Department of Homeland Security

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Feds Freed 2K Immigrants, More Than Acknowledged

Associated Press says more were planned before controversy stopped releases

(Newser) - The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March, the Associated Press has learned. The newly disclosed figures, cited in internal budget documents, are significantly higher...

Feds Free Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Sequester Cuts

GOP calls move by customs agency a political stunt

(Newser) - As the clock ticks toward Friday's sequester deadline, we get what the AP calls the first tangible sign of those automatic budget cuts: The feds have released hundreds of illegal immigrants awaiting deportation hearings at detention centers around the country, reports the New York Times . A spokeswoman for the...

Seattle Mayor: Fine, We Won't Use Drones

Outcry ends program before it begins

(Newser) - Bowing to a fierce public outcry, Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn has decided to ground the city's plan for an unmanned drone program, reports Reuters . Seattle bought two Draganflyer X6 drones in 2010 using an $80,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security, and planned to use the miniature,...

Homeland Security Tip: Fend Off Shooter With Scissors

Video provides advice on protection in a mass shooting

(Newser) - The Department of Homeland Security has released a video advising Americans on how to deal with a mass shooting—and some of its tips have the New York Post scratching its head. For instance, the video suggests that "if you are caught out in the open and cannot conceal...

Napolitano Will Stay On
 Napolitano Will Stay On 

Napolitano Will Stay On

She'll remain Homeland Security secretary, official says

(Newser) - It may not be a "binder full," but President Obama's second-term Cabinet will include at least one woman: Janet Napolitano will remain Secretary of Homeland Security, a White House official confirms to the Washington Post . She had been widely expected to stay in her post. The Post...

Banks Helped FBI to Crush Occupy: New Doc Trove

Naomi Wolf: Cops, banks merged into a 'monstrous whole'

(Newser) - Those violent clampdowns on Occupy protesters weren't just planned by US authorities—they were carefully coordinated with the big banks themselves, writes Naomi Wolf at the Guardian . At times the FBI, police, and the Department of Homeland Security even merged with banks into a "monstrous whole" called The...

Homeland Security Spends $430M on Radios...
Homeland Security Spends
$430M on

Homeland Security Spends $430M on Radios...

...but nobody knows how to use them

(Newser) - The good news is that the Department of Homeland Security has invested $430 million into making sure federal agencies can communicate with each other in emergencies by using special radios tuned to a secure common channel. The bad news, according to a report by the department's inspector general picked...

Report: Secret Service Chief Faces Perjury Charge

Office of Inspector General may be eying charges

(Newser) - Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan may soon be hit with perjury charges over his agency's prostitution scandal . Sources tell Fox News that an investigation from the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general indicates that Sullivan may have lied to Congress, and that the inspector general has been talking...

Inquiry Slams 'Useless' Homeland Security Centers

Counterterror 'fusion centers' inept, wasteful, report finds

(Newser) - The Department of Homeland Security has blown $1.4 billion on a network of intelligence-sharing centers that have failed to produce any useful intelligence, according to a scathing report from Senate investigators. The subcommittee found that the 77 "fusion centers" created to help state, local, and federal authorities share...

Border Patrol Agent Killed in Shooting

Another wounded in Arizona clash

(Newser) - A Border Patrol agent was killed and another wounded in a shooting near the US-Mexico border in Arizona, the Department of Homeland Security said today. The agents were shot while patrolling in Naco, Arizona, shortly after midnight today, according to the Border Patrol. The wounded agent was airlifted to a...

Napolitano: Gay Couples to Get Relief From Deportation

ICE agents will consider same-sex couples 'family'

(Newser) - Janet Napolitano put it in writing yesterday: Same-sex couples in "long-term" relationships will be less likely to get deported from the United States, the Huffington Post reports. The Obama administration had already said as much, but Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, solidified it in messages to...

FBI: Violence Over Video Could Spread to US

It warns religious groups to be on guard

(Newser) - The FBI warned today that anger over the anti-Islamic video setting off protests overseas could spread to the US, reports ABC News . The bulletin, issued with Homeland Security, says extremist groups in the US may use the opportunity to "exploit anger over the film to advance their recruitment efforts....

Guy Sues Napolitano for Gender Discrimination

Also says another female official created 'frat house' atmosphere hostile to men

(Newser) - A federal worker who says he lost out on a plum job because he is a man has filed a discrimination lawsuit naming Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano as the sole defendant. What's more, James T. Hayes also alleges that a high-ranking official in Homeland Security's Immigration and...

ACLU's New Target: License Plate Trackers

Widespread use is threat to liberty, group says

(Newser) - ACLU affiliates in 38 states are filing requests with police agencies today to gather more info about Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPRs), which the group says are "fundamentally threatening our freedom on the open road." Police at the state and local level use the devices to snap photos—...

US Drones' New Mission: Caribbean Drug Traffic

Homeland Security will increase surveillance flights

(Newser) - No wonder the US has so many drone bases scattered about the country: The drones keep getting extra duties. In the latest development, the US plans to ramp up flights over the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to catch drug smugglers, reports the Los Angeles Times . The move will "...

Feds Rescue 18 Kids in Child Porn Investigation

Nearly 200 people arrested in US, abroad

(Newser) - Federal officials say they identified and rescued 18 minors who were the victims of child pornography, reports CNN . The month-long investigation resulted in nearly 200 arrests, mostly in the US but also in the UK, Argentina, the Philippines, and Spain. Many of the victims were apparently duped into striking up...

Al-Qaeda Calls for 'Electronic Jihad'

Terror group compares US cybersecurity to pre-9/11 aviation

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda compares flaws in America's cybersecurity to gaps in aviation security before the 9/11 attacks in a chilling video released by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security. In the video, which was obtained by the FBI last year, an al-Qaeda operative calls for "electronic jihad" against the US...

Brit Tourists Refused US Entry Over Twitter Jokes

Pair did not really want to 'destroy America'

(Newser) - Note to would-be US tourists: Be careful with your Twitter jokes before setting foot on our soil. Two Brits were detained and then sent back home after landing in Los Angeles last Monday, all because the Department of Homeland Security was unhappy with two tweets one of them had posted...

Sheriff Joe Fires Back at Feds' Allegations

Discrimination case a 'witch hunt': lawyer

(Newser) - Arizona's embattled Sheriff Joe Arpaio is hitting back at Justice Department allegations that his office shows "a pervasive culture of discriminatory bias" against Hispanics. "Don't come to use me as a whipping boy for a national, international problem," he told reporters, saying he has "...

Homeland Security's New Spies: Hotel Guests

TV spot asks travelers to be on the alert for terrorists

(Newser) - It may not be the first thing you want to hear upon checking into a hotel on vacation, but Homeland Security would like you to keep an eye out for terrorists, please. The agency has begun running 15-second spots on hotel TVs across the US asking guests to report any...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>