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Roberts Adds Rare Democrat to Secret Court

But José Cabranes is so conservative Bush almost appointed him

(Newser) - John Roberts has finally appointed another Democrat to the secretive FISA court that watches over the NSA's controversial surveillance programs—but it's security hawks, not civil libertarians, who should be celebrating. Though he was originally appointed by Bill Clinton in 2000, Judge José A. Cabranes leans conservative ideologically,...

Al-Qaeda Hatching Train Plot: Report

NSA allegedly tips off Germany

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda may be plotting to attack Europe's high-speed rail network, according to a report in Germany's Bild newspaper. According to the report, the NSA overheard the plan while listening in on an al-Qaeda conference call, the AFP reports—possibly the same conference call that reportedly led to the...

UK Detains Greenwald's Partner for 9 Hours

Journo irate over 'intimidation and bullying'

(Newser) - In what Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald labels a serious abuse of power, British authorities detained his partner for nine hours under a counterterrorism law at London's Heathrow airport. David Miranda, a Brazilian national, had possessions including his laptop seized and was questioned extensively about the Guardian's reporting of...

Erosion of Privacy Is Killing America
Erosion of Privacy
Is Killing America

Erosion of Privacy Is Killing America

It will change how we think, speak, and act as a people, writes Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - The government's sweeping surveillance programs might be protecting America, but they are also fundamentally un-American, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal today. "The end of the expectation that citizens' communications are and will remain private will probably change us as a people, and a country,"...

NSA Broke Privacy Rules 2,776 Times in Year
NSA Broke Privacy Rules
2,776 Times in Year
snowden documents

NSA Broke Privacy Rules 2,776 Times in Year

Washington Post reveals NSA internal audit obtained by Snowden

(Newser) - The Washington Post is today revealing some big news on NSA surveillance—thanks, again, to Edward Snowden. An internal audit and other records handed to the paper by Snowden "earlier this summer" show that when it comes to snooping, the NSA hasn't always been playing by government rules....

Snowden Gathered NSA Dirt While at Dell

Snooping began far earlier than had been reported

(Newser) - Looks like Edward Snowden began snooping around the NSA long before he started work at Booz Allen Hamilton: He began downloading related records in April of last year while working at Dell, insiders tell Reuters . That's almost a year earlier than had been reported, Reuters notes. An electronic footprint...

Meet the 'Keyser Soze' of Snowden Stories

'NYT Magazine' details how Laura Poitras helped Glenn Greenwald get scoop

(Newser) - Those following the Edward Snowden case will probably recognize the name Glenn Greenwald as the journalist writing up all the resulting scoops. But Laura Poitras? She's a 49-year-old documentary filmmaker from the US who is working with Greenwald and is crucial to the Snowden saga, reports Peter Maass in...

Snowden's 'Biggest Victim': 'Star Wars' Cyberdefense

NSA head Gen. Keith B. Alexander has been pushing plan

(Newser) - It looks like Russia-US relations may not be the biggest casualty left in Edward Snowden's wake. The New York Times today reports on what one senior intelligence official calls "Snowden’s biggest single victim": a planned "Star Wars" cyberdefense. Sources tell the paper that NSA head Gen....

Snowden Dad: I've Got Visa to Go to Russia

Unclear when he'll go visit

(Newser) - Edward Snowden's dad says Russia has given him a visa so that he might visit the NSA leaker, reports the AP . Speaking this morning with ABC's This Week, Lon Snowden confirmed that he's got the necessary paperwork, but was mum on when he might make the actual...

Obama Releases Documents to Support NSA Surveillance

Agency only monitors 1.6% of Internet traffic: memo

(Newser) - Right after President Obama's speech today on US surveillance, his administration released two documents in an effort to stem criticism over NSA data collection, CNN reports. One is an NSA memo that says the agency only monitors 1.6% of worldwide Internet traffic, and puts eyeballs on just .00004%...

NSA Has 'Backdoor' to Search US Emails

Senator Ron Wyden confirms latest Snowden leak

(Newser) - The NSA has a secret legal "backdoor" allowing it to search for emails and other information related to specific Americans without a warrant, the Guardian reports. It's the latest leak from Edward Snowden, and this time it comes with confirmation from Senate Intelligence Committee member and perpetual NSA...

Damon Slaps Obama: 'He Broke Up With Me'

Actor unhappy with drone attacks, NSA surveillance

(Newser) - Matt Damon's love affair with President Obama, it seems, is over. "He broke up with me," the actor and former big Obama supporter tells BET . "There are a lot of things that I really question: the legality of the drone strikes, these NSA revelations. Jimmy Carter...

NSA's Spying Includes Most US Emails That Cross Border

Anything going abroad about foreign targets intercepted

(Newser) - The NSA is poring over pretty much all emails and texts sent across the border by Americans to look for information that might raise red flags, the New York Times reports. The revelation means that the NSA's surveillance of Americans is broader than was previously known: It's not...

GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right
 GOP: Closing 
 Was Right 


GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right

Threat level was specific, serious

(Newser) - The State Department's move to close all embassies today in light of an al-Qaeda threat reverberated through the Sunday shows, with the decision garnering near-universal applause from both sides of the aisle. "We’ve learned from Benghazi, thank God, and the administration’s doing this right," said...

Yes, NSA Spying Is a Big Deal

 Yes, NSA Spying Is a Big Deal 

Yes, NSA Spying Is a Big Deal

Your liberties are disappearing even if you haven't noticed, Elizabeth Goitein argues

(Newser) - Half of America seems outraged by the NSA's surveillance activities. But the other half seems to be heeding Harry Reid's advice to "just calm down." A court approved this stuff, and Congress knew about it, so what's the big deal? "The most obvious answer...

Blame Snowden Leaks on ... Sequester?

Father's interview with Washington Post raises the possibility

(Newser) - Edward Snowden might not be dropping any bombshells like this one had it not been for the sequester. That intriguing theory is bubbling up this afternoon thanks to an interview that Snowden's father, Lon, gave to the Washington Post . The key paragraph from interviewer Jerry Markon:
  • “Edward has

Snowden Reveals NSA's 'Widest Reaching System'

X-Keyscore allows analysts to search 'nearly everything a typical user does on the Internet' without warrant

(Newser) - Edward Snowden dropped maybe his biggest bombshell yet today, by pulling back the curtain on the NSA's XKeyscore system, which the agency's training documents boast can collect "nearly everything a typical user does on the Internet." That includes everything from the contents of emails and Facebook...

Court: Feds Can Track Your Location Without a Warrant

But in another case, government says it must admit NSA spying to defendants

(Newser) - The federal government can grab GPS data indicating where you've been directly from your phone carrier without a warrant, the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday, saying that the practice was "not per se unconstitutional." Technically, that data is a "business record," meaning...

'Shocking' NSA Vote Signals Change Is in the Air

Glenn Greenwald: Forget left vs. right, this is authoritarianism vs. liberty

(Newser) - Republicans won't support any of President Obama's policies no matter what, right? Wrong, writes Glenn Greenwald in the Guardian , and last night's "extraordinary" NSA vote in the House is the best evidence yet that it's time to dispel this partisan myth. The House defeated an...

NSA Can Keep Snooping After Close House Vote

Amendment would have stopped the collection of phone records

(Newser) - The NSA can keep collecting the phone records of Americans, but the surveillance program just barely survived a bipartisan effort to rein it in, reports the Hill . An amendment by Michigan Republican Justin Amash would have prevented the agency from gathering data under the program revealed by Edward Snowden, but...

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