
Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>

Va. Standoff Suspect Angry at Gov't

Warren Taylor sorry about causing holiday trouble

(Newser) - Though the man accused of taking three hostages at a Virginia post office yesterday has no ill will toward the USPS specifically, an official says he is quite angry with the federal government in general. Warren Taylor, 53, of Sullivan County, Tenn., told authorities he had planned the event for...

3 Dead, Hundreds Stuck in Monster Storm

National Guard helping drivers in Virginia

(Newser) - The massive storm pounding the East Coast has left three people dead, hundreds of motorists stranded, and airport schedules in chaos. The fatalities occurred in hard-hit Virginia, where major interstates have been shut down, and the National Guard is helping rescue drivers, reports CNN . Nearly 2 feet has fallen in...

Storm Slams East Coast, Strands Motorists

Hundreds of drivers are stranded in Virginia

(Newser) - A treacherous, frightful wintry storm slammed the East Coast today and dumped more than a foot of snow in some areas, hampering travelers and shoppers on the weekend before Christmas. Officials in Virginia say hundreds of motorists are stranded. Forecasts called for up to 20 inches of snow in some...

Senate Bickers as Storm Bears Down on DC
 Senate Bickers as Storm 
 Bears Down on DC 
Tick ... tICK ... tICK ...

Senate Bickers as Storm Bears Down on DC

Republicans vow to stall; Reid targets Christmas Eve health care vote

(Newser) - Even as Harry Reid plans for a Christmas Eve vote on the Senate health care bill, Republicans are vowing to stall, and a massive winter storm is roaring northeast from the Gulf of Mexico with Washington directly in its path. " It is our intention not to pass this bill...

Va. Gov Denies Clemency to DC Sniper

Muhammad will be executed tonight in Virginia

(Newser) - Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine has denied clemency for Beltway sniper John Allen Muhammad, clearing the way for Muhammad's execution at 9pm tonight. Muhammad, whose appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court yesterday, will die by lethal injection, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . His 2002 shooting spree with younger accomplice Lee Boyd...

Tuesday Proves Obama Victory Was a Fluke
Tuesday Proves Obama Victory Was a Fluke

Tuesday Proves Obama Victory Was a Fluke

Reports of a great liberal realignment are greatly exaggerated

(Newser) - The outcome of Tuesday's elections dispel the myth of a great political re-alignment supposedly heralded by the election of Barack Obama last year, writes Charles Krauthammer . Believers swore young and minority voters would establish a new liberal majority and bury the GOP. But Republican victories in Virginia and New Jersey...

Voters Now a Rampaging Herd

 Voters Now a Rampaging Herd  
Daniel Henninger

Voters Now a Rampaging Herd

Get ready for a permanent tea party as voters seek leaders

(Newser) - In the GOP upsets in Virginia and New Jersey, Daniel Henninger doesn't just see Obama backlash, he sees a voter rebellion from both parties, with independent Americans behaving like stampeding cattle. That independents would within one year swing from Obama enthusiasts to backing decent-to-weak Republicans in Virginia and New Jersey...

Blame Weak Candidates, Not Obama
 Blame Weak 
 Not Obama 
Nate Silver

Blame Weak Candidates, Not Obama

Polling guru gives a post-mortem on last night's elections

(Newser) - The numbers are in, now it's time to make sense of them. Nate Silver breaks down last night's election results:
  • Don’t blame Obama; Creigh Deeds and Jon Corzine were probably just weak candidates. In New Jersey, 57% of voters approved of Obama, but 27% of those supporters voted Republican

Obama Is Minimal Factor in NJ, Va., Exit Polls Show
Obama Is Minimal Factor in NJ, Va., Exit Polls Show

Obama Is Minimal Factor in NJ, Va., Exit Polls Show

Majorities say president has no influence on vote

(Newser) - President Obama seems to have been a minimal factor in gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, at least according to early exit polls. In Virginia, where Republican Bob McDonnell won, 55% said Obama wasn’t behind their vote; that figure was 60% in New Jersey, where the race was...

GOP's McDonnell Elected Va. Governor
 GOP's McDonnell 
 Elected Va. Governor 

GOP's McDonnell Elected Va. Governor

Democrat Deeds loses in landslide as GOP takes top jobs

(Newser) - Republicans wrested political control of Virginia from the Democrats today, with Bob McDonnell scoring a landslide victory over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds. Independent voters swung behind the GOP, a troubling sign for President Obama, who had personally campaigned for Deeds.

