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Trump Adviser Slams &#39;Kumbaya of Incompetence&#39;
Trump Adviser Slams
'Kumbaya of Incompetence'
sunday talk shows

Trump Adviser Slams 'Kumbaya of Incompetence'

Peter Navarro is unleashed on the Sunday talkies

(Newser) - A top White House economic adviser hit the talk-show circuit Sunday and slammed everyone from the CDC to China to former President Obama, Politico reports. "I'm glad Mr. Obama has a new job as Joe Biden's press secretary," Peter Navarro said on ABC's This Week,...

Pandemic History Might Have Turned on This Moment

Reassuring messages on Feb. 29 replaced plan for shutdown

(Newser) - The first COVID-19 death in the US was reported on Feb. 29. There was a coronavirus briefing at the White House that day, and Rolling Stone has identified it as a critical moment when the US response could have gone in a different, lifesaving direction—the instant when the tennis...

Report: Feds Rejected CDC's Guide to Reopening US

Officials were told it would 'never see the light of day'

(Newser) - A set of detailed documents created by the nation's top disease investigators meant to give step-by-step advice to local leaders deciding when and how to reopen public places such as mass transit, day care centers, and restaurants during the still-raging pandemic has been shelved by the Trump administration, the...

CDC Director Might Be Regretting That Interview
CDC Director Might Be
Regretting That Interview
the rundown

CDC Director Might Be Regretting That Interview

Robert Redfield is walking back his comments on second wave of coronavirus

(Newser) - On Tuesday, the Washington Post published an interview with Dr. Robert Redfield in which the CDC director seemed to indicate an inevitable second wave of coronavirus infections was likely to be worse than this initial wave. By Wednesday, Redfield was walking back those remarks. President Trump tweeted Wednesday that Redfield...

CDC Director: 2nd Wave of Coronavirus Likely to Be Worse

He warns that the next wave will likely hit during flu season

(Newser) - As states start to reopen or, at least, consider reopening , the director of the CDC has a warning: The coronavirus isn't going anywhere, and when the next wave hits the US, it could be worse than this one. "There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus...

Accidents Involving Cleaning Products Are Way Up

In the rush to disinfect, 'common sense can take a back seat'

(Newser) - Americans are spending much more time cleaning and using a lot more cleaning products than they did before the pandemic—and some of them are unaware that mixing bleach with ammonia or vinegar can create chlorine gas. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says calls to poison hotlines about...

For Runners, 6 Feet of Distance May Not Be Enough
That 6-Foot Rule May Not
Work for Runners
new study

That 6-Foot Rule May Not Work for Runners

Studies suggest respiratory droplets travel much farther

(Newser) - The 6 feet of separation touted by the CDC might not be enough to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, particularly among runners. A new study described in the New York Times suggests air carries respiratory droplets up to 30 feet behind runners and up to 15 feet behind fast...

Governor Opposed Stay-at-Home Order. Now, a Virus Hot Spot

644 COVID-19 cases tied to Smithfield Foods meat plant in Sioux Falls, SD

(Newser) - The shuttered Smithfield Foods pork plant in Sioux Falls, SD, is now the largest single source of coronavirus cases in the country. Eighty more employees were confirmed to have COVID-19 on Wednesday, bringing the employee total to 518. State health officials say another 126 people who had contact with an...

'19, 20 States' Could Be Ready to Reopen May 1

So says CDC Director Robert Redfield

(Newser) - If you're living in one of 19 or 20 states, good news: CDC Director Robert Redfield thinks you may be ready to reopen by May 1. The less great news: He didn't name which ones during his interview on Good Morning America . Reuters reports Redfield explained that we'...

Chicago Had a &#39;Super-Spreader&#39;
Chicago Had a

Chicago Had a 'Super-Spreader'

CDC describes cluster of cases linked to a single man

(Newser) - New research suggests the first people infected with the coronavirus in Wuhan, China, spread it to an average of 5.7 others, per Bloomberg . And those aren't even the "super-spreaders." One such person in Chicago, described in a CDC report released Wednesday, was responsible for confirmed or...

CDC Nixes 'Highly Unusual' Wording on Trump-Pushed Drugs

'Why would CDC be publishing anecdotes? That doesn't make sense.'

(Newser) - What Reuters calls "highly unusual guidance" on two drugs President Trump has been pushing to treat the coronavirus has been removed from the CDC site almost as quickly as it went up. The original guidance on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, which showed up over the weekend under "Therapeutic Options,...

CDC: How to Make a Mask in 45 Seconds

Surgeon General Jerome Adams is here to help

(Newser) - The CDC wants everyday Americans to mask up in public, and because it wants us to save the N95 masks for health care workers, it is here to show you how to make a cloth mask out of everyday items you can readily find in your quarantine misery and put...

CDC May Change Advice on Face Coverings
CDC May Change
Advice on Face Coverings
the rundown

CDC May Change Advice on Face Coverings

DIY masks are becoming more popular

(Newser) - Last month, the surgeon general issued an all-caps plea to Americans: "STOP BUYING MASKS!" But as the coronavirus outbreak worsens, a more nuanced debate is unfolding about whether Americans should be wearing masks, or some type of face covering, in public. Nobody is suggesting that people wear surgical...

CDC Finds Clue to Rapid Spread of Virus on Ships

Nearly half of COVID-19 patients on Diamond Princess were asymptomatic

(Newser) - If you've been wondering how long the coronavirus can live on surfaces after it's been left behind, new data from the Centers for Disease Control reveals that information—and it's a concerning development. In the CDC's weekly "Morbidity and Mortality" report released Monday and cited...

Who's the Virus Putting in the Hospital? Not All Older People

New CDC data show significant portion of coronavirus hospitalization are younger adults

(Newser) - Dr. Deborah Birx, a State Department official on President Trump's coronavirus task force, on Wednesday issued a warning to young adults to stop gathering in groups—not only because they could unknowingly spread the virus to older, more vulnerable people, but because they themselves may be more at risk...

CDC Eyes Funerals as Possible Hotbed for Virus

Agency tells morticians to consider livestreaming funerals

(Newser) - On the tail of the Center for Disease Control's warning against gatherings of more than 50 people—followed by the White House advisement to keep get-togethers to fewer than 10—the nation's funeral directors have received their own recommendations on how to manage funeral services amid the coronavirus...

CDC Warns Against Events With More Than 50 People

Organizers advised to postpone events for at least 8 weeks

(Newser) - American life is set to be upended even more by the coronavirus upbreak under a new recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC recommended Sunday that events with more than 50 people—including "conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings, and other types of assemblies"...

Surgeon General on Coronavirus: 'Stop Buying Masks!'

Surgeon general warns of a possible shortage for health care workers

(Newser) - Face masks aren't going to save us from contracting the coronavirus while commuting or grocery shopping, health officials say. But they do help health professionals working with infected patients in a closed environment. And uninfected people around the world are hoarding them. So the US surgeon general tackled the...

CDC Issues Warning on Coronavirus, Facial Hair

Villain mustaches and soul patches are OK; stubble, full beards may interfere with respirator

(Newser) - Patients' facial hair may affect their safety when it comes to the coronavirus—but it depends on what kind of mustache, beard, or other whiskers you're sporting. CNN reports on a warning from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that centers on how much various types of facial...

New Findings on US Obesity 'Important for Everyone'

And it's not great news: Obesity rate in America is now over 40%

(Newser) - In 1999, US health officials warned that the health of millions of Americans was being imperiled by a "growing obesity epidemic." Twenty years later, it appears that warning wasn't very effective: A report issued Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the obesity...

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