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CDC Chief 'Deeply Concerned' on Teen COVID Cases

Rochelle Walensky cites rising hospitalization rates in plea to parents to get their kids vaccinated

(Newser) - The head of the CDC made a plea to parents of teens this week, imploring them to get their kids vaccinated against COVID and citing a study showing increased hospitalization rates of adolescents. "I am deeply concerned," Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Friday, the same day new research showed...

CDC's Summer Camp COVID Advice Has Gray Areas

Unvaccinated kids should wear masks in crowded settings, such as singing around a campfire

(Newser) - Unvaccinated 11-year-olds are going to have to make some judgment calls at summer camp this year. The CDC issued its coronavirus guidance for summer camps on Friday, NBC reports, and the agency left wiggle room. As is true in other situations, fully vaccinated people are pretty well covered and don'...

CDC Mostly Sidelines Testing for the Vaccinated

All health experts don't agree the new guidance is wise

(Newser) - Federal health officials' new, more relaxed recommendations on masks have all but eclipsed another major change in guidance: Fully vaccinated Americans can largely skip getting tested for the coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said last week that most people who have received the full course of shots...

CDC Guidance 'Not Based On Science,' Nurses Say

The largest nurses union in the US says mask guidelines were relaxed too soon

(Newser) - Eager to ditch your mask? Not so fast, the nation’s largest nurses union says. National Nurses United has vocally disagreed with the CDC’s new guidance on masks. The CDC said Thursday that fully vaccinated people can go about their business without masks or social distancing, with a few...

Walensky: Politics Didn't Affect Mask Decision

CDC boss: Unvaccinated people still are not safe

(Newser) - Asked Sunday whether political pressure played a role in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's about-face on masks, the agency's chief said the deciding factor was science. "It certainly would have been easier if the science had evolved a week earlier," Rochelle Walensky said on...

Trader Joe's Quickly Follows CDC's Lead

Stores won't require masks for vaccinated shoppers, while other chains deliberate

(Newser) - One day after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its guidance on wearing masks, Trader Joe's changed with it. The specialty grocer said Friday that shoppers who are fully vaccinated won't have to wear masks anymore in its stores, USA Today reports. The chain, which won'...

CDC's Shift Clashes With Epidemiologists' Expectations

Most thought masks would be needed indoors for another year or so

(Newser) - Mike Allen of Axios calls it "liberation day." Russell Berman of the Atlantic writes about the CDC "liberating the people from their face coverings." The references, of course, are to the CDC's decision on Thursday to declare that the fully vaccinated can skip wearing masks...

CDC Makes a Big Shift on Mask Guidelines

Fully vaccinated can go without them indoors or outdoors, excepts in travel hubs, hospitals, etc.

(Newser) - A big move by the CDC: The agency on Thursday eased indoor mask-wearing guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks inside in most places. The new guidance still calls for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons, and homeless shelters, but...

CDC: New Projections 'Offer Reason to Be Quite Hopeful'

There could be a 'sharp decline' in cases by mid-July with vaccinations, masks

(Newser) - The fight against COVID-19 has become a race between vaccination programs and the spread of coronavirus variants—and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says victory could be in sight. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, who said she had a feeling of "impending doom" in late March, said...

Judge Tosses CDC's Eviction Moratorium

Federal judge says agency exceeded its authority

(Newser) - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its legal authority in September when it issued an unprecedented nationwide ban on evictions of renters who lost income during the pandemic, a federal judge decided Wednesday. US District Judge Dabney Friedrich threw out the eviction ban, which had been due to...

Author Michael Lewis Finds Heroes, Villains in Pandemic

His book 'The Premonition,' amounts to an indictment of the CDC's response

(Newser) - Those familiar with the books of Michael Lewis (Moneyball, The Big Short, The Blind Side, etc.) know that he loves finding a hero "who gives a defiant middle finger to the conventional wisdom," writes Jennifer Szalai in the New York Times . His latest book, The Premonition , follows...

Did You Feel Dizzy After J&J Shot? CDC Says It Knows Why

Clusters of adverse reactions in 5 states caused by anxiety, not vaccine itself, agency says

(Newser) - Dozens of people who got the COVID vaccine from Johnson & Johnson in early April, at five mass-vaccination sites in five states, reported fainting, breaking out into a sweat, dizziness, nausea, and lightheadedness afterward, among other side effects. The incidents, which took place between April 7 and April 9, led...

Cruise Lines Look at Sailing in July
CDC Clears
Cruise Ships

CDC Clears Cruise Ships

US industry could restart by mid-July, agency says

(Newser) - Cruise lines that have been docked for more than a year because of the pandemic have been given a route to returning to sea. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notified them Wednesday in a letter that they should be able to resume passenger sailings from the US by...

Many With Mild COVID Cases Develop New Issues Later
New Health Issues Surface
Months After Mild Cases

New Health Issues Surface Months After Mild Cases

Patients need to keep in touch with their clinicians, expert says

(Newser) - New health issues are showing up in patients months after they've recovered from a mild case of COVID-19, researchers have found. The symptoms include a cough, shortness of breath, heart rate abnormalities, chest or throat pain, and fatigue, the New York Times reports. The issues "likely represent ongoing...

CDC Panel Votes to End Johnson & Johnson Pause

Learning of more blood clots, advisers suggest a warning

(Newser) - An advisory panel heard about a few more cases of blood clots among recipients Friday, but nonetheless told the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that use of the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine should resume. Vaccinations with the product have been suspended for 11 days. The vote was 10-4,...

US to Put 'Do Not Travel' Label on 80% of World's Nations

State Department discourages Americans from going abroad during pandemic

(Newser) - The State Department doesn't like the idea of Americans traveling to other nations during the pandemic, and it's about to make that clear. About 80% of the world's countries are getting the "Do Not Travel" warning, the Washington Post reports, up from 16% as of Monday....

Report: Ted Cruz Is Done With the Mask

CNN reports he joins Rand Paul in his stance

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is reportedly done with mask wearing, and CNN has jumped all over it. The network reports the Republican senator from Texas is going maskless on the floor of the Senate, which has no mask requirement , and in the halls of the Capitol complex. It questioned him about this,...

CDC Move Marks New Strategy on Racism

Director deems it a 'serious public health threat,' takes steps to combat it

(Newser) - The coronavirus pandemic has been at the top of everyone's mind for more than a year, and the focus of infectious disease experts around the world. But the CDC says there's another major issue plaguing the US, and its director is now calling attention to it. "Racism...

Florida Sues CDC, Demands Cruise Ships Be Allowed to Sail

State says Americans are just flying to other countries to cruise

(Newser) - The state of Florida has filed a lawsuit against the federal government to demand cruise ships be allowed to start sailing immediately, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday. DeSantis said the no-sail order is outdated and hurts the state as the industry generates billions for the economy and employs tens of...

US COVID Deaths Plummet to Year-Low, but With an Asterisk

Encouraging figures might be incomplete due to Easter holiday

(Newser) - This weekend the US saw COVID-19 deaths drop to their lowest point in more than a year, according to Johns Hopkins University data . The number reported for Sunday, 222 deaths, is the lowest since March 23, 2020, when 192 confirmed deaths were recorded in the pandemic's early days. At...

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