State Races Seen as Obama Referendum
State Races Seen as Obama Referendum
Dana Milbank

State Races Seen as Obama Referendum

By GOP, that is. If they win. White House, not so much

(Newser) - Are today’s elections in New Jersey, Virginia, and New York referendums on President Obama? Let’s ask the experts. Michael Steele says they are. David Axelrod says they're not. Karl Rove says they are. Robert Gibbs says they're not. See a pattern? “Democrats are determined to assert that...

Robo-Palin Gets Into Va. Gov's Race
 Robo-Palin Gets Into 
 Va. Gov's Race 
election 2009

Robo-Palin Gets Into Va. Gov's Race

We didn't know about robocalls: McDonnell campaign

(Newser) - Virginia voters are getting recorded advice from Sarah Palin on how to vote in tomorrow’s gubernatorial election. The former Alaska governor’s robocall doesn’t mention GOP candidate Bob McDonnell by name—he’s been loath to accept support from the polarizing figure—but the message appears clear, CNN...

Obama Backlash Will Wallop Dem Candidates Next Week

GOP's chances looking good in Gov races as fallout builds

(Newser) - America's dissatisfaction with Democratic rule just 9 months into the Obama presidency will be crystal clear after next week's elections, writes Karl Rove . Republican Attorney General Bob McDonnell looks set to defeat Democrat Creigh Deeds in Virginia's gubernatorial race on the back of anti-Washington, anti-Obama sentiment, Rove notes in the...

Deeds Has No Shot in Virginia Governor's Race
Deeds Has No Shot in
Virginia Governor's Race
Nate Silver

Deeds Has No Shot in Virginia Governor's Race

GOP turnout likely to steamroll Democratic candidate

(Newser) - Democrat Creigh Deeds has “virtually no chance” in the Virginia governor's race next week against Republican Bob McDonnell, writes Nate Silver. Polls not only have McDonnell up 11 points or so, they show that Republicans are more likely to turn out despite being outnumbered among registered voters. In other...

GOP Gov Candidates Shun Palin as Polarizing

She's too much herself to do anything but harm in NJ, Virginia

(Newser) - Tough-fought GOP gubernatorial campaigns in New Jersey and Virginia have politely declined Sarah Palin’s offer of help. The political calculus is simple in New Jersey, where President Obama won by 15 points last November. The campaign is “not about the 2012 presidential race,” a Chris Christie adviser...

Horrorcore Rap Killings Shock Sleepy Va. Town

Questions abound about music's role in family's slaughter

(Newser) - Farmville is a sleepy Virginia town of 7,000, hardly the kind of place you’d expect a Californian “horrorcore” rapper to brutally bludgeon four people to death, Yet that's exactly what 20-year-old Richard Alden Samuel McCroskey III, aka “Syko Sam,” is suspected of doing. “I...

Rapper Who Posted Murder Lyrics Busted in 4 Killings

'I hate everybody,' says aspiring horrorcore singer 'Syko Sam'

(Newser) - An aspiring California "horrorcore" rapper who posted songs about killing on his MySpace page is being held as a suspect in the murder of four people, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Richard Samuel Alden McCroskey III, 20, was arrested as he awaited a flight back home from Virginia, where the...

Brown Begins Community Service

Singer cleans up in Va. as punishment for Rihanna beating

(Newser) - Singer Chris Brown today began the community labor that’s part of his sentence for beating girlfriend Rihanna, MTV reports, with the singer posting a photo from the work to his Twitter feed. His 6 months of labor will include picking up trash in his native Virginia; Brown, 20, also...

Execution Set for DC Sniper
 Execution Set for DC Sniper 

Execution Set for DC Sniper

(Newser) - John Allen Muhammad, the mastermind behind the sniper attacks that rocked the Southeast in 2002, will be executed on Nov. 10, the AP reports. The attorney general’s office had requested a Nov. 9 execution, but a Virginia judge chose to set it a day later so that it would...

Obama Speech: Handwashing, Not Brainwashing

(Newser) - The eagerly anticipated speech President Obama will deliver to the nation's schoolchildren tomorrow contains none of the socialist indoctrination conservatives had apparently feared, Politico reports. Rather, an advance text indicates, he urges kids to work hard, not expect to get something for nothing, and "wash your hands a lot,...

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>