
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Republican Poised to Take Louisiana
Republican Poised to Take

Republican Poised to Take Louisiana

Review catches up with Jindal, likely first post-Katrina governor

(Newser) - A rare flash of hope for Republicans might be the man preparing to take over the nation’s biggest disaster area, the National Review writes. Bobby Jindal is running 35% ahead of any comer to be Louisiana’s first governor elected after Katrina. Jindal might seem a peculiar pick, but,...

GOP Colleagues Jump Sinking Craig Ship

McCain, Coleman join calls for cruising senator's resignation

(Newser) - Senators John McCain and Norm Coleman joined two Republican congressmen in urging GOP Sen. Larry Craig to resign today, the AP reports, after Craig was moved out of top committee posts by party leadership. The White House, too, said it was “disappointed" with the Idaho lawmaker after the revelations...

Republican Scandal Level Approaches Self-Parody

GOP insider: 'You can’t make this stuff up'

(Newser) - Sen. Larry Craig's bathroom toe tap is only the latest in a seemingly endless string of scandal that has Republicans at wit's end, the NY Times reports. Such episodes are fueling voter suspicion of a party already tied to an unpopular president and the Iraq war. "We are approaching...

Craig’s Seat Up for Grabs, but Not for Dems

Idaho is one of nation's most Republican states

(Newser) - It’s unlikely that Larry Craig will stand for re-election to the Senate next year—but don’t even think about chalking up another seat for the Democrats. Pleading guilty to disorderly conduct in an airport bathroom will probably end Craig’s career, but Politico says Idaho’s one of...

Ann Romney Speaks Out... on Her Family

She keeps things personal, appeals to conservative base

(Newser) - Ann Romney’s image as a demure stay-at-home mom separates her from more "modern" First Lady aspirants – and solidifies Mitt's plan to coax Christian conservatives to the polls, the Boston Globe reports. “His message is going to be, 'Not only am I against abortion and gay marriage,...

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal
Obama Has
GOP Crossover Appeal

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal

Dem came in third in recent poll of Iowa Republicans

(Newser) - Here's one race where Barack isn't trailing Hillary: the one for GOP defectors. In a recent poll, Iowa Republicans chose the freshman senator as their third-favored presidential candidate (after Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani), Salon reports. And in recent GOP focus groups, Obama’s crossover appeal was more than twice...

Romney: Dubya in Centrist's Clothing

Compassionate- conservative act just that, columnist writes

(Newser) - Mitt Romney’s centrist past and anti-bigot pleasantries are belied by the hardcore conservative base he’s building, writes the American Prospect’s Garance Franke-Ruta. The Republican presidential hopeful's overtures to the middle echo those of George W. Bush's 2000 campaign—in which Bush ultimately won by relying on his...

Michigan to Shift Primary to Jan. 15

Move forces New Hampshire earlier; Iowa mulls December

(Newser) - Michigan is about to move its 2008 presidential primary to January 15th, sources inside the state Democratic and Republican parties tell MSNBC. A bill shifting the date will go before the state senate next week. The move will provoke other early states to move to earlier—as early as December—...

Rudy and Romney Spar Over Illegal Immigration

(Newser) - GOP frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney are trading heated barbs over immigration, each accusing the other of a weak stance on illegals. Through radio ads and campaign speeches, both candidates are looking to rally the conservative GOP base, the Washington Post reports—though neither man has solid conservative credentials...

Two More GOP Seats Up for Grabs
Two More
GOP Seats Up for Grabs

Two More GOP Seats Up for Grabs

Reps from Ohio and Mississippi won't seek re-election

(Newser) - Two more congressional seats are in play with the announcement by representatives in Ohio and Mississippi that they won't seek re-election. Rep. Deborah Pryce, who won her Ohio seat by just 1,062 of 220,000 cast, said she wants to spend more time with her family. Also stepping aside...

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters
GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

Immigration policy hurting party, says American Prospect

(Newser) - With 69% of Latino voters going Democratic in 2006, anti-immigration sentiment among GOP presidential hopefuls may only serve to turn off the remaining 30. Meanwhile, the Latino population is growing, especially in swing states. "Even Texas could become a swing state a couple of elections from now," the...

Carville: Rove Cost GOP a Generation

Sticking to base was demographic disaster, Clinton adviser says

(Newser) - Impressive electoral record aside, Karl Rove's strategy of aggressively courting the GOP base has soured an entire generation on the Republican Party, James Carville argues in the Financial Times. Bill Clinton's storied strategist says "theocratic underpinnings" of Rovian strategy are behind polls showing a nameless Democratic presidential candidate favored...

The Rise and Fall of Rove
The Rise and Fall of Rove

The Rise and Fall of Rove

Boy genius couldn't build an unbeatable GOP coalition

(Newser) - Karl Rove may have been the but-for cause of the Bush presidency, but his dreams of using it to build a generation-long Republican hegemony that would undo the New Deal have been unquestionably dashed. Bush's boy genius envisioned a "permanent majority," but the Washington Post considers the reasons...

GOP Straw Poll Finishes Tommy Thompson

Former Wisconsin governor drops out after 6th-place showing

(Newser) - Longshot presidential candidate Tommy Thompson announced yesterday he's dropping out of the race after finishing sixth in Iowa's Republican straw poll. The former Wisconsin governor set a goal for himself of coming in first or second, but he couldn't even beat Libertarian loose cannon Ron Paul. "There's no sense...

Runner-up Huckabee Big Winner in Iowa

Showing could catapult GOP longshot into top echelon

(Newser) - Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was a surprise winner in Iowa's straw poll yesterday when he came in a strong second, which may have catapulted him into the top tier. He pulled 18.1% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 31.5%. Huckabee's performance is particularly impressive given that he...

Romney Wins Straw Poll
Romney Wins Straw Poll

Romney Wins Straw Poll

Mormon leads Pubs in Midwest

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has won the Iowa straw poll, widely regarded as a colander for presidential hopefuls, the Washington Post reports. Romney beat out a field of conservatives in the non-binding vote in Ames, but left-lilting frontrunner Rudy Giuliani had already bowed out of the race.

The Right Rips Into Romney
The Right Rips Into Romney

The Right Rips Into Romney

He's grilled on abortion switch in lead-up to Iowa straw poll

(Newser) - GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is getting flamed by all-out assault on his conservative bona fides in the run-up to tomorrow's straw poll in  Iowa, reports the New York Times. The former Massachusetts governor has been hit by particularly withering criticism for his change of heart on abortion, with talk...

From Whispers, GOP Hopefuls Aim for a Roar

Backchannel back-stabbing on rise ahead of Iowa poll

(Newser) - With second-tier candidates sensing that Saturday's straw poll may be their last, best chance to stay in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Iowa is abuzz with whispering campaigns, Slate's John Dickerson says. The homegrown negative ads are a major tool for cash-poor politicians with names like Tancredo, Brownback...

South Carolina Prompts Primary Chaos

SC to jump to January, pushing primary schedule as early as December

(Newser) - South Carolina's Republican Party is about to shift its primary to January 19, triggering a chain reaction of primary rescheduling that is infuriating candidates and campaign managers, the Washington Post reports. The New Hampshire primary will likely be rescheduled for early January and the Iowa caucuses as early as December....

GOP Candidates Play Nice in Iowa Debate

Repubs target Dems with tough talk on war, abortion, Obama

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates were mostly civil to each other in today's debate in Iowa, but they hammered Democrats on foreign policy and taxes. The tensest exchange occurred early, the Washington Post reports, when Sam Brownback accused Mitt Romney’s wife of working for Planned Parenthood. Romney called the charge...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>