Sunday morning talk shows

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Bachmann: 'I've Been a Fighter'

Rep does victory lap after big win in Iowa straw poll

(Newser) - If you can't turn the channel this morning without running into Michele Bachmann, do not adjust your set: The Minnesota rep is taking her victory lap on all five major network shows, reports Politico . Highlights:
  • On her leadership : "I've been on the front lines, and I have

Dean: What&#39;s the Tea Party Smoking?
 Dean: What's 
 the Tea Party 

Dean: What's the Tea Party Smoking?

GOP blames Obama, Dems blame Tea Party for S&P downgrade

(Newser) - If nothing else, the S&P downgrade made for a lively August Sunday on the talk show circuit, with anyone who is anyone booking an appearance to sling some blame for the US' brand new AA+ rating . The Democrats pointed directly at the Tea Party and its refusal to raise...

Schumer: Deal Isn&#39;t Quite Done, but &#39;Relief&#39;
 Deal Isn't 
 Quite Done, 
 but 'Relief' 

Schumer: Deal Isn't Quite Done, but 'Relief'

Guess what's on everybody's mind this morning?

(Newser) - The end of Congress' tortured debt ceiling machinations isn't here yet, but it's in sight, says top Democratic negotiator Chuck Schumer, while adding that "It's premature to talk about any specifics." Schumer emphasized to State of the Union that the deal will be politically difficult...

Mitch McConnell: Debt Deal 'Very Close'
 Debt Deal 
 'Very Close' 


McConnell: Debt Deal 'Very Close'

Says legislators 'had a very good day yesterday'

(Newser) - Good news, if you're the US economy: Mitch McConnell says a debt ceiling deal is "very close," reports Politico. Speaking on CNN's State of the Nation this morning, the Senate minority leader said lawmakers yesterday made "dramatic progress" on a two-step, $3 trillion agreement that...

John Boehner on Debt Deal: Two-Step Deal Is Only Option
 2-Step Deal 
 the Only Choice 

Boehner: 2-Step Deal the Only Choice

(Newser) - John Boehner was a late addition to Fox News Sunday today, and painted a two-step deal as the only alternative left. "It's not physically possible to do all of this in one step," Boehner told Chris Wallace, advocating a short-term fix through early next year; President Obama...

Herman Cain: We Should Be Able to Ban Mosques

Presidential contender says he's not discriminating

(Newser) - Herman Cain today drew another line in the sand against Muslims, telling Fox News Sunday that American communities should be able to ban mosques from being built. "Islam combines church and state," he said. "They're using the church part of our First Amendment to infuse their...

Tim Geithner: President Obama Wants 'Biggest Deal Possible' on Debt Ceiling

 Obama Wants 
 'Biggest Deal 

Geithner: Obama Wants 'Biggest Deal Possible'

Says president 'is willing to do very, very difficult political things'

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner fired back at John Boehner and Mitch McConnell this morning, telling Meet the Press that “We’re going to try to get the biggest deal possible, the deal that’s best for the economy. Not just in the short term.” Further, he said, smaller...

Graham: Afghanistan Drawdown May Kill Momentum

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is not a fan of President Obama's plan to withdraw 30,000 troops from Afghanistan, telling a Chris Wallace-less Fox News Sunday that "He may have undercut the momentum we achieved in the last year. Things were moving in the right direction." Graham fretted that...

Michele Bachmann: I'm a Serious Candidate
 See? I'm for Real 

Bachmann: See? I'm for Real

'People recognize that I'm serious,' candidate says

(Newser) - Michele Bachman is nipping at Mitt Romney's heels in Iowa, and she took to the airwaves today to trumpet that tidbit: “I am very serious about what I want to do. People recognize that I’m serious.” Chris Wallace didn't appear to take her seriously,...

Robert Gates: Taliban Talks &#39;Preliminary&#39;

 Robert Gates: 
 Taliban Talks 

Robert Gates: Taliban Talks 'Preliminary'

Says he wouldn't expect real progress until at least winter

(Newser) - Robert Gates confirmed today that the US is in "preliminary" talks with the Taliban, reports the Hill, cautioning that they've only been going on for a "few weeks." Appearing on State of the Union and Fox News Sunday, the outgoing defense secretary said the State Department...

Tim Pawlenty Blasts Mitt Romney, 'Obam-newCare'
 Swipes at 

Pawlenty Swipes at 'Obam-neyCare'

Here's looking at you, Mitt Romney

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty declared open season on Mitt Romney today, equating Massachusetts' health reform with the federal overhaul in a mashup he termed "Obam-neyCare." “The president’s own words [are] that he patterned in large measure Obamacare after what happened in Massachusetts,” Pawlenty told Fox News....

