Sunday morning talk shows

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What They&#39;re Saying About Clinton 2016
 What They're 
 Saying About 
 Clinton 2016 

What They're Saying About Clinton 2016

Rand Paul, John Kerry, et al weigh in ahead of announcement

(Newser) - After breathless years of speculation, Hillary Clinton will allegedly make her blessed announcement today, and rivals, potential rivals, and also-rans took to the airwaves to let their opinions be known on what they thought of Hillary for President 2.0. A look around your Sunday talk show dial, per the...

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel &#39;Tantrum&#39;
 Obama, Get 
 Over Israel 

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel 'Tantrum'

President's priorities 'so screwed up that it's unbelievable'

(Newser) - President Obama pulled no punches in his blunt assessment of Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign rhetoric, and John McCain is today taking his own jabs at Obama. Appearing this morning on CNN , he said, "The president should get over it. Get over your temper tantrum, Mr. President." He dismissed...

Scott Walker: Open to 'Boots on Ground' Against ISIS

Lindsey Graham wants 10K boots on ground in Syria

(Newser) - Scott Walker thinks the United States should "aggressively ... take the fight to ISIS and any other radical Islamic terrorist in and around the world," says the Wisconsin governor, who the AP notes is enjoying a bit of 2016 buzz lately. Questioned by ABC News ' Martha Raddatz as...

John McCain: No, Obama, Sony Hack Was &#39;Warfare&#39;
 John McCain: 
 No, Obama, 
 Sony Hack 
 Was 'Warfare' 

John McCain: No, Obama, Sony Hack Was 'Warfare'

GOP sharply disputes president's 'cyber vandalism' assessment

(Newser) - President Obama characterized the Sony hack this morning as "cyber vandalism" and "not an act of war," and Republicans including John McCain would beg to differ, reports the Hill . Also appearing on CNN's State of the Union, McCain charged that "the president does not understand...

Cheney: Torture Was 9/11, Not What We Did

Ex-VP says, 'I'd do it again in a minute'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney today doubled down on his defense of the CIA's so-called harsh interrogation techniques, telling Meet the Press that "torture to me is an American citizen on his cell phone making a last call to his four young daughters shortly before he burns to death in the...

'Governors Make Better Presidents': Governor (Walker)

Ahem, Paul Ryan

(Newser) - For the special few among us who were breathlessly awaiting the 2014 election so that we could get down to seriously speculating about the presidential election that is now two years away, well, Scott Walker has you covered. The newly re-elected Wisconsin governor is seriously flirting with a run for...

Christie: Ebola Quarantine Will Be &#39;Nat&#39;l Policy&#39;
 Christie: Ebola 
 Quarantine Will 
 Be 'Nat'l Policy' 


Christie: Ebola Quarantine Will Be 'Nat'l Policy'

Others argue that science should prevail over one-size-fits-all policy

(Newser) - Chris Christie may have a pretty irate nurse taking the Garden State to task over the execution of his mandatory-quarantine policy toward Ebola, but he's standing by it. "I think this is a policy that will become a national policy sooner rather than later," he told Fox ...

McCain: ISIS Is &#39;Winning and We&#39;re Not&#39;
 McCain: ISIS 
 Is 'Winning 
 and We're Not' 

McCain: ISIS Is 'Winning and We're Not'

But US effort still in 'early stages': Susan Rice

(Newser) - "They're winning, and we're not," says John McCain in his assessment of the American effort against the Islamic State. "The Iraqis are not winning. The Peshmerga, the Kurds are not winning." The Arizona Republican wants American boots on the ground to better coordinate airstrikes,...

Pete King: White House Breach Was &#39;Inexcusable&#39;
 Pete King: 
 White House 
 Breach Was 

Pete King: White House Breach Was 'Inexcusable'

Calls for hearings on failure to stop 'basic' attack

(Newser) - The White House fence-jumper was an "absolutely inexcusable" security breach, and Politico reports that Peter King wasted no time today in calling for a "full investigation into what happened, why it happened and what needs to be done to make sure it never happens again." The New...

