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Wayfair CEO Tries to Inspire With Message on 'Laziness'

Niraj Shah encourages employees to work longer hours: 'Winning requires hard work'

(Newser) - If you're a Wayfair employee and hoping that 2024 will bring a more relaxed workplace, think again. In a recent email to workers, CEO Niraj Shah delivered what The Street calls a "harsh wake-up call" that involved pushback against slacking. "Working long hours, being responsive, blending work...

Give a High-Five to Our Hardest-Working State

North Dakota comes in at No. 1 on WalletHub's rankings, while New Mexico brings up the rear

(Newser) - Compared to workers in other countries, Americans are known for balking at taking too much vacation time, either because their employer doesn't offer that many paid days off or because workers feel they can't miss too many days without negative repercussions. The positive side of that coin is...

Have a 'Lazy Girl Job'? Don't Feel Guilty
Have a 'Lazy Girl Job'?
Don't Feel Guilty

Have a 'Lazy Girl Job'? Don't Feel Guilty

In the 'NYT,' Jessica Grose advocates for 'reasonable boundaries' for workers

(Newser) - Feel a twinge of guilt on the days you leave work right on time? Don't, says Jessica Grose, who takes a deep dive for the New York Times into what it means to be a "good" employee. Grose wants a more "positive spin" on two fairly new...

Two Dirty Words in Modern Workplace: 'pls fix'

'Wall Street Journal' digs into the phrase dreaded by young professionals

(Newser) - This year, the phrase "quiet quitting" has entered the workplace lexicon, as has its opposite, "overemployed." Now the Wall Street Journal digs into another new workplace phrase, one dreaded by young professionals: "pls fix." As in, that terse phrase shows up in emails at all...

'Quiet Quitting' Is This Year's Workplace Trend
Everybody's Talking
About 'Quiet Quitting'

Everybody's Talking About 'Quiet Quitting'

To avoid burnout, workers are doing the bare minimum

(Newser) - "Quiet quitting" is a workplace trend that's suddenly getting a lot of press—and it doesn't involve sneaking out of work and heading for the hills. Instead, advocates, including many TikTokers, describe it as doing the minimum their jobs require and refusing to work extra hours or...

In Iceland, Shorter Workweek an 'Overwhelming Success'

Workers who put in 35-36 hours instead of 40 were happier, more productive, per 4-year experiment

(Newser) - Iceland always seems to fall near the top of most "happiest nations" lists, and this experimentation with a shorter workweek may have just cemented its spot. For four years, between 2015 and 2019, more than 1% of the nation's workforce (2,500 workers or so) from all types...

Here Are the 10 Hardest- Working Cities in America

The Lone Star State isn't messing around

(Newser) - There's no lazing around in Texas, apparently. WalletHub looked at 116 large cities across America to see which epitomized the term "work ethic," analyzing nearly a dozen key metrics in two categories: direct work factors, which includes how many hours folks put in during an average workweek,...

This Is America's Hardest-Working City

WalletHub ranks 116 cities on work ethic, with San Francisco at the top

(Newser) - Hard work is as American as apple pie— WalletHub notes that, as a nation, we spend more time at our jobs than other industrialized countries including Japan, Germany, and the UK. So which US cities work the hardest? The site compared the 116 largest cities in the country, looking at...

The Dream Is Dead: Swedes' 6-Hour Workday Didn’t Work

Gothenburg ends its 2-year experiment

(Newser) - Think happier, healthier lives are worth any amount of money? The Swedes aren't so sure. Two years after adopting a six-hour workday , the Swedish city of Gothenburg says it will end the experiment over cost concerns, though it appeared to make workers happier and more productive. Indeed, in the...

9-to-5 Isn't the Grind Anymore, It's the Dream

It's time 'to embrace the liberating boundaries of a well-defined workday'

(Newser) - The 9-to-5 workday has long been known as the daily grind. In the 1960s, "working 9-to-5 was a symbol for the inauthentic life, a constant and pointless shuttling between the office and the television set," writes Carl Cederström in the Atlantic . But nowadays, "the boundaries between...

What It's Like to Be an Adjunct Prof With a Grocery Job

Matt Debenham spends his mornings at the store before heading to campuses

(Newser) - Being an adjunct professor isn't an easy job , nor is it a steady one—and it's certainly not lucrative. "Sometimes I think I did everything wrong" in leaving work in PR to focus on teaching, writes Matt Debenham at Buzzfeed . But while "there are a lot...

Study: Optimism Is Overrated

It may help more with persistence than actual performance

(Newser) - A new study delivers a somewhat depressing message: Positive thinking may not be all it's cracked up to be. "I kept hearing about how optimistic mindset was so great, but then you think about all the times that striving for accuracy might be better for the individual,"...

We Shouldn't Have to Find Meaning in Work

Jobs are for money; what we need is more free time, writes Joe Keohane

(Newser) - There's a trend these days in the office environment that suggests we should be able to find a sense of fulfillment in our jobs; bosses, it seems, have reacted to studies suggesting more engaged workers mean bigger profits. And sure, it's great if we can find meaning at...

Study Shows Cost of After-Work Emails

They have 'real effect' on some employees' private lives

(Newser) - When work follows you home, it can take a significant toll, researchers say. They looked at a week in the lives of 341 people as they received communications outside of work hours—facing, in the words of Texas A&M researcher Wendy Boswell, "a new night shift." Subjects...

You're Losing Your Office Space

Open offices mean less privacy for the American worker

(Newser) - The American workspace is getting smaller. In 2010, there was an average of 225 square feet of office space per office employee in North America; in 2012, the figure was down to 176 square feet, the New York Times reports based on data from a real estate association. The group...

How to Deal With a Bad Boss: Be Passive-Aggressive

Study points to benefits of not just putting up with it

(Newser) - If you've got a bad boss, you're not alone: USA Today last year reported that 75% of workers see their bosses as the most negative aspect of their jobs, and 65% would take a new boss rather than a raise. A study in Denmark, meanwhile, suggests terrible management,...

Working Too Hard May Make You Hit the Bottle Harder
Working Too Hard May Make You Hit the Bottle Harder

Working Too Hard May Make You Hit the Bottle Harder

People who work more than 48 hours a week consume 'risky' alcohol amounts: study

(Newser) - Working more than a standard 40-hour workweek (if that "standard" still even exists) won't only shave away at your R&R time: It may also cause you to drink more, the Guardian reports. Researchers found that individuals who put in 49 to 54 hours a week were 13%...

America's 'Perfect' Job Perk: the Precation

It's not a trend, but maybe it should be

(Newser) - The last thing a company wants in a new hire is someone worn out from his former position, and two tech firms are creatively combating that. They're pushing their newly minted employees to take a "precation"—a vacation before their job actually begins. Indeed, San Francisco-based real...

Poll: 70% Hate Their Jobs

 Poll: 70% Hate 
 Their Jobs 

Poll: 70% Hate Their Jobs

And that ping-pong table isn't helping

(Newser) - If you're reading this at a job you hate, you're in good company: Some 70% of Americans either hate or are totally uninterested in their jobs, a Gallup study of 150,000 people finds. While some 18% are "actively disengaged"—for instance, actually looking for jobs...

Want Paid Vacation? Ditch America

But those lucky Austrians get 153 days off per year

(Newser) - Here's a depressing statistic: A quarter of Americans don't get paid vacation—and the US is the only wealthy country that doesn't guarantee it. We're also the only one without a promise of a paid day off for official holidays, observes the Center for Economic Policy...

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