Rick Perry

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Romney Running Away With NH
 Romney Running Away With NH 
new poll

Romney Running Away With NH

He leads with 39% support of likely GOP voters

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is currently running away with New Hampshire's GOP support, according to the latest polls. Romney has the backing of 39% of the state’s likely Republican voters. Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are tied with 17% each, just ahead of Jon Huntsman, who is backed by 11%...

Missing From Virginia Ballot: Perry, Gingrich

Both candidates fail to get 10K signatures needed

(Newser) - Virginia Republicans will see two fewer options on their March 6 primary ballot: Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich's names will be absent, because both men failed to get the 10,000 necessary signatures. The Republican Party of Virginia noted Perry's status yesterday, and made a second announcement early...

Oops: Perry Botches Kim Jong Il's Name

Candidate repeats Bush blunder on Kim Jong 'the Second'

(Newser) - It's an easy mistake to make, but looks like Rick Perry's campaign was the only one to make it. An email from the Perry campaign yesterday about the death of Kim Jong Il repeatedly referred to the late North Korean leader as Kim Jong the Second. The upper-case...

Quote of the Year Is Occupy Wall Street's 'We Are the 99%'
 And the Quote of the Year Is... 

And the Quote of the Year Is...

'We are the 99%' ... plus 9 more memorable utterances

(Newser) - It's been a good year for quotes inspiring, inept, and inscrutable. A Yale librarian has compiled his annual list of the year's 10 key quotations, and topping this year's selection is Occupy Wall Street's rallying cry: "We are the 99%." The runners-up:
  1. Lines from

Perry's 'Retirement' Boosts Pay $92K

Texas governor officially retires to collect extra state benefits

(Newser) - Rick Perry may hate entitlement programs and government largess, but that didn't stop him from taking advantage of Texas' state law to "retire" last January—and thereby boost his salary by more than $92,400 to $240,000 annually, reports the Texas Tribune . Texas' "rule of 80"...

Last Showdown in Iowa
 Donnybrook in Iowa 


Donnybrook in Iowa

Candidates mix it up in last debate before caucuses

(Newser) - A mostly pit-bull line-up of GOP candidates mixed it up tonight in the final debate before the Iowa caucuses. Their performance could well decide their success or failure in the key state. Rivals and moderators put barely-front-runner Newt Gingrich in the hot seat, and his response was to be more...

What Needs to Happen in Tonight's Debate

A candidate-by-candidate breakdown

(Newser) - Republicans will face off in yet another debate tonight, one that a GOP strategist dubs "the most important two hours of the campaign for Iowa," so the Des Moines Register asked political operatives, strategists, and scientists to weigh in on what each candidate needs to do. Here's...

Rick Perry Ad Inspires Wave of Parodies

Atheists, rabbis, National Lampoon ridicule 'Strong' spot

(Newser) - If all press is good press, then Rick Perry's in luck. His "Strong" campaign ad — now the most-"disliked" campaign video on YouTube—certainly has people talking. Its message about gays in the military, prayer in schools, and the "War on Christmas" has inspired a wealth...

Perry Gaffes Again, About the 'Country Solynda'

We're sure he meant the energy company, Solyndra

(Newser) - Rick Perry managed to avoid making any major gaffes at Saturday night's debate, only to follow it up the next day with … this. During an appearance in Iowa, he was slamming President Obama's administration for the spending choices it has made. "No greater example of it...

Perry: I Was &#39;Taken Aback&#39; by $10K Bet
 Perry: I Was 
 'Taken Aback' 
 by $10K Bet 
talk show roundup

Perry: I Was 'Taken Aback' by $10K Bet

And more from the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - Rick Perry today weighed in on last night's big debate moment— the $10,000 bet . "I was taken a little aback" by Mitt Romney's wager, Perry said on Fox News Sunday, Politico reports. "Driving out to the station this morning I'm pretty sure I didn’...

