troop withdrawal

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Baghdad Bombs Claim 54
Baghdad Bombs Claim 54

Baghdad Bombs Claim 54

Reversal in trend of increasing security, as US announce troop reduction

(Newser) - Twin bomb blasts claimed 54 lives and wounded 130 in a Baghdad shopping center today, BBC News reports. Two roadside bombs timed to detonate within minutes of each other exploded in a shopping center in Karada district, leaving survivors holding body parts and searching for loved ones. Violence in Iraq...

China ATM Glitch Nets Man Life
China ATM Glitch Nets Man Life

China ATM Glitch Nets Man Life

After withdrawing free money, man found guilty of bank robbery

(Newser) - It seemed like a miracle to Xu Ting of Guangzhou: a misplaced decimal point somewhere in the bowels of an ATM meant that his $140 withdrawal debited his account only 14 cents. Over several hours he made another 170 transactions, pocketing more than $24,000. But after getting robbed and...

8,000 Surge Troops to Stay Put
8,000 Surge Troops to Stay Put

8,000 Surge Troops to Stay Put

More than a quarter of surge troops ordered to stick it out

(Newser) - More than a quarter of the extra troops sent to Iraq during the surge will stay in the war zone and not return to the US this summer as previously planned, the Pentagon has revealed. Some 8,000 of the 30,000 surge troops—including helicopter crews, supply units, headquarters...

Iraq Tours to Cut by 3 Months This Summer

Top Army general plans to return to yearlong stints

(Newser) - American soldiers deployed to Iraq this summer will likely serve shorter tours, the AP reports. Soldiers at war today are serving 15 months and coming home for a year before going back to Iraq for another tour. War tours are expected to be shortened to 12 months for units leaving...

Bush May Stall Iraq Troop Cuts
Bush May Stall Iraq Troop Cuts

Bush May Stall Iraq Troop Cuts

Levels could be at least as high as last year when president leaves office

(Newser) - President Bush is signaling that troop reductions in Iraq may slow or stop after this summer, reports the New York Times. Insiders say Bush is preparing Americans for the possibility that troop levels may be at least as large as they were a year ago when he leaves office. Troop...

Bush State of Union to Focus on Economy

Will stress need for recession-buster measures

(Newser) - During his final State of the Union address tonight, President Bush isn't expected to announce any dramatic new policy initiatives—but will emphasize the need for government action to ward off a recession. The speech, entitled “Trust and Empower,” will call on Congress to permanently extend his $1....

Bush Defers on Troop Pullouts, Upbraids Iran

'It's fine with me' if general slows down US withdrawal

(Newser) - At a naval base in Kuwait today, President Bush praised the success of US forces in Iraq since the surge and said he would not pressure Gen. David Petraeus to continue troop drawdowns beyond the 30,000 scheduled to be pulled out by July. "My attitude is, if he...

New Role for US Troops in Iraq
New Role for US Troops in Iraq

New Role for US Troops in Iraq

Plan would boost soldiers' role training Iraqis as some troops withdraw

(Newser) - US combat brigades in Iraq may soon be given an expanded role in training and supporting Iraqis, reports the New York Times. Under the plan, not yet finalized, a quarter of US troops would be withdrawn next July but others would stay behind to help transfer more of the security...

Britain Coordinated Troop Cuts With the US

Defense heads say they agreed southern Iraq was secure enough

(Newser) - The British and American defense secretaries say the US was consulted before Britain halved its troops in Iraq, the Los Angeles Times reports, and they agreed southern Iraq was secure enough for the withdrawal. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the withdrawal was coordinated with US commander Gen. David Petraeus,...

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline
Dems Stonewall on
Pullout Deadline

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline

Obama, Edwards, Clinton won't guarantee withdrawal by 2013

(Newser) - None of the three leading Democratic White House contenders were willing last night to guarantee that they would get US troops out of Iraq by 2013. During a Democratic debate at Dartmouth College, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards—who all support a timetable for troop withdrawal—each declined...

Giuliani Ties Clinton to Controversial MoveOn Ad

In new Internet ad, ex-mayor accuses senator of turning on Iraq war, Petraeus

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani linked Hillary Clinton to the controversial newspaper ad attacking David Petraeus in a new Internet attack ad of his own. In the spot, called “She Changed,” the GOP presidential hopeful says the New York senator shifted her position on the war and criticized Petraeus,...

Dems Shift Strategy to Speed Troop Pullout

Plan would require troops to stay at home as long as last tour before redeploying.

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress are pinning their hopes on what they believe is the most politically palatable way to speed the withdrawal of troops from Iraq in the wake of Gen. Petraeus’ report last week. A bill mandating that troops be allowed to spend the same amount of time at home...

Gates Eyes Deeper Troop Cuts
Gates Eyes Deeper Troop Cuts

Gates Eyes Deeper Troop Cuts

Defense Sec hopes to have US Iraq forces down to 100,000 by end of 2008

(Newser) - On the heels of President Bush's announcement of limited drawbacks in Iraq, Defense Secretary Robert Gates expressed confidence yesterday that a bigger pullout would be possible. Gates said yesterday that he hopes for more cuts than Bush and Gen. David Petraeus were willing to commit to, bringing troop levels down...

Iraq Making Slow Gains on Goals, Says White House

Government met only half of its benchmarks

(Newser) - Iraq has made "satisfactory" progress on only half of its 18 benchmarks for success, the White House told Congress today, hours after President Bush said the country’s advancements merited a strong US military presence there. Since the July progress report, only one benchmark—reintegrating Baathists into the government—...

Bush Plan Would Bring 5K Troops Back by Holidays

Progress on security allows withdrawal, president to tell nation

(Newser) - In a speech tonight, President Bush will outline a plan to bring 5,700 US troops home from Iraq by Christmas, claiming enough security objectives have been met to allow the withdrawal. The New York Times reports that Bush is following the recommendations of Gen. David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker,...

Obama: Bring Troops Home by End of '08

Senator supports pullout of one or two brigades each month

(Newser) - Iraq troop withdrawals should be completed by the end of next year, Barack Obama says in a speech obtained by Reuters that was to be delivered in Iowa tonight. “We have to begin to end this war now,” the Democratic presidential candidate demands; his plan calls for one...

Bush to Back Troop Cuts
Bush to Back Troop Cuts

Bush to Back Troop Cuts

His speech will add caveats to top general's plan, caution against quick pullout

(Newser) - Bush will back his top general by pulling 30,000 troops out of Iraq by next summer, the AP reports. But he will condition all cuts on future progress when he gives his speech to the nation this week. He will also echo cautions by Petraeus and Crocker against a...

Petraeus Sees Withdrawal to 'Pre-Surge Levels'

Top US commander says goals are being met

(Newser) - David Petraeus told Congress today that the objectives of the troop surge “are in large measure being met” and said US forces could drop “to pre-surge levels” by mid-July. The top American commander in Iraq said he has recommended that force reductions begin later this month, with redeployments...

Petraeus: Give Me Six More Months
Petraeus: Give Me Six More Months

Petraeus: Give Me Six More Months

Wants Congress to postpone decision on bringing troops home

(Newser) - The commander of US forces in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, wants to postpone a decision to significantly reduce troop levels there for another six months, reports the New York Times. The general, who is scheduled to begin testimony before Congress today, has told the president he is willing to withdraw...

Petraeus Bemoans Iraq's Political Progress

Proposes second report in March

(Newser) - Writing to US troops in a preview of his report to Congress next week, Gen. David Petraeus said political progress in Iraq has not matched the aspirations the US had hoped to attain with the surge. But he was quick to stress decreasing violence on the ground, the Washington Post ...

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