Sarah Palin: President Obama Wants to 'Go Down With This Sinking Ship'
 Palin: Maybe 
 Obama Wants 
 to Go Down 
 With Ship 


Palin: Maybe Obama Wants to Go Down With Ship

She'd rather start 'plugging the hole,' not 'go way of Titanic'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin surveyed this week's grim economic reports and declared them "not a bump in the road," but rather a "brick wall." Palin then went into full nautical mode on Fox News to describe the economy, calling it "noble" of President Obama "to...

John McCain: Sarah Palin Could Win the White House
 McCain: Palin Could Win It 

McCain: Palin Could Win It

He also gives Santorum a pass on torture dig

(Newser) - John McCain thinks his former running mate has a shot at the White House that proved elusive to him. Asked today whether Sarah Palin could beat President Obama, McCain replied: "Of course she can. She can. Now, whether she will, whether she'll even run or not, I don'...

Sunday Morning Talk Shows: GOP Reacts to Mitch Daniels' Decision Not to Run for President

 Boo to Whew!: 
 GOP Reacts to 
 Daniels' Dodge 

Boo to Whew!: GOP Reacts to Daniels' Dodge

Gingrich, predictably, is quite relieved; eyes turn to Paul Ryan, others

(Newser) - A reeling GOP took to the airwaves today to react to Mitch Daniels' decision not to run for president, reports Politico, and to speculate on who might take his place. Paul Ryan's reaction was typically "disappointed. I think his candidacy would have been a great addition to this...

Sunday Morning Talk Shows: John Boehner Wants to 'Reengage' With Pakistan
 Boehner: We Must 
 'Reengage' With Pakistan 
talk show roundup

Boehner: We Must 'Reengage' With Pakistan

Plus, House speaker says he's 'ready to cut deal' on debt ceiling

(Newser) - John Boehner does not want to use Osama bin Laden’s death as an excuse to end the war in Afghanistan or change the US relationship with Pakistan. “At this moment in time, we should reengage and strengthen our relationship with Pakistan, not walk away from it,” he...

Michele Bachmann's Latest Gaffe: She Claims NATO Killed up to 30K Civilians in Libya
Bachmann: NATO Killed
30K Libyan Civilians

Bachmann: NATO Killed 30K Libyan Civilians

Not exactly, Chris Wallace later corrects her

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann got a little mixed up today, claiming on Fox News Sunday that NATO airstrikes have killed as many as 30,000 civilians in Libya. She was railing against the “foolishness” of President Obama’s decision to get involved in Libya at the time, The Raw Story reports....

John McCain, Lindsey Graham: Sure, Kill Gadhafi
 McCain, Graham: 
 Sure, Kill Gadhafi 

McCain, Graham: Sure, Kill Gadhafi

Plus, more of the Donald....

(Newser) - If NATO forces happen to kill Moammar Gadhafi, count Lindsey Graham and John McCain among those who won't be shedding a tear, reports Politico. "We should be taking out his command and control," McCain said today. "If he is killed or injured because of that, that'...

Lindsey Graham: &#39;Bomb Gadhafi&#39;

 Lindsey Graham: 
 'Bomb Gadhafi' 

Lindsey Graham: 'Bomb Gadhafi'

Not so fast, says McCain

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has a solution for the stalemate in Libya: "My recommendation to NATO and to the administration is to cut the head of the snake off, go to Tripoli, start bombing Gadhafi’s inner circle, their compounds their military headquarters in Tripoli," he told State of the ...

Trump: I Wish I Didn't Have to Consider Presidential Run

But he just loves this country too much not to

(Newser) - Donald Trump was quite the braggart on CNN’s State of the Union today. Highlights from Politico:
  • Trump is better than Romney: “Mitt Romney is a basically small-business guy, if you really think about it,” Trump said , adding that he is “much bigger than this man and

Geithner: Congress Will Raise Debt Ceiling
 Will Raise 
 Debt Ceiling 


Geithner: Congress Will Raise Debt Ceiling

And 'Gang of 6' close to a deal

(Newser) - Congress is "absolutely" going to raise the debt ceiling, says Tim Geithner, because to do otherwise would be "catastrophic" and "the responsible people understand." "We’d tip the US economy and the world economy back into recession, depression," he said. "It would...

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