Rick Perry Blanks on Sotomayor's Name

He also refers to the 'eight' Supreme Court justices

(Newser) - Ouch. Rick Perry gave an interview to the Des Moines Register today in which he criticized "activist judges" on the Supreme Court, but he suffered an awkward silence as he struggled to come up with the name of Sonia Sotomayor. In fact, the best he could do was "...

Perry Ad Is YouTube's No. 3 Most-Disliked Video

'Strong' ad behind only Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black videos

(Newser) - Rick Perry's controversial new campaign ad is closing in on the YouTube record for most disliked video ever. The ad—which currently has close to 400,000 "dislikes"—is now behind only Justin Bieber's video for "Baby," and Rebecca Black's "Friday" video....

Rick Perry Says He Will Skip Donald Trump Debate
 Rick Perry Skips Trump Debate 

Rick Perry Skips Trump Debate

Says his No. 1 priority is basic campaigning

(Newser) - Donald Trump's debate is shaping up to be an awfully lonely affair. Rick Perry became the latest candidate to bow out today, joining Mitt Romney , Ron Paul , and Jon Huntsman in skipping the Dec. 27 event. Perry's campaign was polite to Trump in its refusal, saying that the...

VIDEO: Rick Perry's New Campaign Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed,' Mitt Romney's New Ad Takes Swing at Newt Gingrich

 Perry's New Ad 
 'Must Be Seen 
 to Be Believed' 

Perry's New Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed'

Plus: Mitt finally takes a swing at Newt

(Newser) - To say that Rick Perry's new campaign ad is eliciting some strong reactions may be a bit of an understatement. In the Washington Post , Alexandra Petri writes that the ad—which "must be seen to be believed"—fills her "with despair" and "scrapes the bottom...

Perry Smacks Obama's Push for Gay Rights Abroad

It's not in US interests, or worth the money

(Newser) - Rick Perry was quick to jump on President Obama's decision yesterday to use foreign aid to fight for gay rights , calling it "not in America's interests," ABC News reports. "Just when you thought Barack Obama couldn’t get any more out of touch with America’...

US Will Use Foreign Aid to Push Gay Rights

Marks government's first push for LGBT rights abroad: White House

(Newser) - President Obama has ordered US agencies abroad to use foreign aid to fight for gay rights. "I am deeply concerned by the violence and discrimination targeting LGBT persons around the world," Obama wrote in a memorandum, calling the effort "central to the United States' commitment to promoting...

Newt Gingrich Surges to No. 1 in Iowa Poll

Ron Paul in second, also gaining support

(Newser) - With less than a month to go until Iowa caucuses, the GOP nomination there is looking like a three-candidate race—and leading the way is Newt Gingrich, reports the Des Moines Register . Gingrich was the top choice of 25% of likely caucus voters in the latest Selzer & Co. poll,...

Rick Perry Explains Campaign Gaffes to Jay Leno on 'Tonight Show'
 Perry Explains Gaffes to Leno 

Perry Explains Gaffes to Leno

Says he calls his dogs by the wrong name

(Newser) - Rick Perry dropped by the Tonight Show last night to chat about the campaign, and faced quite a few questions about his various gaffes. After noting that Perry had provided him with "a lot of material," Leno asked about that elusive third agency , as well as why Perry...

One Theory on Why Rick Perry Is Flailing

Some back in Texas blame his recent back surgery

(Newser) - Vanity Fair is out with a lengthy profile of Rick Perry and his sputtering campaign, complete with one Austin Democrat warning not to count him out just yet. It also floats what it says is a theory quietly circulating in Texas about why Perry has flopped on the national...

Perry: I'll Send Bureaucrats to a 'God-Awful Place'

He says it would be his way or the highway

(Newser) - Watch out federal workers: If you don’t agree with his small-government views, President Rick Perry would send you to someplace like Siberia. At a campaign event in New Hampshire today, Perry vowed to fill the government with “individuals that understand my core philosophy that government should do a...

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