponed until they...

On Eve of Hearing, Lawyer Releases 42K Pages on Kavanaugh

Schumer slams 'least transparent SCOTUS process in history'

(Newser) - Tuesday is the first day of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh—but only those who were able to review 42,000 pages of documents overnight will be fully prepared, according to Sen. Chuck Schumer. The Senate minority leader blasted the "absurd" process Monday night...

White House Blocks Release of 100K Kavanaugh Documents

Schumer slams 'unprecedented' move

(Newser) - Democrats are up in arms about what Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer calls a "Friday night document massacre." The Trump administration has told the Senate Judiciary Committee that it plans to withhold around 100,000 pages of records relating to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh because they are...

Brett Kavanaugh Wanted Bill Clinton to Be Asked Very Explicit Questions

'Washington Post' unearths his 1998 memo during the Clinton investigation

(Newser) - Back in 1998, current Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh worked as an associate counsel for Kenneth Starr and thus played a role in the investigation into Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. Now the Washington Post has made public a scathing memo Kavanaugh wrote that year in which he...

Nunes Talks About Protecting Trump on Leaked Audio
Nunes Talks About Protecting
Trump on Leaked Audio
the rundown

Nunes Talks About Protecting Trump on Leaked Audio

Rachel Maddow aired portions of the recordings, made at a closed-door fundraiser

(Newser) - "If Sessions won't unrecuse and Mueller won't clear the president, we're the only ones. Which is really the danger." That was just some of what House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes said in audio recorded at a private July 30 fundraiser in Spokane, Wash., and...

Kavanaugh's 'Final Nail' Remark Riles Democrats

Trump Supreme Court pick has no love for independent counsels

(Newser) - Independent counsels that investigate the president? Brett Kavanaugh says he'd hammer "the final nail" into a precedent allowing them—and Democrats are none too happy about his remark, CNN reports. President Trump's Supreme Court pick made the statement in 2016 when asked if there was a case...

Kavanaugh Disclosure Reveals Big Baseball-Related Debt

Debt of up to $200K included major spend on Nationals tickets

(Newser) - Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh appears to have had something of a soft spot for the Washington Nationals, to put it mildly: He went tens of thousands of dollars in debt buying baseball tickets over the last decade, according to the White House. Kavanaugh, who reported having between $60,000...

Widow: Kavanaugh Takes My Kid to Dad-Daughter Dance

Their daughters are friends, and SCOTUS nominee stepped up when her husband died

(Newser) - Lots of op-eds are out there about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh , but the most personal of the bunch has shown up in the Washington Post . Its author, Julie O'Brien, writes that she will leave it others to suss out Kavanaugh's legal qualifications. But she can vouch for...

Trump Liked Kavanaugh From the Get-Go
Meeting With Kennedy
Helped Trump Make His Pick
the rundown

Meeting With Kennedy Helped Trump Make His Pick

President favored Brett Kavanaugh from the very start

(Newser) - The White House had floated a list of four finalists, but multiple stories Tuesday suggest that President Trump's pick of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court was a no-brainer. "Locked in from the start," is how CNN puts it, adding that Trump liked the 53-year-old for the...

What Editorials Are Saying About Brett Kavanaugh
What Editorials
Are Saying About
Brett Kavanaugh

What Editorials Are Saying About Brett Kavanaugh

Concern, praise issue from different corners

(Newser) - Politicians on both sides of the aisle have weighed in on Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's pick to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Now publication editorial boards are having their say, variously painting the conservative judge, who serves on the federal appeals court for the District of Columbia,...

Showdown Looms Over Kavanaugh Nomination
Dems Vow to Do All They
Can to Oppose Kavanaugh

Dems Vow to Do All They Can to Oppose Kavanaugh

GOP prepares for showdown over nominee

(Newser) - President Trump has unveiled his Supreme Court nominee —and the stage is set for yet another highly partisan Washington showdown. Brett Kavanaugh, who serves on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, tried to portray himself as an ally of women in his remarks Monday night,...

Trump Close to Picking 'Exceptional' Supreme Nominee

He plans to make up his mind by noon Monday

(Newser) - After a weekend spent golfing at his private club in New Jersey, President Trump told reporters that he was "very close" to a decision likely to determine the direction of the Supreme Court for decades to come. Trump said he plans to make up his mind on a Supreme...

Court Rescinds Cap on Political Spending by Nonprofits

Emily's List wins ruling on 'soft money'

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today rescinded FEC limits on “soft money,” the Washington Post reports. The federal regulations had required that funds used by a nonprofit to influence a federal election be drawn from “hard money” accounts—individual contributions of “hard money” are capped at $5,...

Stories 141 - 157 | << Prev