
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Pol Ripped Over 'Redneck Rap'
Ripped Over
'Redneck Rap' 

GOP Pol Ripped Over 'Redneck Rap'

Anti-Obama video touts opossum, 'the other dark meat'

(Newser) - Kansas lawmaker Bill Otto brushed off accusations of racism after his "Redneck Rap" video was pulled from YouTube yesterday. The Republican sported a hat describing opossum as "the other dark meat" in the video, in which he slams President Obama's policies and then repeats the hat's slogan, adding,...

Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers
Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Going Rogue likely to continue trend of hits from right-wing figures

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s memoir is expected sell so well that it will singlehandedly boost the fortunes of the ailing book business. The book is already topping preorder lists, and publisher Harper plans an extensive slate of promotional appearances to make full use the former Alaska governor's drawing power. "They...

There He Is: Miss America Judge Rush Limbaugh

Glenn Beck needs something really great to upstage this

(Newser) - The perennially publicity-hungry Miss America Pageant will shake up the judges' panel for the January event by adding a lightning rod: Rush Limbaugh. The right-wing titan isn't the first political blowhard to serve as a judge—MSNBC's Chris Matthews did a stint in 2007—but the pageant "has...

Reagan Would've Applauded Nobel Decision
Reagan Would've Applauded Nobel Decision

Reagan Would've Applauded Nobel Decision

(Newser) - Republican pundits reacted predictably to news of President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize. Noting that the committee gave the award on the basis of Obama’s efforts rather than accomplishments, John Bolton noted, “President Reagan called for a world without nuclear weapons; where was his Nobel peace prize?” But...

Hobbled DeLay Quits Dancing
 Hobbled DeLay Quits Dancing 

Hobbled DeLay Quits Dancing

Foot injuries force former House leader to withdraw

(Newser) - Tom DeLay’s dancing days are over. The former Republican House majority leader quit Dancing With the Stars last night, though he avoided elimination after defying doctor’s recommendations and competing with stress fractures in both feet, Us reports. But, “If you can’t practice, you’ll make a...

I'd Vote for Health Bill: Frist

Obama's reforms are a step in the right direction, former Senate majority leader says

(Newser) - Health care reform legislation has the unexpected support of a prominent physician: former Senate Republican leader Bill Frist. If he were still in politics, “I would end up voting for it," Frist said. The surgeon also blamed some Republicans for not engaging seriously in the health care debate:...

GOP Revels in US Setbacks
 GOP Revels in US Setbacks 
piling on

GOP Revels in US Setbacks

1-2 punch of job stats, Olympic decision gets a third stage

(Newser) - From worse-than-expected unemployment numbers to Chicago’s foiled Olympic bid, today was a lousy day for America, but Republicans reacted as if Christmas had come early. Soon after the jobs numbers hit, Glenn Thrush of Politico got a slew of GOP press releases. “Rep. Mike Pence literally hit the...

Palin Memoir a Top Seller Before Release

Memoir is #1 on B&N, #2 on Amazon

(Newser) - Pre-orders have pushed Sarah Palin’s memoir to the No. 1 spot on Barnes and Noble’s website—though it won’t be out until mid-November. On Amazon, Palin’s Going Rogue: An American Life is at No. 2, trailing Dan Brown but trumping Glenn Beck’s latest. Harper has...

Whitman Skipped Voting Due to 'Family Demands'

But that's no excuse, admits former GOP favorite for Calif. gov race

(Newser) - Wanna-be California governor and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman says she skipped voting for 28 years because of her family and her hubby's work. "I was focused on raising a family, on my husband's career, and we moved many, many times," she told reporters. "It is no...

Think Tank Taps Bachmann as 'Miss November'

Conservative group's calendar also features Prejean, Coulter

(Newser) - A conservative think tank's calendar of "Great American Conservative Women" features a relative newbie: Michele Bachmann. The Minnesota lawmaker, who was elected to Congress in 2006, appears in the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute's calendar as "Miss November." The calendar also features Carrie Prejean, Michelle Malkin, and...

