2012 Presidential Candidates

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Newt Gingrich Is All About 'Coded Racism:' Joan Walsh
 Newt Is All About 
 'Coded Racism' 

Newt Is All About 'Coded Racism'

And that's one reason he'll never be president

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich "is doubling down on racial politics, and I'm going to continue to call it out when I see it," declares Joan Walsh on Salon . Most recently, he referred to President Obama as a "food stamp president." He previously said Obama would only "...

Mike Huckabee: Reactions Pour in Following Decision Not to Run in 2012
 Why Did We Waste 
 So Much Time on Huck? 

Why Did We Waste So Much Time on Huck?

Reactions pour in after he airs decision not to run

(Newser) - “Now that we know that Mike Huckabee isn't going to run for president, it's worth pointing out that all the time spent reporting, writing, and reading about his intentions over the last several months has been totally wasted,” writes Conor Friedersdorf in the Atlantic . He proposes...

Sunday Morning Talk Shows: John Boehner Wants to 'Reengage' With Pakistan
 Boehner: We Must 
 'Reengage' With Pakistan 
talk show roundup

Boehner: We Must 'Reengage' With Pakistan

Plus, House speaker says he's 'ready to cut deal' on debt ceiling

(Newser) - John Boehner does not want to use Osama bin Laden’s death as an excuse to end the war in Afghanistan or change the US relationship with Pakistan. “At this moment in time, we should reengage and strengthen our relationship with Pakistan, not walk away from it,” he...

Bachmann: Want Me to Run? Send $50

Email to supporters seeks opinions, plus cash

(Newser) - More modern politics: Michele Bachmann sent an email to supporters today with a novel approach to asking for money as she considers a presidential run, notes Politico : "If you want me to continue fighting the Big-Government Obama agenda in the U.S. House of Representatives, please make a generous...

Huckabee Lets Us Know Tomorrow

He'll announce whether he's running on his Fox show

(Newser) - Modern politics: Mike Huckabee has made an announcement announcing that he will make another announcement tomorrow about whether he's going to "explore" a run for president. It will happen during his 8pm EST show on Fox News, of course. What's it going to be? “I’ve...

Run, Mitch Daniels, Run
 Run, Mitch Daniels, Run 
ruth marcus

Run, Mitch Daniels, Run

He shouldn't be president, but he'd be a great candidate: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - Ruth Marcus would very much like Mitch Daniels to not only run for president but to win the GOP nomination. Not because she wants him in the White House—she doesn't—but because he would make President Obama a stronger candidate. The Indiana governor would force Obama "to...

Ron Paul Announces 2012 Bid

Texas Rep. will run for Republican nomination

(Newser) - And another one throws his hat (officially) into the ring : Ron Paul announced today that he will make his third attempt at the presidency in 2012. "Time has come around to the point where the people are agreeing with much of what I've been saying for 30 years....

Unapologetic Romney Defends His Health Plan

Says he knows it would be politically smart to denounce it

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave his big speech on health care reform today, saying pretty much what everyone expected him to say : Repeal Obamacare and let the states figure it out. Conservative critics maintain that his own version of Romneycare dooms his candidacy—see today's Wall Street Journal editorial —but...

Newt Gingrich: I'm Running

Former House speaker makes it official

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is officially in. "Today I am announcing my candidacy for President of the United States," he announced on Twitter . Gingrich also posted a YouTube video, which is in the gallery at left. The move is no surprise, notes the Huffington Post . After all, he named his...

Trump's Poll Numbers Plunge

He's gone from first to fifth inside a month in one poll

(Newser) - President Obama's long-form birth certificate has done bad things to Donald Trump's political popularity. In a Public Policy Polling survey, he dropped from first place (26%) to fifth place (8%) in the span of a month. What's more, 53% of GOP voters now hold a negative view...

Callista Gingrich: Newt's Downfall, or Secret Weapon in 2012 Race?
Callista Gingrich: Newt's Downfall, or Secret Weapon?
'nyt' profile

Callista Gingrich: Newt's Downfall, or Secret Weapon?

Once part of his controversial past, now witness to his rehabbed reputation

(Newser) - More than a decade ago, Callista Bisek's six-year affair with the married Newt Gingrich played a big part in his political downfall. Now, married for 11 years and with Newt out of office since 1999, 45-year-old Callista Gingrich could play a large role in his presidential campaign. The New ...

Huntsman Defends Service to Obama
 to Obama 


Huntsman Defends Service to Obama

Ex-China ambassador gearing up for White House run

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is officially back from China and today used his first public appearance to address Republican tongues wagging about the fact that the most recent boss on his resume is one Barack Obama. "Serve [America], if asked," Huntsman told the University of South Carolina's Class of...

Fox Ends Contracts With Gingrich, Santorum

Move suggests they're both serious about 2012 runs

(Newser) - Fox News has ended its contracts with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, reports Ben Smith at Politico, suggesting both want in on the 2012 presidential race. The network suspended both contracts about 2 months ago and gave both men a deadline of May 1 to decide whether they were running....

Bachmann: ‘Please Pray for Me’

She also asks for 'special anointing' as she considers 2012 run

(Newser) - In deciding whether to embark on a quest for greater political power, Michele Bachmann is leaning on the power of prayer. "I am asking your listeners to now please pray for me and my husband and my team," Bachmann said in an interview with Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries,...

AP, Reuters Skip GOP Debate Over Photo Access

A number of possible candidates also not attending tonight

(Newser) - If the GOP held a presidential debate and barely anyone attended, would it still be a debate? The AP and Reuters are the latest to duck out of tonight's South Carolina debate, Politico reports. A number of prospective candidates, including Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mitch Daniels, and...

Jon Huntsman Forms PAC, Moves Closer to 2012 Run

Former Utah governor headed to South Carolina, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman's resignation as ambassador to China took effect Sunday, and he's not wasting much time moving toward a presidential run. He formed a federal PAC today so he can raise money and travel, reports Politico . What's more, the former GOP governor of Utah has been meeting...

Bin Laden's Death a Boost for Obama

But it might not last, media note

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's death is a major national security and intelligence victory for President Obama, and one that famously eluded his Republican predecessor. It's an especially notable triumph considering Obama was a foreign policy novice when he became president, the Los Angeles Times reports, and it will make...

2012 Hopefuls Cheer Osama's Demise

Palin, Trump, and other favorites weigh in

(Newser) - Despite the fact that Osama bin Laden's death means a popularity boost for the man they'd be up against, potential Republican presidential candidates are of course reacting positively to the news. Politico offers a roundup:
  • Sarah Palin: "Americans tonight are united in celebration and gratitude. God bless

Newt Will Launch Presidential Campaign Next Week

He just has to get a few things cleared up, he tells the National Journal

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is officially joining the 2012 presidential race … just not quite yet. The former House speaker had previously hinted his announcement would be this week, but backtracked a bit yesterday. “I’ll be in by the 10th or the 11th,” he told the National Journal , explaining...

Marco Rubio: No Way I'm Running in 2012

But the president 'isn't leading' and anybody's 'beatable'

(Newser) - The GOP may be desperately searching for somebody—anybody!—to jazz up its current slate of presidential candidates, but Marco Rubio says it can keep right on looking. The 39-year-old Florida senator is a Tea Party favorite who also would attract Latinos, but says in no uncertain terms that...

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