White House: We Did Not Threaten Foleys or Sotloffs

'We made clear what the law is,' when families weighed paying ransom

(Newser) - The White House hit back at allegations from the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff that they were threatened with prosecution as they weighed whether to pay Islamic State militants ransom for their sons. "In terms of what was communicated to the families, in the midst of many,...

Cruz on ISIS: Obama Should &#39;Take Them Out&#39;
 Cruz on ISIS: 
 Obama Should 
 'Take Them Out' 

Cruz on ISIS: Obama Should 'Take Them Out'

GOP has lots of advice, even Feinstein says action 'overdue'

(Newser) - With President Obama's speech outlining his ISIS "game plan" coming Wednesday, there was no shortage of opinion today on the talk shows about what he should do. "What we ought to have is a directed, concerted, overwhelming campaign to take them out," Ted Cruz told ABC...

Obama: We Will 'Hunt' ISIS 'Wherever They Are'

Plans policy address on Wednesday

(Newser) - President Obama will address the nation on Wednesday, outlining the threat posed by the Islamic State and his plans for dealing with it on the eve of the 13th anniversary of 9/11. While pledging to "hunt down" militants "wherever they are," Obama tells Chuck Todd in an...

Feinstein Dings Obama as 'Too Cautious' With ISIS

Republicans similarly unhappy with 'we don't have a strategy'

(Newser) - Republicans were today again busily piling on President Obama's strategy— or lack thereof —against Islamic State militants, but this week they were joined by a pretty prominent Democrat: Dianne Feinstein. "I’ve learned one thing about this president, and that is he’s very cautious," said...

Pete King: Islamic State 'More Powerful Than Qaeda on 9/11'

Other politicians point to growing threat

(Newser) - With the United States today dropping a fourth round of airstrikes on Iraq's Islamic State militants, the pope expressing outrage over the humanitarian situation, and Iraq claiming that militants had slaughtered some 500 Yadizis , naturally our elected lawmakers felt compelled to offer up their two cents on the situation...

CDC Chief: US Won't 'Seal Borders' Against Ebola

Tom Frieden says we know how to handle deadly virus

(Newser) - The US is treating the American doctor who contracted Ebola , and isn't about to turn tail on the virus. "Ebola’s scary, and it’s understandable that with a deadly disease, people are concerned," says CDC director Tom Frieden, but for those who would have us turn...

Kerry: Plane Crash Probe 'Grotesque,' 'Compromised'

Also, Fox busts secretary of State with hot mic moment

(Newser) - John Kerry is off and running on the media blitz known as appearing on all five Sunday talk shows, and—with developments breaking this morning from Israel to the Malaysia Airlines plane crash—he has no shortage of things to discuss. Highlights, as per Politico :
  • On the crash site : "

McCain: Israel &#39;Spiraling Out of Control&#39;
 McCain: Israel 
 'Spiraling Out 
 of Control' 

McCain: Israel 'Spiraling Out of Control'

Wants to send in Kerry

(Newser) - Even as Israel arrested six people in the murder of a 16-year-old Palestinian boy, John McCain said today "this thing is in danger of spiraling out of control," and advocated that John Kerry be sent over for a little "shuttle diplomacy." "There’s a whole...

John Kerry: Freed Taliban Could Fight, Also 'Get Killed'

(Newser) - John Kerry has a word for critics who charge that American troops are in greater danger in the wake of the prisoner swap that freed five Taliban leaders, and that word is "baloney ." Of the Taliban, he says, "I am not telling you that they don’t...

GOP Rips Bergdahl Deal: 'We Have Now Set a Price'

Susan Rice again sent to face fallout for White House

(Newser) - Republicans are weighing in on the US-Taliban trade that yesterday set POW Bowe Bergdahl free, and they are decidedly not in favor. A sample of reactions on today's talk shows, as per Politico :
  • Mike Rogers : "The No. 1 way that al-Qaeda raises money is by ransom—kidnapping and

Adviser: Obama 'Madder Than Hell' Over VA Scandal

Denis McDonough says he's got the scars to prove it

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough today summarized the commander-in-chief's feelings on the VA scandal pretty pointedly: "The president is madder than hell, and I’ve got the scars to prove it, given the briefings I’ve given the president. Nobody is more outraged about this problem,...

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