DeLay Tangos a Little Too Hard on Dancing

Despite low score, the Hammer vows to dance on injured foot 'till it breaks'

(Newser) - Former House majority leader Tom DeLay showed off a dignified tango last night on Dancing With the Stars, performing the dance faithfully, if a bit robotically—until the end, when he dipped partner Cheryl Burke, stumbled, and almost dropped her. Though he scored an 18, tying for last with Kathy...

GOP Raises More Cash Than Dems in Aug.

Unusual spike gives minority party $1.7M more for the month

(Newser) - Republican campaign committees got a big fundraising bump in August, pulling in $1.7 million more than Democrats, despite being the minority party. “Republicans have been able to tap into some of the anger against Democrats in power and translate that into fundraising,” one analyst tells USA Today....

ACORN's Founder Blasts GOP Attacks
Founder Blasts GOP Attacks

ACORN's Founder Blasts GOP Attacks

Dismisses them as 'poppycock,' part of anti-Obama vendetta

(Newser) - The founder of ACORN says the conservative portrayal of the group as a "criminal enterprise" is a “complete fabrication." Claims that the group systematically misuses federal funds for political purposes are being circulated as fact on TV talk shows and blogs, Wade Rathke tells the Washington Post....

GOP Legislators Dominate Twitter —but Does It Matter?

Republicans have more followers, but benefits are unclear

(Newser) - If you think Twitter is the preserve of skinny-jeaned urbanites, think again; in the corridors of power, Republican microbloggers are leading the way. Politico reports that 101 GOP members of Congress have Twitter accounts to only 57 Democrats, and Republican legislators posted 932 messages over two weeks this summer—nearly...

House Republicans Face Tea Party Primaries

(Newser) - The so-called “tea party” movement has spawned a host of primary challengers for House Republicans, pressuring them to stay far to the right, CQ Politics reports. “I’ve got four primary challengers, and all of them hope to capitalize on the tea parties,” complains Bob Inglis of...

Wrestling CEO Linda McMahon to Run for Senate

Says Chris Dodd has 'lost his way and our trust'

(Newser) - In an announcement sure to inspire a barrage of “stepping into the ring” cracks, Linda McMahon, wife of Vince McMahon and until now CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, is seeking the Republican nomination to take on Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, the Hartford Courant reports. McMahon promised to be “...

Leave Wilson Alone: Parker
 Leave Wilson Alone: Parker 


Leave Wilson Alone: Parker

Outbursts par for the course in partisan politics

(Newser) - After Joe Wilson's “you lie” outburst, we may need to add “Joewilsoning” to the lexicon, as in, “OMG, he Joewilsoned right in the middle of the sermon!” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. Still, the reaction to the outburst seems a wee bit overblown. Wilson...

'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right
 'You Lie' Rep 
 Essentially Right 


'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right

Joe Wilson not wrong about Obama wanting to insure illegals

(Newser) - Give Joe Wilson a break. It’s hard to fit the complexities of policy into an outburst during a presidential address, but the South Carolina congressman has a point: If you connect two of President Obama’s top policy priorities, he does want to give insurance to illegal immigrants. It’...

Obama Accepts Wilson's Apology

(Newser) - President Obama today accepted Rep. Joe Wilson's mea culpa for his shoutout during last night's speech, reports USA Today. "We all make mistakes," said Obama. "He apologized quickly and without equivocation and I'm appreciative of that." Referring to the media buzz over Wilson shouting "You...

Website Fires Back at 'You Lie' Rep

SC Republican accused of sins from beer-spitting to newspaper theft

(Newser) - A website born overnight fires back at Rep. Joe Wilson, the South Carolina Republican who accused the president of lying, the Huffington Post reports. The site makes shocking accusations consistent with its slogan: “You dissed America, we’ll dis you right the f--- back.” A few gems from...

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