
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin Accused of Conflict of Interest
Palin Accused
of Conflict of Interest

Palin Accused of Conflict of Interest

Alaska resident says governor's PAC leads to neglect of duties

(Newser) - Yet another ethics complaint was filed against Sarah Palin yesterday, alleging that the governor’s extracurricular excursions on behalf of SarahPAC pose a conflict of interest. The complaint, filed by an Anchorage mother and advocate for children with disabilities, says Palin left the state at a crucial time—the end...

Animal Rights No Longer for Vegetarians Only

(Newser) - Electing a black man president wasn’t the only historic thing voters did last November, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times. California voted, by nearly a 2-1 margin, for an animal-rights initiative that bars farms from keeping calves, pregnant hogs, or hens in cages too small for them....

Holder Changes Ethics Boss at Justice Dept.

Move comes one day after judge's criticism over Stevens case

(Newser) - Attorney General Eric Holder says he's shifting some office heads at the Justice Department and putting a career Washington prosecutor in charge of the internal ethics unit. Mary Patrice Brown will lead the Office of Professional Responsibility, which drew criticism from a federal judge this week for the handling of...

House Ethics Watchdog Investigating Jackson Jr.

(Newser) - A House ethics panel has launched a “preliminary review” of Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr's bid for President Obama’s vacant Senate seat, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The Office of Congressional Ethics, formed last year as an “investigative entity” of private citizens, will look at communications between Jackson’...

Palin Gets Ethics Complaint for Wearing Sponsor's Gear

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has been accused of another ethics violation, this time for wearing gear made by the company that sponsors her husband’s snow-machine adventure, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The governor supported Todd at the annual Iron Dog race in an outfit from Arctic Cat, which gave the snowmobiler...

Palin May Create Fund to Pay $500K in Legal Bills

Guv may start a legal fund to handle costs

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has racked up more than $500,000 in lawyers' bills defending herself against ethics complaints and may create a legal fund to help pay them off, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The Alaska governor calls the complaints “baseless” and chalks them up to "political blood sport....

Americans See a Lot of Bull on Wall Street

Most in poll give execs low grades for ethics, honesty

(Newser) - The executives who run Wall Street are bankrupt—at least, morally, say Americans in a new poll. Nearly 60% gave them poor grades for dishonesty and unethical behavior, Reuters reports. Most also blame the executives for Wall Street's mess. “We can’t act like it’s the fault of...

Palin Paying Back State for Family Travel

Guv agrees to $7,000 settlement in ethics probe over kids' trips

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has agreed to reimburse Alaska for family travel she billed to the state, reports the Anchorage Daily News. An investigator probing an ethics complaint filed against the governor found nine trips involving Palin's children in which the personal benefit clearly outweighed any benefit to the state. Palin will...

In Daschle's DC, Money Doesn't Talk, It Swears
In Daschle's DC, Money Doesn't Talk, It Swears

In Daschle's DC, Money Doesn't Talk, It Swears

Under Obama, influence peddling may be on the way out

(Newser) - It’s not your parents’ Washington anymore. DC used to be a cultural and social backwater, but no longer, writes Norman Ornstein for the New Republic. The “sheer amount of money sloshing around” the capital destroyed Tom Daschle's bid to head HHS nominee; he got "caught up in...

Who's Your Daddy? DNA Tests May Shock You

DNA tests can lead to unpleasant discoveries

(Newser) - A simple DNA test is enough to rend a family apart, the Los Angeles Times reports. As more people take genetic tests to uncover medical data or trace family roots, more are discovering that their biological father is someone else. It's an old issue in medicine—blood types, after all,...

Ethical Gifts Ease Western Guilt, Not Third World Poverty

Condescending gifts will not eradicate poverty

(Newser) - The trend of giving ethical holiday gifts couldn't be more pompous, writes Nathalie Rothschild for Spiked. "Rather than lifting people out of poverty, Oxfam and the rest are helping to sustain underdevelopment," she argues. And occupying a higher level of condescension is the organization Animal Aid, which opposes...

Madoff Scheme Not Much Worse Than Legal Ones
Madoff Scheme Not Much Worse Than Legal Ones

Madoff Scheme Not Much Worse Than Legal Ones

End of communism let Wall Street become unhinged: Friedman

(Newser) - Wall Street used to be the epicenter of capitalism that the whole world wanted to emulate, but, on a trip to Hong Kong, Thomas Friedman discovers that the American financial establishment has lost its credibility. "We don’t just need a financial bailout," he writes in the New ...

Spouses Put Obama's Lobbying Rules to Test

President-elect struggles with ethical promises

(Newser) - The spouses of some of Barack Obama’s top appointees are lobbyists, the New York Times reports, presenting a test to strict ethics policies the Democrat pushed on the campaign trail. Health Secretary-designate Tom Daschle’s wife, Linda, is one of Washington’s top aviation lobbyists, and reported energy-czar pick...

Legalize Ritalin-Like Drugs as Brain Boosters: Experts

But Will Employers Turn into Pushers?

(Newser) - Attention-disorder drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall are becoming so commonly used for the off-label purpose of gaining a mental edge that they should be legalized for such use, says a team of neuroscientists and ethicists. They make their case in Nature, arguing that laws "should be adjusted to...

Pols Flout Ethics Law on Trip to Carib Isle

Opulent weekend was funded by top corporations

(Newser) - Six US lawmakers, all members of the Congressional Black Caucus, have been caught rubbing shoulders with lobbyists on a trip that violates federal ethics laws, the New York Post reports. Joining them were three New York officials, including the state's governor—who avoided breaking the law by paying his own...

Obama Team Lays Out 'Strictest' Ethics Rules

Lobbyists, corporations banned from contributing to transition

(Newser) - Barack Obama's transition team has set out what one official called "the strictest, most far-reaching ethics rules of any transition in history,” the Hill reports. Lobbyists, corporations and PACs will be barred from donating funds to the transition operation, and lobbyists on the team won’t be allowed...

Lobbyists Lavish Gifts on Lawmakers' Fave Charities

More than $13M donated to charities and nonprofits in name of House, Senate members

(Newser) - New congressional ethics rules are showing the public for the first time how much money lobbyists and companies are donating to charities and nonprofits to woo lawmakers, the New York Times reports. Companies and interest groups donated more than $13 million to such groups associated with more than 200 House...

McCains Get Free Cell Towers at Ranch
McCains Get Free Cell Towers at Ranch

McCains Get Free Cell Towers at Ranch

Ethics lawyers cite his Senate post overseeing telecom industry

(Newser) - Verizon and AT&T provided portable cell phone towers to John McCain's Arizona ranch free of charge soon after he launched his presidential bid, the Washington Post reports. The companies say it's a unique situation—a modern candidate has to be plugged in, after all—but ethics lawyers say it's...

Ethics Report Zeroes in on Todd Palin

First Dude had 'significant influence' over state politics

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is back in the headlines with official findings that she abused her power as governor of Alaska—but her husband is the main character in the 300-page tome issued by the state legislature last week, reports AP. Alaska's “First Dude” spent half his time in Palin’s...

Confident Palin: 'You Got to Read the Report'

She says she didn't abuse her power as Alaska governor

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says she did not abuse her power as governor, despite the findings of an ethics investigation, CNN reports. “If you read the report, you will see that there was nothing unlawful or unethical about replacing a cabinet member,” she said. The report, however, did not fault...

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